
status: ERROR [Hiatus]

I do not own any of the books, anime, manga, or character written. I do not own any of the concepts or themes written either. side note: if my writing has an error, please let me know so I can fix it. This is a story of a girl who wished to understand emotions. She meets an unexpected person who allows her powers at a price. She tries to make a semi-easy going life while fulfilling her dreams. There is no system but there is a status plate. I may introduce or create my own characters as (plot armor). I'm bad at creating names at times so if you dislike them, tell me. Not everything can be rainbows, its got to rain first.

fujoshiXsilence · その他
15 Chs


"My baby, please be careful out there. I know you can handle things but I cant help but worry! You have everything packed? Want mom to come with you?" I asked my daughter sadly.

"Mom. I need to do this. I'll call every chance I can. You repacked my bag, and Charles made sure we had everything too." she said with a smile.

"Okay. I love you baby." I said as I hugged her. "And take care of her Charles. I'm counting on you."

"I love you too mom." Paisley responded.

"I'll do everything in my power to help her." Charles said very seriously.

"Alright you two. Be safe." I said as I hugged them both and sent them off.

"Sigh. My baby is gone. It's time to set up, Hey Oak, start the conference call please."

"Already on it. We are live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, live. Hello everyone, thank you for clearing time in your schedules to talk with us." Prof Oak said.

"Ah no problem. So what's up?" said one professor.

"Yeah, why the secrecy?" said another.

"First, let me introduce Ayzlee. She is a fellow professor and wants to speak to us all." Oak said.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ayzlee. I know my work isnt very famous in your areas, but I'll be changing that soon. I'd like to start off by explaining why I wanted to talk to you all. Firstly, I want to work with every professor to create an organization that is independent of the league for the impaired. Many impaired people want to live normal lives but cant, that's why we will train certain types of pokemon to be guides for them. These pokemon wont be able to do any official battles, they are 'working' pokemon. No matter where they go, they are given access because they take their jobs seriously. My own daughter started her journey today with Charles her working pokemon."

"That sounds great but what does your work coming here have to do with it? And why not start this on your own?" a professor said.

"Both good questions. I have already made a book for Kanto region pokemon language. Where I grew up we had pokemon from other regions all over so I know their language as well but chose to wait until I come to you to teach you their language while I set up the organisation. And if I start this on my own, people wont trust the league or most professors because I'm doing this for the people and nor for money. Sure we accept donations and theres a small fee for the training and to get the pokemon but we do the training, the catching, the league crap and everything. I cant run this operation myself and keeping it in only Kanto isnt very helpful to the people."

"Oh dear Arcius! When do you plan to come? I have a spare building in town, and a few retired trainers here need work!" said a professor.

"Hey! I'll find everything here and pay your travel expenses!" said another.

"I want to believe you but some of the pokemon here aren't seen anywhere else..." said another. the group went silent, they all have a rare pokemon that can only be seen in their regions so the concern is valid.

"Do you have one with you?" I asked.

The professor nodded and pulled up a Lycanroc. "Oh hello busty lady with a nice smile!"

"You little pervert. I'll take the compliment though. How are you today?" I asked it.

"Waa..You...I'm sorry! I just tried to be funny! I didnt believe you understood me! I disgraced myself! I disgraced you! I brought disgrace!"

"Its okay. No disgrace happened, just a bad joke. However I would like to ask, does your trainer do anything incoragable?"

"Yes! He never closes the door to pee, he throws dishes away instead of cleaning them and he even stares at me. like dude I know I'm handsome but stop staring, I'm a guy, seriously!"

"Pft. Sounds crazy. want me to tell him to stop?"

"Oh arcius please! and tell him I hate large meals, I prefer snacking periodically. It's like he doesnt get snacks... sigh and stop calling me Carlos my name is Carlo"

"Alright I'll let him know. So, firstly, his name isnt Carlos, its Carlo. He doesnt like large meals so please switch to periodic snacks, stop staring at him so much, and for the love of arcius, close the door to pee and do your dishes." I said with a smile as the lycanroc just nodded and made a 'putting the foot down' gesture.

