
Starting as a vampire in Fate

Marcus, a vampire Lord dies in combat and is reincarnated by a goddess who has some history with him. But this time, as a Vampire God in Fate.

daddy_yang · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

System Changes

---POV in third person---

*Chas! *

With a snap of Cathria's fingers, the whole room returned to its original state.


I guess you must be anxious to see your new look, my dear narcissistic husband" A mischievous grin broke out on Cathria's face. As she led Marcus towards the full-length mirror holding him by the arm.

Unable to refute Cathria's words, Marcus could only let himself be led by the hand. He knew what she said was true, while he didn't want to appear narcissistic, he preferred to place more importance on his new appearance.

He had noticed that he lost his abs and all the muscles in his body that he had gained with so much effort. While he felt bad about it, he could do nothing but accept fate and start over.

As she stood in front of the mirror she gasped, unable to describe her appearance. Perhaps the only words she could say were...perfect.


The person he saw in the mirror could be described as follows:

A being who had transcended the perfection of the very concept of beauty. His once masculine and heroic face was now an androgynous face that had been born to be worshipped and venerated even by the very gods and goddesses alike. His well chiseled, symmetrical and beautiful face was accompanied with eyes of a blood red color with a pink glow that reflected an endless abyss, that, if you looked for too long, you could not escape from it and would be devoured, accompanied with a small and sharp nose adorned with rosy cheeks.

His skin softer even than jade itself was as white as snow, being slightly flushed with a peach color giving it a beautiful contrast. Her body which was still 1.98 cm tall and previously accompanied with strong ripped abs, was now slender and unblemished.

And finally, his hair had grown to his waist and like his skin it was as white as snow, now exuding a glow of white light, giving him the appearance of a being that had fallen from the heavens to the mortal world.

Seeing Marcus freeze at the sight of his own appearance, Cathria gave him a little nudge bringing him back to reality, as he let out a long sigh.

Recovering, Marcus looked at the woman next to him and suddenly an idea popped into his head.

'If lust affects all beings equally, then it can also be adjusted to anyone's tastes in order to arouse those emotions of pleasure and lust.

'So...' Closing his eyes, he concentrated on an image of himself and began to circulate the energy of Lust through his entire body so that he could modify it a little.

Seeing Marcus fall into deep concentration, Cathria just looked at him patiently with no hint of wanting to disturb him.

---An eternity later----

"Ha! Just beautiful!" Marcus exclaimed as he held his chin and admired her appearance again.

His face had had certain changes, like the fact now he was a little more masculine, but without losing that androgynous face and now his body was slender and well proportioned, with defined muscles, but not excessive, as if he was a Greek god.

"Alright, that's enough" Cathria said as she stroked Marcus' 8-packs and stuck a finger in her mouth as if she was savoring his taste.

*Chas! *

With another snap of his fingers, a set of armor appeared on Marcus' body.

The armor was medieval in style and was designed to provide protection in combat. It is composed of several pieces covering different parts of the body.

At the top, he wears a metal breastplate that protects his chest and back. The breastplate has a detailed design with engravings and ornaments that give it an elegant and distinctive look.

On his arms, he wears metal shoulder pads that protect his shoulders and upper arms. These shoulder pads are decorated with engraved details and have a sturdy, rugged design. In addition, he wears forearm protectors that cover his lower arms and wrists, providing additional protection.

At the bottom, he wears leg armor that covers his thighs and legs. This armor is composed of articulated metal plates that allow for movement and flexibility during combat. He also wears leather boots reinforced with metal plates at the front to protect his feet.

Marcus' armor is imposing and sturdy, reflecting a role of a brave knight. Each piece of armor is designed with attention to detail and has decorative elements that give it a distinctive and elegant look.

And finally, underneath his armor he wears an elephantine and elegant black formal suit showing Marcus' noble ancestry.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he thanked her for the gesture. With a small nod of her head, Cathria made a small movement with her hands and the next second, a silver spear appeared, along it, it had elegant decorations and engravings of drawings of a small pack of wolves along with a small boy beside it, reflecting a mysterious and deep meaning.


"I'm sorry, but...it's not the original, just a replica I created with my powers." He said as he handed her the spear.

Before Marcus could continue, Cathria interrupted him and explained the origin of the spear. Knowing that he may misunderstand and think wrongly.

A sad and dejected look appeared on Marcus' face. Noticing it, she caressed his cheek and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"Don't worry, you can get them back.

They, they are currently in the Fate/Apocrypha timeline. So you'll have to go retrieve them yourself" Her soft voice held great comfort to Marcus' ears, making his mood recover.

"Thank you..." A subtle smile appeared on Marcus' lips as he gave her a loving hug.


It's time for you to go, but before that, you'll have to meet with the owner of this Universe. He will surely give you something for the inconvenience I caused you" Cathria expressed, as her face became a bit serious.

Nodding his head, Marcus said nothing more. Although he was a bit confused by her words, he preferred to stay quiet knowing that he would soon get the answers to his doubts.

*Chas! *

After a long goodbye. Cathria with a final snap of her fingers teleported Marcus to his next destination.

---Somewhere unknown---

A figure appeared in a dark space, this was obviously our MC.

"At last you've arrived" Said a male voice echoing throughout the place.

"Where am I?" asked Marcus looking around, only to see a void of infinite darkness.

"This is my resting place.

Now then, let's get this over with once and for all" The voice reverberated throughout the place with an almost imperceptible hint of happiness and fear in his voice.


"First, I apologize. It was I who sent you to this Universe and because of some mistakes of mine, your luck changed causing some unfortunate events to happen to you" He said, though his voice sounded very unconvincing and exasperated.

He wondered, when did a being of immense power like him have to apologize to inferior beings?

It's such a humiliation!

If it weren't for the fact that he received a death threat from Cathria he would never have done it. He knows that she, though weakened is more than enough to finish him off several times if necessary, so he had no choice but to talk to the guy in front of him.

"Wow... I accept them..." Marcus said, a bit speechless to hear such a powerful being apologizing to him. Besides, getting the answers to his doubts, he was a little angry. After all, a guy who played with you ended up screwing up, causing a variety of tragedy.

But, although angry, he had no way to make this guy pay for all his wrongs. Even though he had Cathria's support and knew it was because of her that this entity apologized to him, he didn't want to bother her with something that already happened a long time ago.

"Now Good, once you are integrated with your divine throne, I will configure your system to suit your tastes. The details of how it works, you'll get once the job is done."

"Okay" Marcus replied, no expression on his face.

"And lastly... there are some versions of you hanging around in other timelines. So you should be careful" Said the entity that never made an appearance but was there, somewhere in this void of endless darkness.

Without waiting for Marcus to say anything, it expelled him from his residence, teleporting him to his divine throne.

N/A: This chapter was short. But now, we've reached the part of the plot we've been waiting for.

I know a lot of you know this, but I'm afraid some of you might misunderstand.

No one will do NTR to MC. MC will be the one stealing or getting the women. Cathria's fetish, is to watch other women fuck her husband, kind of like a reverse NTR.

Without more to say, enjoy and see you tomorrow with two chapters.