
Start of an adventure - Pokemon

An opportunity of a lifetime was given to him, of course, he will take it.

Tye_Santna · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

A New Challenger

The Pidgey flew up into the air, circling around Bulbasaur.

"Come on, use your vines and drag it down."

Bulbasaur shot out its vines, Pidgey flapped its wings and whipped up some dust, creating a shield and flying away.

"Hey, you!" A voice sounded out behind Xavier.

It was a boy around the same age, but one could tell he was a bit older, he had reddish-brown going down to his color.

"Have you seen a Pidgey around here?" his voice was smooth, a bit arrogant sounding.

"I have, it just flew from here," he responded calmly

"Were you trying to catch it?" he bit curious of why.

"Why would I bother with a Pokemon as weak as Pidgey, I'm completely the bounty set by Jenny."

His contempt of the Pidgey race was obvious, "Bounty? willing to explain?"

Raising his brow as asked, "New Trainer?" he then looked towards Bulbasaur who was busy smelling the flowers nearby.

Xavier nodded without hesitation to this question.

He scoffed before a shine appeared in his eye, it was difficult to see through him.

"Let's have a battle, 1 vs 1, if I lose I tell you about the bounties"

He walked away a bit before turning around before grabbing a Pokeball pointing towards Xavier.

Xavier paused, not expecting this outcome at all, blinking a bit, he responded with a positive.

Calling Bulbasaur over, he preps himself for battle.

"Time for battle!" the redhead shouted out while throwing his Pokeball, revealing a four-legged brown fur canine-type animal, it was very cute in its features.



'Alright, the first battle, what does Eevee know, how strong is it?'

Xavier was in his head when the redhead made the first move,

"Start off with swift."

Eevee jumped into the air whipped its tail, launching several shaped stars.


"Dodge it!" he shouted in a hurry, but Bulbasaur was already in action of blocking with its vines, "Bulb-"

It was hit, pausing between actions to acknowledge commands.

"Again, keep using swift."

As Eevee did just that and jumped again,

"Dodge and then use vine wipe!"

Bulbasaur moved while the swift was in mid-air,

'What!?' Visible confused was strapped unto his face,

The redhead saw this and laughed, "Ha! you don't know, swift will never miss."

"How could I forget that?"

"Fine, Bulbasaur use vine whip and grab Eevee."

Launching his vines, Bulbasaur grabbed hold of Eevee and slammed it into the ground.

Strangely enough, they didn't react and let Bulbasaur use vine whip again and again.

'What is he planning, is it revenge? but can Eevee even learn revenge,'

Watching the scene of Bulbasaur using Vine Whip over and over again with a thoughtful eye, ' The only move I can think of is Fail, but isn't fail an egg move...'

Suddenly the opponent gained a smirk,

"Now, use quick attack, get up close."

Eevee broke loose and sped towards Bulbasaur,

"Use growl!"

'Too fast to dodge, vines are too extended to block, have to reduce damage,'

It opened its mouth and let out a roar,


Eevee ran up right in front of Bulbasaur and then suddenly stopped,

"Now, Fail."

Doing just that, Eevee swang its body wildly onto Bulbasaur, sending it flying, but before Bulbasaur could get a foothold, Eevee used fail again.


Bulbasaur landed with a thud onto the ground,

"Come on! get up!"

Xavier called out, hoping for the battle to not be over, but Bulbasaur was down for the count and had fainted.

Recalling Eevee, "Looks like I win."

Xavier a bit disappointed and recalling Bulbasaur, "Yeah..."

"I won't take your money this time around, but next time, you better pay up."

Those were his final words before turning and walking away.

Xavier turned in the opposite direction back to Pallet.

"That was a downer man."