
Stay With Me (Our Story)

Amaya Jones is 23 years old and a single mother to Bailey King. She used to live with her family until she became pregnant with Bailey. Her father was furious so he cut her out of their life. Aiden Carter a 28 year old billionaire playboy and heir to his fathers company is surprised when his father contacts him and says he has a benefiting deal for the company. He wants Aiden to help an old friend of his whom was on the verge of bankruptcy. Aiden has no interest in helping the Jones's, but his father insists so he gives in. When his father tells him what the contract entails, he's against it at first but agrees later on. After all, a joint company means more money, which Aiden doesn't mind. Amaya's parents sign the contract without her knowledge. They didn't care about what she wanted they just hoped that when they inform her about the arranged marriage, she would accept without any fuss. Amaya declines the offer. She doesn't care if her family was on the verge of bankruptcy, they cut her off long ago. After getting bad news from her mother Amaya chnages her mind and agrees to help them. All she ever wanted was to focus on her daughter but now she's stuck in an arranged marriage with a man she that she detests.

Intoxicating69 · 都市
11 Chs

6. Unnecessary Pride

"I knew you'd make the right decision Amaya" Dad says before producing a file.

"This isn't for you just so you know. I don't care what you want, I'm doing this so mum can afford the hospital bills"

He turns to look at mum and smiles before turning back to me "And i appreciate that. Our family company will continue to be in our name as it should." Dad says with a proud smile as he takes my mothers hand in his

"There's only one condition before I agree to everything" I open my desk drawers searching for something

"Sure, anything." My mum says this time

I turn to my father but he's quiet and his face gives off no expression.

I place a file on the table in front of both of them before opening it to reveal the contract I had my lawyer draw up. "What's this?" Dad asks. His tone harbouring a hint of annoyance... I think.

"A contract" I tell them, but his face is expression still reads confused "An agreement between two people that is fi-"

He cuts me off "I know what a contract is! I mean what does it contain?"

"It states that the only way I'll be signing or agreeing to whatever you have with the Carters, that also involved me, without my consent. Is if I am made the majority shareholder of the company" I tap on the particular clause I just summarized.

"You mean J&E Corp?" Dad asks with obvious disbelief

I chuckle and look at mum before looking back at him "Unless you have another company, then yes J&E"

He scoffs "But majority shareholder, thats like everything"

I chuckle shortly "Might as well make me CEO then"

"No" He says immediately

I smile before turning to my mum who's eyes are widened "That's what I thought." I don't bother to argue because i know that this time, they need me more than i need them. "Looks like this meeting is over. i hope both of you figure out how to get the help you need, especially you mum. Because it ain't coming from me" I pick up the files to place them back in the desk drawer.

"We'll sign it" my mum speaks up

"No we'll not!" Dad counters and gets up "We're done here, let's leave Tiffany"

"No!" Mum disagrees

"What do you mean no? Do you want her to humiliate us more! Hasn't she done enough?

"You humiliate yourself enough with that stupid pride of yours. What is wrong with you for heavens sake? She's your daughter, you did something wrong! And even after all that she's willing to put it aside to help us! But you and your stupid pride just have to step in the way." Mum's eyes tear up and she sniffs still trying to keep composure "I'm sick Kevin! And we're broke, completely and utterly BROKE! don't you get it?" Ever since I've known my parents, this is the first time my mother has ever yelled or even raised her voice at him. I turn to look at him, he's just as shocked as i am. "If you won't fix your mess, I will, like always!" Whats that supposed to mean? My eyes meets my father's but he avoids it and looks away remaining speechless "Pass me the contract Amaya, I'll sign it" Mum says as she rummages her bag for a pen

"Mum, I appreciate all help and I understand why you're doing this, but this contract has to be signed by the present CEO of J&E" I tell her gently

She nods "I know that. Pass it to me please" I'm quiet for a minute till it finally dawns on me and I gasp

"But all these while he... I thou- I mean I'm sure we all thou-" I stutter, unable to find the right words

"It's okay,Amaya. The contract please?"

"Oh...yeah, sorry." I open the desk drawer and pull it out before placing it in front of her.

My eyes are on my dad as she signs every page that needs her signature. All I can feel towards him now is disgust at his stupidity and pride that is absolutely unnecessary and uncalled for. "Don't you dare sign that contract, Tiffany!"

"You're really stupid, you know that right? You're not even the CEO and you sat here denying the right to something that you have absolutely no say in. You're a shitty father but a much more shitty husband"

"Don't sit there and lecture me on things you don't understand! You're-

"Kevin thats enough! Here you go. I'm hoping when you're settled in properly at J&E maybe you and I could have dinner together and i could tell you about all the board members that aren't really needed" She smiles and i return

"I'm just a majority shareholder, I doubt I'll be needed in any of those meetings"

She smiles at me. i turn to look at dad who is still awkwardly standing by the door "Turn the page and read the last part"

My eyes widen when I see the clause she's talking about. I didn't even know it was added! "You made me the CEO?" I see dad's posture straighten and the anger written all over his face "Why?" I ask again

"Why Not? I see what you did here." she looks all around the office "And all on your own for that matter. Thats something I always wish would have happened at J&E. You deserve that role more than anyone Maya"

"You can't just do this Tiffany!" Dad yells

"Yes i can and i just did it." Mum tells him "Tell your lawyer to contact me personally, if there's anything else he may need me for"

"Mum are you sure you want this?" As much as the offer flatters me I really need her to know what this attains.

As much as people like to compliment me for starting this company from scratch and on my own, it's not as easy as they think it was. I mean i was only a young girl with one goal in mind that i kept repeating to myself. I wanted a company that was fully mine, without rich, snobby people thinking they can tell me what time to check into work or whatever is good for my company just because they own shares. And i did it.

Dad hisses and walks out of the office. The annoyance on his face evident before he left.

I turn to look at mum, thinking she'd say anything but she looks absolutely unmoved by his action "Leave him. And yes, I've thought about it, I'm also absoutely sure this is what is good for the company. I'd love it if you say yes to this and to the dinner too. I'd really like to spend time with you and Bailey, if you don't mind."

"That sounds nice. But it's also a gradual process. Dinner is fine but you know Bailey just met you and I don't want to just spring th-" She places her hand on mine.

It feels strange.

"It's okay, I'll wait. Thank you so much Maya, not just this but for everything" She picks up her purse from the table, preparing to leave.

I nod "Have a nice day Mum. Take care"