
Do you simply hate freedom?

"Wait wait! Please don't hurt me!!!"

I pleaded as they ragged me through the ground, everyone in the ballroom already in panic.

All around the place, were individuals dressed in a gray like cloaked outfit, each of them making sure every corner of the ballroom was secured.

How did it come to this? Well, I have the same question, I simply stepped out of the restroom to meet one of them pointing a sword to my neck.

He led me towards the ball room, where I could see people, screaming and shaking for their daring lives. Even my father was on the ground battered and bruised on the ground, my mother….was my mother.

Seems these guys are part of the rival organization Raphael was informing me sometimes back, I never really paid attention to half the things they tell me anyway.

Well, back to the matter at hand,

"Gather them up!!!" One of them yelled, jumping down from the hole in the ceiling, I guess that's how they got in.

I was lying flat on my stomach, with one of them, stepping on my back, while the others were roaming around, it seemed like they were searching for something.

Normally, taking out these guys wouldn't be much of an issue for me, but firstly, I only find motivation in fighting the main opponents, secondly, right now, I'm simply the first son of the nobleman, Elyon.

"Found her, Boss!!!".

My gaze instantly shifted to the source of the sudden yell, and there I saw her again, the same girl I ran into on my way to the bathroom.

She was standing at the very top of the stairs, calm and collected, while all eyes fell on her,

"Ava! Get away from here, run!!!"


"Shut up old man," One of the Intruders spoke, kicking a noble which I assume to be Richard on the chin, before he began walking towards the stairs.

"Are you… perhaps here to get me?" Ava asked, looking down at the huge man approaching her.

"Correct young lady, seems your father did well to keep you well hidden, the Vessel for the Hindra god, I'm taking you back home," The man spoke with a grin, each step he took got him closer to his target.

She didn't seem to put up a fight, the man coped her up, and began to walk back down the stairs, everyone was too scared to raise their heads from the ground.

My mom…. Sigh!

I on the other hand couldn't care less about whatever was happening, I'll simply wait for the end game and see where it leads.

"What are you going to do with my daughter?!" Richard spoke, barely able to lift his head from the ground.

"Please, don't hurt my daughter!" His wife pleaded alongside him.

Where is the security? I kept asking myself this question as the scene played out in front of me.

The man paused and turned his gaze towards them, and with a grin, he looked away and began to walk away.

"I'll hunt you down! I don't know what kind of tricks you did to make me immobile, but… the moment you leave this mansion, I'll hunt you down, even if it kills me!!!" Threatened my father, as he was also struggling to get himself up from the ground.

The man carrying Ava sighed,

"Carry the old man's son too, if tries to pull anything,... We'll kill his son and send his head back to him."


They carried me and began walking towards the exit.



I found myself lying tied up at the back of a carriage, beside me, Ava, quiet and barely uttering a word.

"Do we head straight to South walo?"

"Well yeah, we've secured the vessel, got the man's stupid kid, I believe we are ready to move."

"Okay then, let's move while Tahul is keeping the knights immobile".

After their little discussion outside the carriage, they began moving, I guess towards South walo, wherever that is.


How did it end up like this? I wasn't supposed to be involved in this, what's wrong with people and going off scripts.

Now I have to find a way to improvise, and I simply hate using my brain, I prefer being in power saving mode most of the time.

"Sorry." Ava suddenly spoke, although her voice was low and barely edible, then again, I do have extraordinary hearing.

"What did you say?" I responded, lonely at the top, might as well enjoy a conversation until I see a new action trigger.

"I said I'm sorry… for getting you wrapped up in this?" She uttered, although her eyes seemed to be fixed on the wooden floor.

I stared at her for a while….

"You seem rather calm about the whole thing… it's almost like… you knew it was going to happen."

She stayed quiet, and then, came her own obvious sigh.

"Have you heard of the Archons?" She asked.

"People given divine blessings by the gods? Yeah, I've heard a few things about them."

"I happen to be one, although, I'm a fake, I was only blessed due to a sickness my mother faced when she was pregnant with me." She continued,

"Ever since I was child, a god would always appear in my dreams, saying it's my destiny to be a vessel, it was made to save it, not even I could fight me against it, I believed, cuz it felt real"


"And since I was a fake, and not a pure Archon, there were other side effects, like the curse of bad luck that followed me all my life, so I never left the mansion ever since I was a kid so everyone has been avoiding me."


"That's why my father has been finding a suitable person for me to marry, he believes once I get married, and a vow has been made, the curse would split between my other half, hence reducing the outcome and maybe even destroying it completely with the pact."


"That's was also why my father chose you, he said he saw potential in your magical capabilities and you might be the one to cure me,"

Ahhh, I see, so even in this world women still manage to play me… it is what it is.

"I said I was sorry, because I knew about it and did nothing,... I'm sorry, you got looped into my bad luck".

I sighed,

"No offense, but I find it weird you'd suddenly tell me all these, isn't this something you are supposed to take to the grave or whatever?".

"I figured you deserved to know at least, my time has come and there's no stopping it, the god Hindra, who I happen to be its vessel has come to take its possession".

"I see… interesting…. Do you simply… hate freedom?" I asked.