
Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse

A person with no prior accomplishments has been given the opportunity to do everything their heart desires. With certain benefits, a soul was reborn in the AU Naruto universe as Naruto Uzumaki. Previous World: Naruto Current world: Harry Potter Next World: Naruto ---------------------------------- Readers Disclaimer: I have changed my writing style around the 30th chapter, so if you didn't like how I wrote the first few chapters, please be patient. This is my first book. English is not my first language. Some things may not be according to canon so take it as you will. MC will be ruthless and will do many things in the future to get power, but he will love his close ones. ============================= Disclaimer: For those people who think MC is a good guy. This story will mention many gruesome and dark scenes, such as the mention of r*pe(only mention) and killing. MC will be a person who won't care about anyone other than his close ones. MC, of course, is not a beta male here. Wish fulfillment. ============================ --- The image cover is not mine. If you are the artist, please let me know if you don't want me to use it, and I will take it down. ================= Please ignore if you found any grammatical mistakes, and let me know any spelling errors. I am dyslexic, and I write these chapters late at night, so I am exhausted when editing them. Trying to raise money to get myself an editor, so here is my P@treon if you want to support me :) ----> https://www.patreon.com/crazy_penguin

Crazy_Penguin · アニメ·コミックス
97 Chs

Super-Hot Fireeea

I changed a few things.




[Thoughts while speaking or Authors talking]

(Authors thinking)

[A/N: Should I continue doing long chapters around 3k worlds, or should I shorten them?

Personally, I like reading long chapters, but some people might think it is boring and a chore.

Please let me know what your preference is. ].

Naruto said: " ~Kureani, you really need to pay attention."

Kurenai's heart sped up, looking at her student. She knew that she wouldn't have lasted this long or had already died without her student.

Kurenai looked at Naruto and said, " Be careful, Naruto; Itachi has some kind of weird Genjutsu which trapped Kakashi and went into a coma."

After finishing her explanation, Gai came.

Naruto nodded and looked at Itachi and said: " ~Hello, Itachi!!... So Is this how you greet someone?"

Naruto looked at Gai and said, " You take the shark-boy over there; I might have broken his ribs or spine. I will take care of Itachi."

Itachi felt déjà vu and looked at Naruto with familiarity and said, " I came to take you Naruto-san, so please, or there will be more casualties."

Naruto mockingly looked at Itachi and said, " Yet, I still remember the beating I gave you, when you visited me before becoming a missing-nin."

Itachi came to Naruto to kill Mikoto but after getting a firm lesson from Naruto. Itachi gave him Fugaku eyes in hopes of protecting Sasuke while also mentioning Mikoto.

Itachi said he came to test Naruto if he could protect Mikoto or not since he knew Danzo would use Mikoto, so it's better she died without suffering.

Itachi, at that time, was very new to his eyes, so now he thinks he can at least go head to head with Naruto.

Itachi thought, ' He is a Jinchuriki, so other than my Tsukanomi, which I already used against Kakashi, other Genjutsu will not work on him.'

Itachi used {Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson}, which released a volley of shuriken with fire-infused Chakra at Kurenai and Naruto. Gai already left to fight Kisame.

Naruto used {Water Style: Water Shield}. He used the water vapor in the air to condense into a ball and turn into a shield, which blocked Itachi's attacks.

Itachi summoned {Shadow Clone Jutsu} two shadow clones rushed at Naruto. When they came near, they exploded, which created a large explosion.

Itachi, after using {Clone Great Explosion} then used {Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire} which sits off a volley of small fireballs.

Kurenai substituted into a safe place with Asuma next to her.

Naruto dodged the fireballs and rushed to Itachi with his Kusarigama. They both started fighting close combat. Finally, Naruto spun around and threw a sickle to come around Itachi, wrapping him around. Itachi turned into a bunch of crows and disappeared.

Naruto looked at his left side behind a tree, and Naruto threw a sickle toward the tree. The sickle tore through the tree by cutting it in half and stabbing Itachi's shoulders, who was hiding behind him.

Naruto was about to pull Itachi but saw black flames coming toward him. He knew what it was, so hurridly used the other hand and spun the sickle attached to chains in a circle pattern. It created a shield with Chakra, which has the properties of absorbing Chakra and shielding.

Itachi removed the sickle stuck to his shoulder and ran towards Kisame to escape. Naruto, after getting rid of the troublesome Amaterasu. He sensed something when he absorbed Amaterasu.

[*Ding* New Notification]

He was surprised he never received a notification since his "system" is just Inventory and Status.

Naruto felt the sickle loosen and saw Itachi running away toward Gai. Naruto didn't bother since he had already accomplished his goal. He wanted Itachi with his gold strands, which he did when he stabbed Itachi. Within a week, Itachi will 'turn' into a new leaf.

He sat down and opened the notification he got.

