
Start with Douluo ( Soul land 1)

He hugged Ah Yin with his left hand, Bibi Dong with his right hand, punched Tang San, kicked Tang Hao, and then kicked Grandmaster again. Wang Feng, martial spirit is green light, relying on his own research on spirit power and spirit rings, he has found his own path to become a strong man. No matter how strong you are, eat my green first… ugh.. flash kick. Master, torture Tang San, hammer Tang Hao, torture everything for fun.

Best_Movies · 書籍·文学
40 Chs

Yu Xiaogang arrives

"Wang Feng, thank you."

After absorbing it, Duguyan couldn't wait to kiss Wang Feng to express her gratitude and love to him.

After the kiss, Wang Feng reminded: "Well, Yanyan, you should try it now and force your poison into the soul bone."

"Well, I see."

After Dugu was poisoned to the bone, far outside the city of Soto, Shrek Academy.

"I haven't seen him for many years, and I don't know what happened to Flender. Will he recognize me when he sees me like this."

Walking to the gate of Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang sighed and walked in.

dong dong!

In the office building, Flender heard a knock on the door, put down the things in his hand, and said lightly, "Please come in."

"Flander, long time no see."

As soon as he came in, Yu Xiaogang saw Flender on the office chair and said a little excitedly.

Seeing the green-haired man who came in, Flender hesitated a little: "You are...Xiaogang."

"I've changed a bit, but it won't make you not recognize me, Flender." Yu Xiaogang said angrily.

"You are really Xiaogang."

After confirming, Flender walked over excitedly and hugged Yu Xiaogang.

"What's the matter with you? Where have you been hiding for so many years, you don't come to me. If it weren't for your disciple, I don't think you would come to me."

Flender is still dissatisfied with Yu Xiaogang's behavior of hiding!

"Also, why did your hair turn green? I remember you used to have black hair. Do you want to change your style and color?"

Flender looked at Yu Xiaogang's green hair in confusion.

With such green hair, does Xiaogang like this type of hair? Not to mention, it's quite appropriate.

"This, it's hard to say." Thinking of his green hair, Yu Xiaogang thought of Wang Feng, the initiator of the green hair, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I'll tell you later, by the way, how is Xiaosan? I already have it. I haven't seen him for months."

"Very good! I never thought that Xiaogang could teach you such a good apprentice. When he entered the school, he even made Zao Wou-ki suffer a bit." Flender laughed.

"Little San, he is really good."

Yu Xiaogang nodded proudly and gratified, agreeing with Flender's words.


Thinking of Wang Feng, who beat Dai Mubai seriously and took Zao Wou-Ki's three moves unharmed, Flender's look at Yu Xiaogang changed a bit!

He heard Tang San talk about Wang Feng, Yu Xiaogang wanted to accept Wang Feng as his apprentice, but unfortunately he refused.

"But what?" Seeing Flender looking at him like this, Yu Xiaogang asked suspiciously.

"Have you heard of Wang Feng? He also came when recruiting students."

"Wang Feng, it's him."

Yu Xiaogang instantly thought of Wang Feng.

His green hair is the handwriting of Wang Feng, and since he saw the self-created spirit skills released by Wang Feng, he has been studying his own soul skills all these years. By now, he was already a little worried, maybe after he researched that self-created soul skill, he would be able to break through the limit of level 29.

"Wang Feng, I remember that he studied at Nordin College before. I think he has good qualifications, and I wanted to accept him as an apprentice. Who would have refused. I guess his soul power should be average now."

"Xiaogang, his spirit power is not ordinary. He is twelve years old, a 29th-level great soul master, and he also severely injured Dai Mubai, a 37th-level person."

"What! Level 29, and seriously injured the level 37 Soul Venerable. Flender, you're not joking." Yu Xiaogang said in disbelief.

"Xiaogang, do you think I'm joking? Besides, he's still using his own spirit ability, which is very powerful. I can see that his aptitude is no less than Tang San's. Such a good disciple, before you guys In the same academy, how could you not accept him as a disciple. Could it be that you have misunderstood him?"

Flender said, looking at Yu Xiaogang suspiciously.

"Hehe, how come? I also have my reasons for not accepting him as a disciple. Let's not talk about this first, and tell me about the mistress."

The slightly embarrassed Yu Xiaogang hurriedly changed the subject. If Flender asked another question, would he have to tell him that he wanted to accept Wang Feng as his apprentice and then be rejected by him?

"Tang San, sigh, this disciple of yours is not only good in aptitude, but also extremely lucky. Now he has not only broken through the thirtieth rank, but has also obtained a spirit bone. Moreover, this spirit bone is an external spirit bone."

"External spirit bone!"

Hearing Flender's words, Yu Xiaogang was suddenly surprised, and quickly asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"Come on, sit down first, and I'll tell you what's going on."

After pulling Yu Xiaogang to sit down, Flender told Yu Xiaogang about Tang San and the others going to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Two weeks ago, Tang San met a Soul Douluo powerhouse in the Star Dou Great Forest.

