
Starting as a vampire in Fate

Marcus, a vampire Lord dies in combat and is reincarnated by a goddess who has some history with him. But this time, as a Vampire God in Fate.

daddy_yang · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Blood and snow *Edited*

I was reborn in my second life in the Middle Ages in 78 A.D. a place where surprisingly there was magic, myologies mysteries and anything else supernatural, I innocently or naively thought, 'whaoo, that's awesome, I'll be able to fulfill my harem wishes, conquer and create an empire', blah, blah, blah. Nothing goes the way you think.

I was reborn as a vampire, being the son of two humans, the reason why I was born as a supernatural being and not as a human was unknown even to my parents, they bestowed me the name "Marcus", I belonged to a noble dacia family. I adopted the surname "Amurg Etern" at the age of 14, with the intention of separating myself from any ties I have with my "beloved" and psychopathic parents who did nothing but give me a life of pain and suffering, calling me Marcus von Amurg Etern, I inherited the lands of my deceased parents, who died in the hands of "demon hunters" after I learned of their deaths.

N/A: Amurg Etern, in Romanian is "Eternal Dusk".

I used my modern knowledge from my first life to improve my territory and expand its boundaries when the time came. I was considered a great king by my subordinates after having conquered all of Dacia and having authority over it, being considered ruthless, determined, but with a dignified and kind attitude when necessary. There were many ways in which they described me, above all, in my physical appearance.

I was a young man in my 20's with snow white hair that fell in soft waves around my face. Eyes of an intense red color, as if they were lit from within, and seemed to penetrate the soul of whoever looked into them. My skin was pale and smooth, as if made of porcelain, and the features of my face, fine and delicate giving me an unparalleled beauty.

The muscles of my body were defined, but not excessive. I exuded a magnetic and mysterious presence that attracted the attention of everyone around me. My beauty was so dazzling that it seemed almost supernatural, and I had a deep and penetrating gaze capable of captivating anyone.

Despite my fragile and delicate appearance, I was a man of monstrous strength and unwavering determination that made me even more fascinating and attractive.

I interacted and slept with many women of great beauty, and many, if not all, asked to be betrothed. But I decided to focus on my territory for a while. After all, I was immortal and had plenty of time to think about marriage.

My life seemed to be going great until...they came for me and my territory, fearing our rapid growth. A huge army of Roman soldiers and demon hunters who knew I was a monster were deployed.

The few allies I could muster were not enough. We were crushed in some battles and in others we won with great vigor and ferocity. Both sides were already tired from multiple battles.

So our final battle took place. The moment most awaited by all, the moment when everything would be decided had arrived.

I looked around me as my men and the enemy clashed with incredible ferocity on the snow-covered battlefield, and it is covered by the frozen river of blood formed by the corpses of the falling men.

I swung my spear as if performing a beautiful bloody dance. Each movement was graceful and precise, tearing apart the enemies I faced, and from time to time, I controlled the blood and shadows to give support to my warriors.

Killing anyone who got in my way. No one was spared, enemies avoided facing me for fear of certain death, I looked like the incarnation of a god of war.

My gaze focused on some mages, who were slaughtering my men with their spells. Heading towards them at a great speed, while killing all those who tried to stop my advance. Failing splendidly in the process, blood spilled, screams of pain and agony could be heard everywhere. I got close enough to the mages to be able to kill them with my spear, but a man stood between me and them.

A man in full armor, wielding a warhammer with his two large hands, was over 2 meters tall. This man, was the only one in this entire army that could stop me.

In my previous fights with him, I barely made it out alive. He was the biggest threat I faced, I could not understand how a man, a mere human, would have so much power. I looked for many ways to defeat him, but his ridiculous strength overcame any method I used against him.

This would be our last battle, the battle that would decide the survival of my people, and of course mine. We stared into each other's eyes for a while, scanning every slight movement we made, missing nothing.

After a while, we moved forward with slow but deep steps. With the utmost calmness, we raised our weapons and got into a fighting stance, without saying anything to each other, we rushed forward engaging in a fierce combat.

A strong blow from his warhammer was directed towards my head, which I quickly dodged. Causing the blow to fall on the snow-covered ground, creating a crater in the place.

I swung my spear at his chest creating an opening in his armor, causing barely a scratch on his skin, as he quickly dodged upon sensing the threat.

We exchanged blow after blow. Killing anyone who interfered with our combat, I regenerated my arm that was crushed by his warhammer, as I watched streams of blood spill from the small openings in his armor.