[ When Itachi's right eye ability is named Amaterasu, the Amaterasu god or Goddes of Sun has given a blessing for naming the fire with her name, but it turned black with Hate and became cursed fire. After absorbing the cursed flame, you have absorbed a tiny part of the blessing, which gave two fire powers.

Gyoka: Which was initially goldish yellow turned to dark green. It contains the properties to curse any living being and damage their soul. It will burn anything continuously until you stop it, or the person you cast has Will greater than you can stop it himself.

Amaterasu( Sun fire): They are gold in color since the original fire of the Goddess of Sun fire was yellow in color. It has the power to burn anything, even ash, and can power to judge any soul. If the soul commits evil, it can be sent to a place to burn for eternity. It has the powers of light and fire. It can heal any person or purify cursed things. The more you use this power around the sun, the stronger you become by permanently absorbing a tiny part of sunlight. { It is evovable} ]

( It will be called {Sun Fire} from on since it will be confusing mixing with the other Amaterasu(Cursed fire) )

Naruto thought, ' Even though there are no gods in the Naruto world, they are outside. Interesting abilities I got. Amaterasu can be similar to the Sunshine powers of Escanor from seven deadly sins. Unlike him, I won't get the massive boost while in the sun, but the more I use {Sun Fire} in the sun, the stronger I become. I increase permanently forever, but Escanor is only temporary until the sun stays.'

Naruto felt a whole different dimension filled with fire open to him.

Gai came to Naruto and informed, "Naruto, Itachi cast a Genjutsu on me, took Kisame, and ran away. You really injured Kisame since he was pretty bloody when I saw him."

Naruto said its fine and went to Kakashi in the hospital. Kurenai and Asuma were healed on the way.

Kurenai thought, ' I will get stronger. I will ask Naruto if there is any way to make me stronger.'

After the whole mess, Naruto informed the Hokage and came home. When he came, he saw Karin waiting for him.

Karin saw Naruto coming. She then came to him with watery eyes and said, " I am sorry Naruto-san for disturbing you during your….a…reunion with Mikoto. I am thankful for giving me protection and even making me vice president of the medical department. I am sorry If I made you angry."

Naruto didn't even remember when he got angry but suddenly remembered the incident with Mikoto. He chuckled and ruffled her hair and said: " I was not angry; I just came from fighting a tailed beast and the First Hokage while saving many civilians as I could. So I was a little grumpy when I came home.* chuckle* I don't even remember what happened."

Karin looked at Naruto and smiled happily. Naruto then continued

"As I said to Haku, you can call me Naruto in private. Let's go. I am famished."Then both went in.

----------------> At the Dinner table.

Naruto looked at everyone and said, " I will be leaving tomorrow for an important mission to bring Tsunade back to the village."

Everyone nodded their head.

Karin, who was confused, said: " My Heal-bite might not be that strong, or I didn't try it yet, but yours is much stronger than mine. It will either heal him or contain the poison for at least a few more weeks."

Naruto looked at Karin and said, " That is correct."

Karin was about to ask why but suddenly remembered and realized, so she nodded and didn't question.

Mikoto, who was sad that she couldn't see him asked sadly, " How long will it take?"

Naruto looked at her and said, "It might take a week or maximum at two since that is how long Hokage has."

Haku then replied, " We will be waiting for Naruto-kun. Please be careful."

Hinata smiled and said, "Is there anything we should know?"

Naruto thought for a while and said, " I think it's time to remove a pest that might cause problems in the future. And Anbu will not be guarding you anymore; my clones will. And I might not come back tonight, so I will meet you after the mission."

Naruto went to the hospital, activated the silencing seals, then looked at Hirzuen and said: " Professor, you will call Kakashi and Gai to wipe out Root and remove any surveillance on my family or me. From now on, Root will be established and given solely to me without any Hokage jurisdiction."

When Naruto said Professor, a codename Naruto invented to activate to listen to Naruto's command. Then, Naruto removed the silencing seal.

Hiruzen's eyes became dazed and nodded, and then they returned to normal.

Hiruzen then said: " Hello Naruto, it's good that you came. Wait a minute, let me call Kakashi and Gai."

Hiruzen then called an Anbu and told him to call Kakashi and Gai and tell Kakashi it's crucial, and if he is late, the Hokage will cut his pay for how late he will be.

After a few minutes, Kakashi came while breathing hard, and Gai soon followed.

Hiruzen then said, " Naruto place a silencing barrier."

Naruto nodded the thew a kunai to the wall. The small part of the wall turned into a Root agent that the Kunai killed. Then 'placed' the barrier and nodded.

( I think he is one of the few ninjas who actually died by a Kunai, truly unfortunate.)

Hiruzen then looked at the person who died, *sighed* turned to them, and said, " I have just got information that Danzo is planning something. He collaborated with Orochimaru for the invasion and planning while I was weak. So your mission is to exterminate Root, and I will handle any consequences. From now on, Root will be established and given entirely to Naruto."