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry Carlo." the professor said embarrassed.

"Continuing on, I'll finish setting up here. In the mean time, please decide civilly who I go to next. Ah, almost forgot. Please spread the word to the public that 6 months after my visit will the first set of pokemon be ready. If anyone has any questions about what the service pokemon will be able to do or help treat, I'll send a packet of information."

"Will you be staying with each of us for six months?"

"No. I'll stay for a month to get things rolling and visit when I can after I have visited everyone."

We all said our goodbyes and I bid temporary farewell to Oak. I went off to visit the police stations in every town, posting both a wanted ad and gave the station flyers to spread to the public. Thanks to Oak lending me his Charizard, it was only a day trip. On another note, Officer Jenny and her family decided to send the retired officers to help us as a non-profit organisation and the nurse joy family gave free treatment to all service pokemon.

With this set up, the two families spread word to the other region members who cooperated with the professors to get buildings set up, a training ground, and a garden for the employees.

I contacted the Stone Corporation and asked them to make special vests and harnesses. They agreed to 'donate' the equipment, in exchange they wanted to know if an emotional support pokemon was currently available. Apparently, someone with extream depression was starting to show signs of possible doing something bad, they didnt want to hover so they asked if I could help.

"Bring them to Oaks lab, I have a few that will be ready in a week. I cant send any one of them unless I know full well that they will be a good team." I told them. They said they would be there in a week, and they would spread the word to other families.

A week passed and a young, stick man with a giant bulky man showed up at Oaks.

"You must be Ayzlee. I am Silvester, this is my son Silvain. Mr. Stone said you could help Silvain with a service pokemon?"

"Hello, nice to meet you. Hey Silvain, do you like pokemon?" I said with a smile. The boy nods with some tears in his eyes.

"Alright. Mr. Silvester, Silvain and I will be out back. We have some food and drinks on the table for you. If you need anything, Call out and someone will come help you." I smiled and started to walk away.

"I cant come with you?" Silvester said.

"No I'm sorry. To prevent outside influence, he gets to do this himself. I'll be watching from the side to make sure nothing happens, dont worry."

The boy was nervous and so was his dad. I get it, I'm a stranger. "Oh by the way, today happens to be brushing day so if you want to you can Silvain."

The boy seemed to panic a bit more when I said that. "I dont know..."

"Its up to you. Now, when we get out there I'll call over one pokemon at a time. So just be yourself and have fun." I smiled as I lead Silvain outside. I whistled softly and a persian came out. It slowly approached and sat down.

"S-scary!" Silvain whispered.

"Alright, how about a smaller one? Thank you Natalie, can you call James over?" I said to the persian, Natalie, who nodded and walked off. Soon a Flareon came over and sat near us.

Silvains eyes sparkled for a second before he looked back at the door. Noticing this, James swiftly moved in front of the boys line of view.

"Silvain, no matter what you decide, nobody else can change it but me. If I think you belong together, nobody can say anything to change my mind. I dont care for the money or anything, I want you to have a good life. If James can give that to you, then let me know. But remember that he would be with you for life, so if you cant see youself growing old with him then also let me know."

"I do like him... but I cant see myself old with him.. I'm sorry James.." Silvain spoke with some tears. James licked his face and walked off. Not long after a vaporeon came and tried to play with Silvain.

Silvain didnt like him much because he was cold. We tried a few others but ultimately didnt find one.

"Alright, we have a special case who may seem scary at first but Shes a good girl. Do you want to meet her?" I asked him.

He nodded so I called out, "Hey babs, wanna come out?"

"He wont run away right...?" a little voice said from the bushes.

"No he wont run away. He is very mature for his age you know." I winked to Silvain and not long after an espeon came out.

"She is a scaredy cat. Because of her different color her kind took her tail from her. I found her almost dead that same day and brought her with me. She wants to help other people but is afraid when she meets them. Once she warms up to you, she will never leave your side." I said to Silvain.

He seemed dazed for a bit before slowly reaching his hand out to her. "H-hello... I-Im Silvain..."