Blood was pouring from his armor, a fact caused by the blood curse I inflicted on him through my spear. This human had a monstrous magic resistance, so the spells did not have much effect. Normally this type of curse, would kill the enemy quickly, as it was one of my best skills I had.

An attack from his warhammer snapped me out of my thoughts, destroying a part of my right ribs. I stepped back quickly, enduring the pain I felt from the wound he inflicted on me.

"Don't get distracted" A monotone voice came from his lips through his helmet. I couldn't tell if his voice belonged to a man or a woman, I never got to see his face in our previous battles.

Other than his incredible size I didn't know much about the person he was fighting, only that he was called "Lord Janibal, the sword and shield of the king". So I guess he is a man.

Once again, we threw ourselves into combat exchanging countless blows. I don't know how much time passed, but we were already at our limit. Blood was pouring all over his armor which was now shattered and my regeneration was at its limit.

We were tired, we had to finish with the enemy in front of us, or else we would be killed.

We entered a combat position once again, this strike would decide our life or death. We put all our strength into this attack and pounced for one last time. In a few seconds we were on each other's backs.

I fell to the cold ground covered in blood and snow. With my last strength I turned my head to see Janibal's condition. To my disappointment I did not kill him with my attack, but I inflicted a large wound on the side of his chest.

At the very least, Janibal will die if he doesn't receive treatment in a short time. With trembling steps he approached me, dropped his warhammer to the side and began to remove his armor. I opened my eyes wide, shocked to the core.

Before me stood the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my two lives. Her milky but not sickly porcelain-like skin, her blonde hair that glowed like the golden light that streamed to her perky, bubbly bottom.

Her two large mountains rose proudly toward the sky, the features of her face fine and delicate, a slender and well-proportioned body. She looked fragile and delicate, but she had incredible strength that could easily handle her warhammer.

'I see...' She was wearing magic armor, so her height was different when she wore it.

She averaged around 6'2" tall. Quite tall, but that didn't make her lose her charm, more so it enhanced it.

Her bloody body because of the multiple wounds I inflicted on her gave her another charm, it made any man or woman want to protect her with their life and kill the bastard who hurt her.

Her great beauty left me in a state of shock. If I had met her in other circumstances I would have taken her as my wife, even if she refused. A little regret passed through my heart, but it left as quickly as it came.

As she came in front of me, she fell to the floor bending her knees. She brought my face close to her delicious thighs, for my part, I had no strength to refuse, so she met no resistance from me. She stroked my hair that was falling down my forehead, arranging it in its original place.

She caressed me as if she was caressing the most delicate and precious thing that existed. And a trembling but beautiful and magnetic voice came from his lips "S-so this is our last meeting, e-eh" His voice contained an unmistakable sadness.

"If it had come out that you were a woman, besides *cough* *cough* having great beauty, I assure you that I would have cap-captured you and taken you to my cas- *cough* castle, forced you to be my wife and fucked you every day" A voice of complete lust along with a cheeky smile beamed on my beautiful face, as blood came out of my mouth after I coughed.

I didn't know the reason, but I wanted to see some expression on her delicate face. It was an incredible feeling that I wanted to happen, whether it was embarrassment, anger, or even disgust. I would accept any expression that appeared on a face.

All these feelings blossomed, as each passing second I felt weaker, my eyelids had difficulty staying open, but my willpower still kept me awake. I knew that once I closed my eyelids I would never open them again.

Fear? I had no fear of death. I had only two regrets, one was not marrying the woman I loved and the other was not meeting this woman.

The expression I least expected to appear came out. A radiant and beautiful smile adorned her beautiful face, although it seemed that she would not last long either as I could tell she was trying very hard just to smile.

A voice full of happiness and joy came from her lips, " And I would have liked you to kidnap me and fuck me every day" Then she gave me an awkward but passionate kiss.

I looked at her with surprise for her action and with disbelief for what she said. This woman had fallen in love with me? I didn't know and I didn't care, the only thing I wanted was to survive, to win this war and to fulfill what she had said before.

But reality is cruel, I felt my eyesight fading and everything went black. Apparently Janibal realized what was happening to me so he spoke as fast as he could, "My name is Alice Janibal, I hope that in our next life we can have a different future", a small tear came out of his left eye and fell on my cheek.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Alice, and I also hope to meet you in our next life," A barely audible whisper left my lips, as everything went dark.

Small tears fell on Marcus' lifeless face that froze the next second. After 5 minutes, Alice's body fell limp to the side as she continued to hug Marcus' corpse.

N/A: If the mistakes are still there, it means I need to improve my grammar:v

I will start correcting the rest of the chapters starting tomorrow.