
Start in Ninja World with Prototype of System

-I had no talent in writing -My main language is Indonesian, this Novel was Write in Indonesian, Translated with Gtranslate, and Fix by myself with Grammarly -Just Write it while boring, have your expectation as low as possible -Release, 1Ch/Day, 2Ch/Day if I am so Boring ______________________________________________________________ Kyo reincarnated in Ninja World as Uchiha family. when he waiting for his Cheat nothing coming in six years, when Kyo start Chakra Refinement the Prototype System that hidden inside his soul activated. But, No gacha, No point, No system features. at this point Kyo just "Fine, I'll Do It By Myself"

Hero_Of_Charity · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Ch. 05

Time flies

When the sun begins to slip a quarter of the way from its peak

Finally, Aizen stopped brainwashing the poor kids in his class with Hiruzen's pile of fake achievements

Another reason was that his throat felt dry after talking for a few hours.

Aizen saw that only a few little ninjas were still showing enthusiasm, like Nawaki and Minato.

The rest were either asleep or in a coma from boredom, like Uchiha Renji and the Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

"Okay, since sensei has explained quite a few things, you kids can go home, be careful on the road", rip-off Aizen said, then left the class while waving at a group of little ghosts.

"Yeah, sensei!"


At this moment, the souls of all the children in the class seemed revived

Even the unresponsive Ino-Shika-Cho at the edge of the course suddenly rose and ran out of the classroom.


Uchiha Renji rose with a cold snort condescendingly to the class and walked out of the classroom.

"Amazing, one day I will do many services like the 3rd Hokage and become Hokage myself."

Nawaki was still busy promoting his dream as Hokage and Minato went home without saying anything like the other side characters leaving.

While Mikoto and Kyo still immersed in CMD in his mind

Seeing Kyo, who didn't intend to move from his place, in the end, Mikoto approached Kyo and woke him up

"Kyo, it's time to go home," Mikoto said while shaking Kyo's body

Feeling someone shaking his body, Kyo immediately got up and looked at Mikoto

Mikoto, who saw Kyo wake up, smiled gently and said quietly

"It's time to go home. Can we walk home together?"

Kyo looked at Mikoto's small embarrassed face.

Really, who knew little Uchiha Mikoto would have traits like the little Hyuga Hinata in the future?

But it's a pity

For Kyo himself, even though his body is 6 years old

His soul is more mature than the Chunin teachers teaching the class

Kyo is not as worst as other Transmigrators who can't control their lust.

Kyo understands the meaning of the girl in front of him; as they say, girls in the ninja world tend to grow up faster, but Kyo believes it's pure bullshit.

The illusion of growing up faster may be caused by the existence of the ninja itself.

When there are ninjas who walk on the limit of life and death every day, it means that the life expectancy of the ninja is very low.

No wonder the body produces pheromones earlier, forcing a person to reproduce more quickly, which gives the illusion that girls fall in love very easily and mature quickly.

Kyo can't blame Mikoto because this kind of thing is the basic instinct of living things.

But regretfully, even though previously sitting with Mikoto gave him peace of mind, Kyo had no intention of having any relationship with the girl in front of him.

"You can go home alone, Mikoto; I'm busy," Kyo said emotionlessly

Mikoto, who originally had a face full of hope, suddenly fell into a gloomy mood

'Doesn't Kyo want to be friends with me? Did I do something wrong?...'

Even though Mikoto's mind was full of questions, on the outside, Mikoto just smiled glumly, lowered her head and then ran out of the classroom with a confusing sense.

Kyo sigh helplessly

Even if id has the slightest interest in Mikoto, Kyo still considers a lovers a troublesome thing

He not someone which is gonna self-sacrifice himself for love

Kyo is a man who will sacrifice everything for his purpose, ambition, will.

At this point Kyo and Thanos is two similar person

Rather than the fake calm that a 6-year-old girl gives, Kyo prefers to reach his own peace with a sharpened sword by himself.

Because of that, even though it would hurt Mikoto, Kyo didn't care

After all, instead of being trapped in this kind of illusion

Kyo would instead break it from the start and let go of the trouble that might come in future.