Babs looked at him and moved forward slowly until his hand was on her head. They both froze and started crying.

"I like her. I can see it! She is perfect." Silvain said with a smile. Babs agreed with him.

"Alright, since you both agree. Let's start your training together. I mentioned an activity earlier, what I want you to do is get used to being together and find what works for you both." I brought them in and took them to have a snack before dinner.

"Mr. Silvester, you son found a good friend and helper today. Before you meet her, I'd like to tell you to keep in mind that she is for your son only. She is working so please dont try to play with her or take her focus off your son." I smiled with a knowing smile before I let the duo enter.

Silvester stood up, "Son.... I'm glad you found a friend today. As long as your happy, I am too."

"Good, now I want you to pretend your at home. Do what you normally do. I'm off to make dinner."

The week of training went quickly. The boy did have a depression fit one morning but babs was on top of it. They do work well with eachother, I must admit that. When they went home, I called Jenny family and had the trainers I worked with teach them what to do.

As things smoothened out, Oak told me that the next place was Johto. Professor Elm is excited and the town donated a building for me to use. I bid farewell to him and called my daughter.

"Hey baby, I'm going to Johto, hows your journey going?" I asked.

"Its a disaster. Wild pokemon wont battle with me but I did catch an abra. Charles is doing great too." Paisley said.

"Yes. I am doing good." Charles said next to her.

"Oh goodness. You know, you can ask the wild pokemon if they want to spar with yours. The winner gets a snack. It gives incentive and friendly sparring is always healthy. Just be sure to be safe..." I said.

"Dont worry mom, we are. Oh yeah! I got a gym badge! I met a guy named Brock and he offered to go with me. Then Ash and a girl named misty came along and said they wanted to go to cerulean city too. They are making camp right now, wanna say hi?" Paisley said.

"Of course! Gotta make sure they arent... they are good people." I smiled and squinted my eyes.

"Guys come say hi to my mom!" Paisley said.

"Hi Paisley's mom!" Brock and Misty said.

"Hey Mrs. Ayzlee! Hows it going?" Ash chimes in.

"Hello Ash, you must be Brock and Misty. Everything is going great, about to go to Johto." I said with a smile.

"Woah! You mean Professor Ayzlee?! That Ayzlee?! Its an honor ma'am!" Brock said quickly.

"Wow. My friends mom is a professor? That's so cool!"

" 'Plane to Johto leaving in 10 minutes.' Ah it seems I have to go. It was nice meeting you two. Good to see your doing good Ash. Paisley, do your best. If you need help training, ask your friends to spar with you. I love you, be safe. Thanks again Charles." I finished speaking and Paisley hung up. I sighed, this girl is as excited as ever.