Kakashi's eyes widened as he looked at Naruto. Kakashi worked at Root and knew what they do. Hell, he was given the mission to assassinate the Hokage himself. But he never thought Danzo would take part in the Konoha Invasion. Gai, who was too, I don't know what, just nodded.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and thought, ' I hope there won't be another Danzo.'

Hiruzen then looked at Naruto and said: " Naruto will be the mission's captain. He can take as many Anbu he needs to complete the mission, and after the mission, he can freely choose to fill up Root ranks."

Naruto said, " I don't need anyone, sensei. I have already gotten his location, and around 80% of Root was called back to Konoha. So I already marked their bases with my {Flying Thunder God(FTG)} mark. But I will take Kakashi and Gai's help taking down his right-handed men."

Then continued, " I have already made plans for Root. First, I plan to establish a separate Police Force. I will let you know my future plans."

Kakashi brian is telling him something is wrong, but he just told himself that it's not his place to judge, and Naruto currently is a higher rank than him.

Naruto told them to meet tonight and then disappeared.

Naruto arrived in a hidden ally and used {Kamui} to his dimension. After arriving, he used {Wood Style: Four Pillar Cage} and has applied many seals not to leak out the Chakra and seal anything inside.

Naruto then teleported to Sasuke. Naruto saw he was training in the forest alone; other than the Anbu and Root guards placed on him, he was utterly alone.

Naruto then placed the Genjutsu by snapping his fingers. The Genjutsu is basically a recording of Sasuke training in repeat. It's an infinite loop until it is broken.

Sasuke, who was not placed in Genjutsu, turned behind and saw two red eyes up close looking at him in the eyes. Before he could respond, he was placed in Genjutsu by Naruto {Genjutsu: Sharingan}.

Naruto caught Sasuke, who was about to fall, and replaced him with his Wood Clone, who started repeating his training. Then, Naruto teleported to {Kamui} with Sasuke.

Naruto teleported Sasuke to the Wooden Cage he had just made with seals. Then, after laying him down, he activated all the seals.

Naruto thought, ' now I added many traps which suck up any foreign chakra which is not registered. I made this trap for Hagoromo if he sensed that Indra's Chakra was being manipulated. Regardless, I didn't want to wait since I knew it would take time for Rineegan to awaken. For Madara, it took more than a decade, but for me, it should be less since I am using my chains to apply Indra's Chakra to my eye directly.'

Naruto summoned his Chains and wrapped Sasuke with them. Naruto then closed his eyes to sense any foreign chakra in Sasuke.

Naruto found a chakra; its purity was very high even though it was small. Then, he sensed the familiar with his Asura Chakra. Naruto started sucking everything leaving only barely enough to identify.

Naruto then guided Indra's Chakra to Asura's Chakra. Both of the Chakra's started combining and producing new Chakra. Naruto then started absorbing directly into his body.

His eyes burned for some time and stopped. He felt very close to nature and sensed Naruto Charka in the air but didn't try to absorb it since it could cause him to turn to stone or something else.

He previously realized that his chakra control was stuck at 95%, so he thought controlling Nature's Chakra was the last method to gain perfect control. But now, he has gained perfect chakra control. So, he will try Senjutsu during his three-year practice since Lion doesn't have Senjutsu; they just use Nature Chakra. he might teach them to give his summons to his family in the future, so they too can learn Senjutsu.

(Senjutsu is the mixing of Chakra and Nature Chakra together.)

He has all affinities, but it feels like his ninjutsu is more powerful and controls them more easily.

His already Biju level chakra increased massively.

He has not gained Six-Paths Chakra or mode like Naruto in the Anime.

He noticed he had no Indra or Asura's Chakra. He thought it might have turned into Hagoromo, but no. So he concluded that his not Asura reincarnation anymore. Naruto now turned into his own person. That means Hagoromo can't weaken him by taking his new powerups since they are no longer connected to Hagoromo's Chakra.

He then created a mirror using his clone to transform into one.

After looking, he noticed his skin became paler, and his eye irises turned goldish but not completely. Nothing else changed, then he turned around and waited for Hagoromo. After waiting for a half an hour

Naruto thought, 'Maybe that was not how he is summoned. In Anime with the blood of Naruto and Sasuke, Hagoromo was summoned. But, now that I think about it, Hagoromo didn't come when Madara awakened Rinnegan.'

Naruto then teleported Sasuke and replaced him with a Wood clone lying down on the ground. Naruto unsummoned the clone placed Sasuke and disappeared after breaking the Genjutsu.

Naruto looked in the sky and thought, 'there is still time for tonight's mission.'

-------------> Sasuke

Sasuke just woke up and thought, ' it seems like I was too tired and fell asleep.'

After waking up, he continued practicing after thinking about Naruto and Itachi. ( Gayyyyyyyy)

He didn't realize it, but he just lost a lot of powerups in the future and never will be strong as he was in Cannon Boruto.