
Starting a Kingdom from a Baronetcy

The experience of being a baron in a remote corner of the world? Poor! Being poor is one thing, but having to face barbarian invasions with only a few dozen soldiers?! In addition, there's the inevitable internal strife and treacherous politicking among the nobility. Uncertainty in the leadership, internal and external crises. Noble infighting, regents consolidating power. Barbarian invasions from the north, peasant uprisings. Gods awakening, dragons resurrecting. If you don't want to die, climb! Climb higher!

Daoistl3nl2f · 歴史
85 Chs

Chapter 51: Where are the Hafdan?

The Hafdan had not completely departed, or rather, only a portion had moved on. Following their ravaging of Windermere City, they marched eastward, gradually consolidating their dispersed units and advancing towards the Di Taidewi Bishopric in the northeast.

This Bishopric, also known as a diocese, was a sizable area in the Annon Valley Earlship, dedicated by the Earl to the local Archbishop as a sign of support for the holy cause. Spanning over a hundred square miles, it housed churches, monasteries, extensive farmlands, and estates. A substantial population, over five thousand, labored in service to the divine mission.

The Bishopric was also home to a considerable armed force. There were over two hundred heavy infantrymen, organized by the Archbishop, who were professionally trained soldiers, not involved in agricultural work. Their battle experience and strength were not to be underestimated.

Additionally, the diocese hosted a small contingent of Temple Knights from the capital, about twenty in number. Sent by the Holy See, their mission was to spread the gospel of the Goddess Angnes in the Annon Valley Earlship.

Once the Hafdan regrouped nearby, they launched an attack on the Di Taidewi Bishopric, clashing fiercely with the local armed forces led by the Temple Knights. The battle concluded with a resounding victory for the Hafdan. Every one of the twenty Temple Knights and their followers, along with the two hundred heavy infantrymen, perished. Emboldened by their faith, they fought to the last man, none surrendering or surviving.

Consequently, the Hafdan seized complete control over the Bishopric, plundering it thoroughly. They divided a vast cache of valuables, including coins, precious religious artifacts, and sculptures, planning to transport them back north.

Furthermore, the diocese's pastures, farms, and manors didn't escape their looting. Followers of Angnes were brutally killed, food and livestock stolen, and all buildings set ablaze. The fires raged for three days and nights, the ground strewn with charred, headless corpses, soaked in blood. For a time, the Bishopric resembled a hellish landscape.

Among the dead were Archbishop Milo and numerous clergy, totaling thousands. However, this had all transpired some time ago.

Afterward, the Hafdan dispatched two thousand soldiers to transport the stolen wealth and some livestock out of the region. Accompanying them were hundreds of young female captives, destined for the Hafdan homeland as rewards for the families of fallen comrades, compensating for their losses.

The remaining six thousand Hafdan stayed behind, recuperating and indulging in the spoils of food and wine.

Throughout this period, scouts from the noble coalition passed by the Bishopric multiple times. Hesitating, they chose not to venture deeper and repeatedly missed information on the Hafdan's whereabouts.

Given the Bishopric's relative isolation and the Archbishop's aloof relationship with other local nobles, save for necessary contact with the Earl, the total annihilation within the Bishopric went unnoticed by the barons outside.

After two weeks of rest, the Hafdan mobilized again, marching towards the Talgas region. Under the strong advocacy of "Six-Fingered" Heral, Blok agreed to his plan.

The Hafdan forces were determined to return to Talgas, seeking revenge for the fallen brethren of their hundred-member vanguard.

Meanwhile, at the noble coalition's camp near the ruins of Windermere City, Baron Henry Lockwood of Handi River Mouth was fuming. Crumpling a letter in his hand, he cursed, "Damned Wintalin, I've sent messengers to him numerous times, and he still refuses to come!"

"He's not just defying me, but also the Earl's authority!" Lockwood was almost leaping with rage, but he soon calmed down and began to mutter to himself, analyzing the situation.

"Repeatedly refusing my invitation, unwilling to bring his forces... Why? What's his motive?"

"Is it personal against me or reluctance to follow the Earl's orders?"

"No, I barely know him. I didn't attend his succession ceremony but sent a representative with gifts. He shouldn't hold a grudge over that."

"So, it seems more likely he's at odds with the Earl. Considering the public humiliation he faced from the Earl, resentment is understandable."

"If that's the case, he could be valuable for future alliances..."

"I recall he's unmarried. Maybe I can arrange a marriage. My sister Lana, though nearly forty, could still bear children... Would he accept her, considering his conflict with the Earl? He must be desperately in need of allies."

"If not Lana, my daughter then? But is he worth it? His quick response and preservation of strength during the Hafdan attack show potential. And he's young."

"But my daughter is only eleven. Is she too young? I wonder if she's menstruated yet..."

Lost in thought, Lockwood was interrupted by a commotion outside his tent.

"The Hafdan are here!"

"Get up! The Hafdan are coming!"

As the shouts spread, chaos ensued in the camp. Knights hurriedly donned their armor with the help of their squires, while the leaderless conscripts ran about in panic, accidentally knocking over fire pits and igniting tents.

Lockwood rushed out to assess the situation, only to be met with chilling war cries.

"Kill them!"

"Wipe them out!"

Looking towards the source of the noise, he saw hundreds of ferocious Hafdan warriors armed with axes and shields charging towards the camp.

Turning back to the disarray in his camp, Lockwood sighed deeply, closing his eyes in prayer.

As a long horn call echoed through the night sky, Lockwood, nearing forty, prepared to face the Hafdan. He had seen their savagery once before, thirty years ago as a child of ten, fleeing for his life in his father's arms.

Determined to avenge that past humiliation, he opened his eyes, a fierce glint in them.

"All troops, to battle!!!"

Lockwood roared, leading the charge against the oncoming Hafdan.