I boarded my plane and left.

~~~~8 month time skip~~~~

I was watching the news on my way to Alola, when I heard a a conversation nearby.

"Jessie, are you sure?"

"Shut up, you know what to do. When she gets off the plane, do the routine."

"But... It wont work.."

"Why do you say that?"

"...Because I can hear you dear. What was your plan for exactly?" I said.

"Meowth get her!"

"If you do an attack on the plane, you kill yourselves and everyone on board. Is that your plan? Be suicidal? And here I thought you weren't stupid." I said as I looked back at my window.

".... Meowth sit down..." James said.

"Good. Now, go back to kanto and leave me be. Trying to steal from a woman who is trying to help those in need. Shame on you. Why cant the impaired have fulfilling lives like you do? Huh?" I said angrily.

"Sorry..." they said together.

We landed in Alola and I was met with a few reporters and the professors, along with the lycanroc I met. I answered a few questions then followed the Professors. Lycanroc was nervous and i couldnt help but laugh, "Do you still feel like a disgrace?"

The professor stopped and looked at me, "What?"

I pointed to the lycanroc, "When we first chatted he made a bad joke. When I called him a pervert, he realised I could understand him and called himself a disgrace. Though he shouldn't. It may not have been a good joke but I still got a laugh and a compliment out of it."

"Ah. I see. Right I'm professor Kukui. This is Professor Burnet and Professor Oak. We set up a building next to the school for you to use. Some families have donated food and other daily necessities." A shirtless guy said.

"Its nice to meet you Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, and Professor Oak. Itll take about a week for me to get set up and then we can start." I said with a smile.

The building I was set up with was a good size. I met a lot of new pokemon. After spending a week getting set up, I spent another week teaching the language to the professors. Lycanroc volunteered to be the practice user. The professors learned quickly and so did the Jenny family.

Carlo the lycanroc also brought me a bucket of eggs. All of them Rockruffs, so I thanked him and asked where I could find a few other types of pokemon. After telling the pokemon families my plans, most handed over the kids who dont like fighting. I thanked them and started training the pokemon.

A month has passed since I came to Alola. I told the Professors I was going home to watch my daughter in the league and to keep me updated on what's going on.

When I got back in Kanto, everything had been decorated for the tournament. Oak picked me up and brought me to the arena. I booked a room so Paisley, misty, and I could chat. Oak booked a room for Gary, Ash, Brock and himself. Gary was the first of the group to arrive and he hugged me before saying hello to Oak. I smiled and hugged him back before telling him that Oak got him a room to share with the other boys.

"Dont worry. I'll kick their butts if I found out they were mean to my... to Paisley!" Gary said proudly.

"Fufufu Good. It's been so long since I saw my little girl, I didnt tell her I would be here. fufu."

"Mrs. Ayzlee! I didnt know you were coming!"

My smile froze for a second, "Ash, how are you? Where are the others?"

"Ah, not again! Sorry I saw you in the distance and ran over. My bad!" He said sheepishly.

"Sigh. Stop doing that." I said as I watched for Paisley. Not long after I saw her walking over with Charles and two people.

"Mom, you made it! These are my friends, Brock and Misty." Paisley said.

"Hello, nice to meet you both. I hope all was well in your travels." I said.

After some small talk and Paisley going on and on about the journey so far, they went off to register for the tournament. Gary went to help Paisley.

The next day the tournament started. The team rocket trio did try to steal the fire but failed because of Ash and his pikachu. The tournament went on, Paisley won her match and so did Gary and Ash.

Ultimately, Ash won some matches on luck. Gary won with strategy. And Paisley was a bit of both. A person named Lance won the Indigo League. I'm glad Paisley had fun however she dropped a bomb on me.

"Mom, I'm going to Johto in a month. Gary said we could travel together this time and he can help me train my pokemon. Please mom!"

"I may not be able to come back in time to help you... So please be safe and have fun. It's your journey. I'm going to be out of range for a while but when I come back, I want to hear all the amazing things you've done. Alright?"

"Where are you going mom?"

"I'm not sure yet but there must be more unexplored land out there. I'm going to find it and document everything."

"Im not the one who needs to be careful, you are! Be safe mom and we can share stories when you get back!"

We went to Pallet town and relaxed for a month while also playing a bit. I taught Paisley how to use the world energies to help train a pokemon. Paisley went to the airport with Gary, I sent them off while shedding a few tears.

"My baby is growing up too fast. What do I do Retsu?" I mumbled to myself, "Well time to check on the others and see how they are doing before I leave."

I went back to Oaks lab and we made a conference call to all professors. They were doing well and had a few tiny problems. Overall I wasnt needed to help. I told them i was off to go search for other unexplored lands and bid them farewell for now.

Let's check the map on my phone one more time.

'World covered: 28%'

'Closest landmass not travelled: 50,000 meters north. Advisory: Bring clothes for extream cold.'

I made my way to the shore, "Alright Lapras. We are going somewhere very cold. It's a far distance away so if you get tired, let me know."

Lapras agreed and we set off. It took two weeks to get to the area, and another two weeks to get to solid land. We befriended some of the wild pokemon and found many variants of ones we knew. I documented everything and explored every inch of land I could. A month after arriving, I came across a rather interesting sight. I met a Charizard with both fire and ice abilities fighting with a Ninetailes with fire and ice abilities. They kept yelling, "There can only be one!"

So I decided to yell out, "You can come with me! I'm going to visit other places all over, if you find a place you like you can stay there."

"Why should we listen to you?" the Charizard said.

"Because I can kick you asses. You two cause such destruction but for what reason? To get rid of each other? What happened that made you hell bent on this evil path?"

"I'm not evil he is!" they both yelled.

"Oh yeah? says who? What did the big fox do to you flying lizard?"

"This evil creature stole my children and gave them to humans!"

"I did not! You stole my children and gave them to humans!"

"Stop! Who told you this? What humans I haven't met any since I got here?"

"Obviously, no humans live here. duh." said the Charizard.

"So let me get this straight, a ninetails swam 50,000 meters without stopping to give your children to humans? Does that not sound dumb to you? And you, even though this guy flies, he cant spend as long as you think in the air. It took lapras a month to get here at her fastest speed while also resting. You two are dumb. Let me get your signatures and I'll find your babies you squabbling dolts."

"eh?" they both calmed down and I took their signatures.

"You two are a special stupid. Do me a favor, on the count of three say who told you about the humans. One. two. three."

"The weavile clan." they both said.

"Pay them a visit. Next time, talk first."

"I'm sorry! And thank you weird creature."

"I'm human...ish. I wont tell anyone about this place for a while, so please tell other pokemon to be nice when they see humans. A lot of them are good, even though some are bad. We dont hunt you when you do something we dont agree with so dont do it to us. We like talking and understanding others, give it a try and you'll see problems disappear."

I pulled out my phone and found the next place was known for extremely high temperatures. I called lapras out and we headed off. After two months, we arrived close to a landmass of pure volcanoes. I noticed no human presence on the landmass so I called out a Charizard and put lapras in her ball to rest. We flew around the area and once again found pokemon with odd attributes. Fire sandshrew, fire oddish, fire horsea. We landed and chatted with them, met new types of pokemon, and explored.

We met an odd pair, a melotic and an aggron. Both had fire type and lived in a dormant volcano. They were having a lovers quarrel when we arrived. After helping and letting them know the same thing I said to the charizar and ninetails, I was once again off.

