
Chapter 14

The idea was simple every night he would hang like this on the ceiling of the sewers with beast tracking powder in his pocket once he found a beast nearby he would cast a Blinding spell and release the nail and hopefully kill the beast before it killed him.

He was also hoping that only the Ape Rats would come here and the Wolf beasts stayed away until a bit more to the future.

If he failed to earn any money then he could not afford Mo Fan's Star Dust magic tool since the whole set up, bribe and some spare Beast tracking powder cost him 100 thousand.

Besides he didn't plan on spending every night here in the sewers, just the nights he didn't have a Star Dust magic tool for himself.


Lin Feng spent his free time in that part of the sewers for two months before one night the Beast tracking powder in his powder flew forward as a single bright red eye appeared a few metres from him.

Maybe because of the turn in sewers that it took or because of its eye structure it didn't notice him instantly which saved him the trouble of needing to blind it preemptively.

Lin Feng was worried that the fluctuations of magic would alert it in a negative way since the creature was already in range of the nail.

But he still casted the light spell before it reacted or maybe the spell drew out it's appetite for the flesh of a mage and it moved its eyes to where the fluctuations arose when a blinding light fell and burned it's fragile retina clean and froze it in place for a giant iron needle to be released.

Brilliant Light: Flare

After cultivating a year without and ten months with Star Dust magic tool his basic spell had already reached its second tier form.

Brilliant Light Flare unlike it's predecessor was supposed to illuminate after reaching a certain distance, usually vertically. But his use of the spell on the as a form of attack simply incapacitated the creature for several seconds.

Seconds in which he could adjust the nail directly onto the creature's head, letting it pierce and kill the monster in a single strike, preventing him from having expose his back to the creature when executing his escape if things went south.

Single the spot he hung from was not far from the man hole and the pulley, both adjusting the nail's direction and an escape was barely possible, especially since as a Primary mage his physique was only slightly worse than a top rate athlete of his old world.