

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Spoiled kids.

Roby woke up and found Ana resting her back on his chest while sleeping, he smiled and took a glance at her face it was covered with bangs he placed them aside gently and now was staring at the details of her face.

He squeezed her right cheek because she was looking too cute.He squeezed it a little hard which woke her up.She opened her eyes and saw a breathtaking view.Roby this close to him not less then a heaven for her.

"GOOG MORNING",he said with a small smile on his lips.

She was staring at them like a hungry little kid.


Then she realised that she was still on his lap so stood up without wasting a single second and apologized for disturbing him.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you while sleeping",she said while fixing her hair.

"It's okay", he replied and was about to stand up but due to carrying a huge weight on thigh's he felt pain.

The next scene they saw was unbelievable for them.Ana's eye's widened.They saw Zen and Jennifer sleeping while Zen was hugging her and his grip on her waist was so tight and in response Jennifer was Holding his arms.His face was hidden in her neck and collar bone.

"SPOILED KIDS",Robby said while smirking.

They were sleeping peacefully until someone woke them up.

Zen opened his eyes slowly his chin was still resting on her shoulder he lifted his head up and found Roby and Ana staring at them with detective eye's.

Ana was standing there and staring at him like he was a gangster or something.Her hands were resting on her waist and her stare was sharp straight at both of them.

He saw Jennifer,she was sleeping like a little kitten in his lap and his hands were still wrapped on her waist and she was Holding his arms.

"Good morning Zen",Robby said in teasing tone and smirked.

"Go-good morning",he replied with a staright face and cold expressions.

"wake her up let's go out",Roby said.

"Students saw us like this?",he asked in concern.

"Do you really care about it,first wake her up and let's go out I'll see you later",Ana said while narrowing her eye's.

"WHATEVER",Zen gave her weird face expressions.

"Don't worry the lights were off so nobody noticed you,now wake her up Mr Oreo and Kyro are waiting outside",Roby told him and smiled.

"ok",sighed in relief.

Jennifer was in a deep sleep.He released her form his grip and Whispered near her ear.

"JENNIFER,wake up"

"hmm",she replied while opening her eyes slowly.

She found out herself in his lap so got a flashback and her cheeks turned red.Then found out Roby and Ana staring at them.She was so embarrassed.


He again whispered and intentionally touched his lips on her cheeks for a second giving her goosebumps.He made it sure that none of them notice him doing this.She stood up and he chuckled on her this reaction.

"How was the sleep darling?",Ana asked in sarcastic tone while narrowing her eyes.

"SHUT UP",she replied aggressively and walked out of the bus Ana followed her.Zen stood up and took a glance at Roby.

"So Zen! had a good sleep?",Roby asked while patting his shoulder.

"Bro",he blushed a little but then maintained a cold face.

"haha I know,I know",Roby replied and Zen hugged him for a second then both of them went out of the bus as well.

Jennifer was a blushing mess and Ana was continuously teasing her.

"Sooo you slept peacefully in his embrace huh?",Ana teased while narrowing her eyes and gave her a stare while smirking.

"or I'd say he didn't let you sleep all this time"

"SHUT UP ANAAAAAA",she shouted and made her quiet.

After all of this drama Mr Chang welcomed them back and they started going to their homes.

Zen searched for his keys and wallet it wasn't in his pocket so he panicked a little.

"What happened?",Roby asked him in concern

"Ah my wallet isn't in my pocket",he replied with a confused face.

"think about it twice"

"I remember clearly that it was in my pants front pocket before sitting in the bus and then-"he was telling him and trying to remember the whole thing then got a flashback and shut his mouth right at the moment.

"Then?",Roby asked while staring at him suspiciously.

"it's nothing",he replied and tried to change the point

"oh really?!", Roby asked and glared at him.

He blushed and stopped searching for his wallet.


When Jennifer was sitting on his lap she felt something hard and poignant under her thighs.She tried to move but he held her waist strongly and said in his deep Husky voice,


"No-noo I'm actually feeling something hard under my thighs. it's something sharp pricking me and it's quiet hard",she replied nervously.

"IT'S NOT THAT BULGED YET",he replied while inhaling her scent and moving his nose on her neck.



He remembered that he had his wallet and his keys in his pockets may be that's why she's feeling prickly and hard under her thighs.

"GET UP",he commanded and loosened his grip from her waist she stood up carefully and turned back but wasn't able to make an eye contact with him because it was quite embarrassing.

He took his wallet and key's out from his pants and took at glance her.

"So these were disturbing you,now what to do with these",he asked while looking at her.

"give it to me I'll keep them in my pocket after reaching home I'll return it to you",she replied with a staright face she was trying to act cold but her cheeks were red so no use of acting.


She held the wallet and key's and took them into her jacket's pocket.

"SIT DOWN",he commanded.

She was so summoned by his beauty and his this attitude towards her.Her thoughts were wild she was so lost into him so she didn't heard what he said.

He grabbed her wrist and made her sit on his lap again pulled her closer wrapped his arms around her waist pressed it like there was no tomorrow and then placed his chin on her neck and snuggled into it again leaving her dumbfounded.

"YOU ALWAYS WANT ME TO MAKE YOU SIT HERE BY MYSELF",he whispered making her shiver and her body turned cold after hearing his words.

But the fact is that she was loving it.

"YOUR TOUCH MAKES ME FEEL LOVED",her thoughts about him.

And that's how they slept peacefully until they reached back to the destination.


"Let me grab my wallet then we'll leave okay",he said while smiling and ran towards the exit gate because he knew that where he'll find his wallet.

"He's still a kid, nevermind", Roby mumbled and went to the parking area.

Zen was trying to find her his eyes were searching for her then suddenly they stuck on something oh it was her.A smile appeared on his face.He found her walking speedily ignoring Ana and her stupid statements he went close to her and stood right Infront of her.

She was walking while looking down on the ground because she was so fed up with Ana and her sarcastic jokes about her and Zen, she was trying to ignore her.Regardlessly she hit a manly figure and was about to fall so she tightly closed her eyes.

He held her from her waist and pulled her closer which made her hit his chest and her lips touched his throat his grip on her waist tightened.After the touch she came to know that he was Zen.Her eye's were still closed.

She lifted her head up and took a glance at him he was already staring at her with a little smile on his kissable lips.

"WHY YOU ALWAYS CLOSE YOUR EYES IN MY ARMS, LITTLE KITTEN?!',he asked effortlessly making her blush, she tried to ignore his gaze making him chuckle.

"She's fine now and can stand properly so you can leave her?",Ana interrupted them.

Zen rolled his eyes and detached her from himself.

"Still not done?!", Ana said and moved closer to her.

"ANA,BEHAVE AND WATCH YOUR TONGUE", Jennifer gave her a shut up call and took a glance at him.

"What do you want?"

"My wallet"

She took his wallet out from her pocket and gave it back to him, giving Ana a mini heart attack again.She was watching them with widened eyes.

"UNBELIEVABLE",she mumbled.

"Thank you PRINCESS",he whispered near her ear and disappeared from her sight.

How was it ?!

A_jennie_creators' thoughts