~~~~2 year time skip~~~~

It took a long time but I've seen 89% of the world. The last bit, I had to befriend a mew to go. I made it to Kanto region the day before the Shinno league. I didnt stop to see anyone yet, I wanted to finish this and see my husband and daughter.

I went deep into the forest and brought the house out. I opened all the doors and windows and started baking cakes and cookies. I used ingredients from all over the world. While baking, I let a tiny sliver of my aura out to welcome any pokemon nearby. I hummed a song, Your Somebody Else by Flora Cash, and kept baking.

After the sweets were done, I found a horde of pokemon just hanging out in the house and outside the house. I greeted them and shared the sweets. After a few hours, I started closing up the house. a single pokemon slipped in and ate more sweets.

"Dear, would you like a drink with that?" I startled it.

"Dont be afraid. I was going to make more to bring to the tree for the other mews. But you will have to take me there so I can give it to them. As a reward, I'll give you a whole cake." I smiled a little at it and it agreed.

I spend the rest of the day baking and humming. Mew occasionally threw some berries into the batter so I turned the berries into jam and made small biscuits that they can dip into the jam. I pulled out my extreamly large basket and packed it all up. "Ready?" I asked the mew.

We stepped outside the house and I put it back in my inventory. Mew seemed shocked for a second so I smiled. She shook her head and opened a portal to the other side. I gave regular food to the pokemon we passed. Once we got to the tree, I pulled out all the sweets and jams i had. "Thank you for sharing with your friends, it's very sweet of you." I told her.

"Ah this lady. How could I say no to you?!" she said in pokemon language.

I smiled knowingly and giggled. "I have sweets for any mew who wants to try them. It is my thanks for your work and also to ask if I can see this world, I have stories to share with the pokemon here." I said it in pokemon language.

Mews flooded out of the trees and swarmed the sweets. One mew, the eldest, thanked me and said I could visit but I'll be kicked out at morning the next day. I nodded and thanked them again before leaving to explore.

'100% of world traveled. mission complete. Roulette available.'

'One pokemon allowed to join each member(three), please specify which you choose.'