
Twenty-four Old Tang's Reminder_1

Old Tang had been selling dry goods for seven or eight years already.

Which market was busier in the morning, which was busier in the afternoon.

Which market had expensive vegetables, which had cheaper ones.

He knew it all clearly.

Gu Chen couldn't help but silently admire.

It really was good to have an acquaintance, it could save oneself a lot of trouble.

He handed the greens in his hand to Old Tang once again.

"Tang brother, take this, don't disdain it."

After all, if the remaining Huacai could all be sold today, he could earn at least six or seven hundred yuan more.

In this world, as long as you're not sick, you can't afford to be at odds with money.

Old Tang wasn't someone who liked to take small advantages. He made friends not based on age or wealth, but on one thing.

And that was sincerity.

Gu Chen was a good kid, who also truly saw him as a friend.

He naturally saw Gu Chen as a friend too.