
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · ファンタジー
147 Chs

Elven Spring

After settling the newly summoned knights, Hao Tian retrieved a blueprint from his spatial pouch: the construction plans for the Elven Spring. Building it required a thousand gold coins and five hundred units of stone. Previously, he had lacked both materials, but now he had enough to proceed. After upgrading the Royal Knight Training Grounds, he still had over two thousand gold coins left and more than ten thousand units of stone in reserve.

Hao Tian approached an open area near the Town Hall and set about constructing the Elven Spring. The spring looked like an ancient well, roughly two meters square, filled with a milky white liquid. This liquid was Elven Spring Water, a magical potion second only to the Water of Life. It could rapidly heal wounds and significantly aid in cultivation and physical enhancement.

Elven Spring

Level: Basic

Description: Contains an endless supply of Elven Spring Water, constantly emitting natural and life magic, improving the surrounding environment. Cultivating near the Elven Spring enhances results significantly.

Next Level: Intermediate Elven Spring

Upgrade Requirements: 10,000 gold coins, 5,000 units of stone.

Special Note: At maximum level, the Elven Spring can produce the Water of Life.

"At maximum level, it can produce the Water of Life?" Hao Tian mused in amazement. The Water of Life was a universally recognized treasure on the Sacred Continent, exclusively held by the Nature Elves. Acquiring it from them was extremely difficult and costly. In the capital of the Stanlow Kingdom, a single bottle of Water of Life could sell for at least 100,000 gold coins, often more.

If Hao Tian could produce it himself, he would undoubtedly amass great wealth. Even if it took ten local gold coins to exchange for one Lord's gold coin, he would still be swimming in money. The prospect of offending the Nature Elves seemed minor compared to the potential profits.

"But the upgrade requirements are incredibly high," Hao Tian noted, comparing it to the Lucky Altar. "Just to reach the intermediate level, I need 10,000 gold coins and 5,000 units of stone."

For Hao Tian, stone wasn't a problem, but gold was scarce. Gold was the one thing the Lord lacked the most!

"Let's not worry about that for now." Hao Tian called over his butler, Hoden, and the maid, Sally, explaining the use of the Elven Spring. "From now on, Elven Spring Water will be our daily drinking water. The Royal Knight battalion can also carry some during their hunts."

"Elven Spring?" Butler Hoden approached the ancient well, filled a cup, and took a sip. Instantly, his face lit up with disbelief. "This is indeed Elven Spring Water! It tastes exactly like the one I drank years ago!"

"You've had Elven Spring Water before?" Hao Tian asked, surprised.

"Yes, young master," Hoden replied. "Many years ago, I suffered severe injuries while studying magical runes. The Earl sent someone to the capital of Stanlow Kingdom to purchase a bottle of Elven Spring Water at a high price. Without it, I might have died or at least been unable to continue my magical studies. Praise the generous and kind Earl!"

After a brief pause, Hoden continued, "Elven Spring Water is said to be a diluted form of the Water of Life. While it's not as potent, it is still very valuable—worth thousands of gold coins per bottle. Your Elven Spring Water might not be as pure, but it should easily sell for a thousand gold coins per bottle. And you have an entire well of it!"

Hoden was visibly excited, and Hao Tian took a deep breath. Five large words flashed in his mind: I'm going to be rich! This wasn't just a well; it was a source of endless Elven Spring Water. With it, he could amass an incredible fortune.

"No wonder the maximum level can produce the Water of Life," Hao Tian thought. "Elven Spring Water is just a diluted version of it. Upgrading the Elven Spring must increase the concentration of the Water of Life until it eventually produces the real thing."

"We need to establish a trade route to the Stanlow Kingdom or the Desert People's Kingdom," Hao Tian told Hoden.

But the butler cautioned, "Young master, our territory isn't strong enough yet to form a caravan that can cross the Forest of Life. We need King-level or extraordinary warriors to ensure our safety."

"You're right," Hao Tian nodded. He wouldn't rush to form a caravan, risking everything for nothing. His focus should remain on stable growth and expanding his army.

What neither of them knew was that a caravan was already planning to head for the Golden Oasis.

Hao Tian continued, "I've just recruited a hundred new Royal Knights, including some high-potential Royal Judgment Knights. Starting tomorrow, we'll expand our hunting grounds, targeting the lizardman tribe's sand forest."

"Are you planning to eliminate the lizardmen?" Hoden asked.

Hao Tian nodded. "The Kalar Desert is resource-poor. The quickest way to develop our territory is through war. If our enemies are weaker than us, we conquer them. If they are stronger, we bide our time and then conquer them!"

Hoden's face twitched at this bold statement. Since establishing their territory in the Golden Oasis, his young master had become increasingly aggressive, eager for war and conquest, seemingly ready to strike at anything that crossed his path.