After entering the Great Star Dou Forest, Oscar received a spirit ring.

However, without encountering the dragon and snake woman in the original book, Xiao Wu was still captured by the giant giant ape.

After that, Tang San went mad and attacked the Titan Giant Ape frantically. Helpless, the strength was too weak, and he was instantly killed.

The same is true of Zao Wou-Ki. With just one blow, the giant ape was pressed to the ground and rubbed against the ground.

Afterwards, it was similar to the original. Tang San encountered the human-faced demon spider, killed it and absorbed it, obtained the spirit bone, Xiao Wu broke through the thirtieth rank and returned, and everyone hurriedly left the Star Dou Great Forest.

Yu Xiaogang heard Flender's story and sighed, "I can't believe they have gone through so many dangers."

"However, Xiao San is a blessing in disguise."

This is, Flender thought of Tang San's absorption of the human-faced demon spider over 2,000 years ago, and asked, "By the way, Xiaogang, I have a question that I don't understand?"

"What else is there that you, Flender, can't understand."

"I remember you said before that the limit of a spirit master's third spirit ring is 1,760 years?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded affirmatively, "Yes, this is the result of my many years of experiments."

"Is there never an exception?"

"No, one thousand seven hundred and sixty years is the limit of a soul master. There is absolutely no accident."

Yu Xiaogang said with certainty. Seeing Flender's expression, he asked suspiciously, "Why, Flender, do you doubt the correctness of my theory? You don't have to doubt this, because I am absolutely correct."

"No, Xiaogang, I don't doubt you, it's just..."

"Flander, why have you become hesitant to say something."

"It was the matter of Xiao San's absorption of the third spirit ring before. The third spirit ring he absorbed was not a thousand years old, but two thousand years old."

"What, how can you let Xiao San absorb two thousand years of spirit rings, what if there is an accident, he is my disciple... Wait a minute, Flender, you mean, Xiao San absorbs two thousand years of spirit rings without a problem ."

Yu Xiaogang, who was originally anxious, thought of a certain point, and hurriedly asked Flender.

"Yes, Tang San is not only fine, but his spirit power has also broken through to the thirty-first level."

"Is that right?"

"Flander, the limit of a spirit master's third spirit ring is one thousand seven hundred and sixty years, there is absolutely no accident. Tang San can absorb two thousand years of spirit rings, there must be something I don't know about. No, I have to go. Just ask Tang San about the situation. If it's true...the theory of the spirit ring limit table, maybe it can be revised."

With that said, Yu Xiaogang asked, "By the way, where are Xiaosan and the others now. I'll find him."

"They just came back the day before yesterday, so they should be resting now."

Soon, Yu Xiaogang found Tang San.

As soon as he saw Tang San, Yu Xiaogang habitually touched Tang San's head.

After learning about the situation, Yu Xiaogang said: "Little San, Little San, your spirit bone is called the external spirit bone, and it is the most precious of all spirit bones. With him, your future career as a spirit master will be rewarded. Unprecedented increase."

"Well, I also feel that with this spirit bone, my strength will become very strong."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly sank: "Little San, have I taught you to absorb spirit rings of spirit beasts of unknown years?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that the master already knew that something was dangerous about him, and shook his head a little embarrassedly: "No."

Yu Xiaogang snorted coldly, "Then how dare you act rashly? Did you forget that I told you how dangerous the human-faced demon spider is? You are my only disciple and my hope. Without my permission, You can't die, you know that?"

Although Yu Xiaogang's words were not pleasant, how could Tang San, who knew him well, not hear the deep concern and fear in his words? The teacher was afraid that he would be in danger, Tang San's eyes twitched, and he bowed his head respectfully, "Teacher, I was wrong."

Yu Xiaogang stared at Tang San for a long time without saying a word, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "Little San, remember, without my permission, you must not arbitrarily absorb soul beasts who don't know their age, you know?"

Tang San nodded: "I see, teacher."

After the two chatted for a while, Tang San asked, "Teacher, I have a question for you?"

"Well, little San, if you have any questions, just ask."

"It's about Wang Feng. I watched him and Dai Mubai fighting before, and I found his fighting style was very strange. He was able to defeat Dai Mubai without releasing his spirit ring throughout the entire battle. I doubt whether he created it or not. What other cultivation methods, teacher, what do you think of this?"

"Well, Little San, you're right, and I guess the same is true. But he's just a crooked sect, and the soul master's strength still depends on the spirit ring. If he doesn't have a spirit ring, he's nothing. And you remember. Your aptitude is a thousand times better than Wang Feng, so you don't need to care about him."

"I understand teacher."

Tang San nodded and agreed with Yu Xiaogang.

In terms of qualifications, he considers himself stronger than Wang Feng.

If he worked hard, Wang Feng would definitely not be his opponent.

After Yu Xiaogang talked with Tang San, at the suggestion of Flender, he stayed in Shrek Academy as a teacher just like the original.

Soon, Flender gathered all the people from Shrek Academy and prepared to introduce Yu Xiaogang solemnly. Let everyone know this master of wisdom and wisdom.