Also, Kyo is afraid of the consequences of marrying Mikoto

doesn't he know if the incarnation of old bastard Six Path Indra will be born as his son or if he has a rebellious son like Itachi in the future?

Doesn't this mean that Kyo is indirectly taking care of the descendants of the hypocritical Sage of Six Paths?

This green hat, Kyo rejected it

Kyo got out and leave the class the immediately ran home

The program he wrote in class was almost finished; although the success rate is unknown, at least Kyo wants to finish it soon.

Though it's still bright, Kyo doesn't intend to do anything to arrive home.

Going to his room, Kyo immediately lay down on the futon and sank his thoughts into CMD in his mind.

In CMD, a series of complex command sequences can be seen, although this sequence is not finished yet.

Kyo wrote a program where chakra carefully connected the system with his brain; the program could not be written carelessly.

Because of that, Kyo carefully made chakra connections to each part of the brain.

Starting from the brain stem, the cerebellum, and finally the cerebrum

The first two are not difficult, but the last part is complicated because the cerebrum is the most complicated one

One mistake is enough to end this man's whole career

Creating a program where the system and brain are connected isn't difficult. Still, Kyo complicates it himself because he avoids the system interfering with his brain's emotional system.

Writing a program where one command roughly connects the brain is naturally simpler than writing a program where dozens of different orders to achieve the effect Kyo wants

After all, Kyo doesn't want to be an emotionless machine

This process continues for several hours; only when the moon begins to hang high at night does Kyo finally wake up

There is no visible difference when Kyo opens his eyes

There's not even a change

This is already what Kyo expected

The program he created was only the basis for his future, not sky-defying abilities like 'Unlimited Blade Works' or 'Medaka Box, The End.

If there is a change that now Kyo system, soul, body, and mind are in perfect sync, connect each other.

In general, perfect synchronization between body, soul and mind is impossible.

Every individual has certain aspects, such as a strong body, a superior mind or a strong soul.

But just the benefits of this simple program are enough to explode Kyo's potential to unknown limits.

The concept is to use the system as the centre of balance and connection of the three main aspects of human beings: ' Perfect Synchronization.'

The essential benefit of 'perfect synchronization' is when one of the 3 aspects strengthens, the rest of the other aspects will rise, following the first one.

For example, if Kyo only strengthens his body, his mind and soul will follow and balance each other.

This will make Kyo not have any flaws, such as a mage who is vulnerable with a weak body or a swordsman who is afraid of magic attacks.

In other words, the equivalent of Kyo training yields 3 times the results

Although the concept of 3 times sounds low, it is more powerful than a 100 times increase in the Chinese cultivation world

If Kyo can tell it

He is now the equivalent of using 3 different cultivation methods simultaneously in the cultivation world.

Currently, his training method is only chakra purification. Still, in the future, if Kyo can have a strong body from the pirate world, his soul becomes a Shinigami in the Bleach world. His mind is trained in Academy City.

Although Kyo doesn't know if it's possible to change this book to the 'World Hopping' genre, at least for Kyo, who knows how strong he was at that time if that really happened

The result of 1+1 is sometimes not as simple as 2 in the concept of power, especially Kyo, who had 1+1+1 with an unknown outcome.

"Status, Open!" Kyo's orders to the void

[Uchiha Kyo, Age: 6]

[Physique: 6 – 8 – 10 – 12]

[Spirits: 12]

[Mind: 12]

[Chakras: 12]

[Chakra Regen: 1/Min]

[Skills: -Chakra Refinement]

[System Features: -Perfect Syncronization]


Kyo smiled when he saw the status displayed.

Not the status where his physical value was slowly strengthening past his age limit, but the 'System Feature' status section.

Yes, a system feature, not a Skill.

'Perfect Syncronization' is categorized as a system feature

That means Kyo can write other derivative programs to develop existing system features

Kyo still has a lot of ideas stuck in his head

He truly believes this will keep him busy for the next 6 years

Before Kyo drowned in excitement, suddenly, his stomach roared fiercely

Kyo knows this is the effect when his physique strengthens rapidly in Short time, and the body needs nutrition to complete the physical changes