
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

07- This world will pay...

Solomon is looking to the ceiling with hollow eyes, he was feeling mixed emotions right now, remembering the last conversation again...

'What are the mission parameters?'

['Complete or die trying!!!']

'So it's the same as always? huh'

After he prepared himself for an epic fight to his last breath, the system explained in detail the situation, and things weren't as bad as they seem to be, even the connection formed with the blonde woman was not prejudicial...

The system burst his bubble when he explained the situation in detail, Solomon realized that he had been tricked, the situation was not as hopeless as he initially thought it was.

The system thought he needed a wake-up call and find that this was the perfect opportunity to do so, and worst of all he was right...

Solomon couldn't even complain, after all this method was super effective he finally started to restructure himself, but despite everything he couldn't get rid of the righteous fury that he felt rising with each second, he couldn't beat the system, at least not yet...

So like any reasonable person, he doesn't like the first and obvious choice of simply admitting his shortcomings and moving on, so he opted for the second instead, and used the "person" responsible for his misunderstanding as a scapegoat...

'For the crime of alarming your future God-Emperor, This planet will pay...'

'Have fun when you still can when I start to rule these lands, the first thing I going to do is change your name from planet "earth" to planet "bitch".'

['And I thought that bringing you back in shape would stop all this God-Emperor crap...']

'What kind of heresy are you saying?'

'New life new dreams, and to tell you the truth world domination was kind of my childhood dream, but I grew up and something called reality come down crashing all my dreams, so I opted for the next best choice...'

['Fighting for your country?']

'No, killing people.'


'Anyway back to my plans for this planet...'

He was not just doing this out of pettiness he has a serious motive to do this the system even has given a quest...

['Tell yourself whatever makes you sleep best at night, I don't care anymore...']

[World Quest: Mother earth fury]

[Description:You discovered that the World around you has consciousness and this consciousness is quite obsessed with the idea of ​​exterminating humanity, you must stop it at all costs...]

[This quest will be considered concluded if any of the next options is achieved the value of the rewards received will be determined by how fast you can solve this problem]

[Subjugate the world will:0/1]

[The use of this route will unlock the following rewards]:

+Perk:[On your knees...]



[Establish a peaceful coexistence with the world will 0/1]

[The use of this route will unlock the following rewards]:

+Perk:[Friend of nature]



[Devour the world will 0/1]

[The use of this route will unlock the following rewards]:

+Perk:[World eater]



'I chose the first option.'

['why not the third one?']

'You can't rule if there is nowhere to rule.'


'You won't ask why I didn't choose the second option?'

['No, knowing you even I can say that peace was never an option']

'You're Goddamn right!!!'

The three people finally managed to arrive at their destination when Solomon enters he starts to make a mental note about everyone in the room, he sees a young man a little overweighted sitting on a chair holding a nail gun like it was the ultimate killing weapon.

A pink-haired woman in glasses with hair arranged in a twin tail her arms crossed under her breasts seemed to make them stand out even more than they naturally did, she looked to be irritated which was proven by the way she periodically tapped her foot on the floor.

But what cached his attention was a woman with bright brown hair almost bordering on orange screaming at a black-haired man who instead of convincing the dumb bitch to shut up or just opting to do what he likes to call the "William maneuver" was engaging in some dumb and meaningless discussion.

What is the "William maneuver"? Named in homage to his father, the "William maneuver" consists of pretending to be listening, the secret of making the technique work is to make a serious expression and nod from time to time in more complicated cases it will be necessary to make some comments between the nods, keep doing this until the person in question can leave what his father liked to call the "bitch mode".

His father mastered the technique to such a degree that discussing with him was a meaningless endeavor...

Solomon interrupted their discussion by saying.

"Little lady, why don't you scream a little louder? I believe the zombies on the other side of the city still can't hear you"

The woman stops her screams and looks in Salomon's direction.

"My screams are not your business! and who are you?"

'I can already see that the stick in her ass is lodged very deep, I will need to go very deep to take out.

'But doesn't matter how strenuous this mission will be, after all, is an effort for the greater good.'

'What I don't do for the "Undeadkind"?'

Salomon sighed thinking how the world doesn't deserve a saint like him, until he finally remembered her question and instantly felt a little dumb, in the rush of the recent events he forgot to ask the name of the two women he have been following or even tell his own.

'Doesn't matter, I do it now.'

Suddenly a wild smile appeared on his face he pointed at himself with his thumb and said:

"I? I am Solomon Invictus and is a pleasure to meet you all!"

Little did he know that his image will leave a strong impression on them, just not the one he wants.

After all, a man covered in blood with a wild smile full of teeth on his face is not a very easy thing to forget...