Kevin' life as an ordinary boy is destined to be unexceptional until he enter the army to fight The Arachnids , Gigantic Bugs . In his first battle he died alongside 100000 humans,but a strange system save him from dead.
Somewhere on Planet Lost
Sergei:"T, we can't find him. He's gone."
T:"We aren't sure. We didn't find his body or any sign ."
Sergei:"You know that, the bugs eat almost anything? So it's possible that he's body was eaten ."
T:"Right,but we found the bodies of our brothers."
Sergei:"Let's do it this way. We'll search for him one more day and if we don't find any sign of his whereabouts, we'll declare that he's dead. Ok?"
Sergei:"He was a good man,but unfortunately the war took him from us."
On the ground.
Primexian: "What should we do?"
Leader:"Use the cannon ."
Primexian:" Hit them with low power?"
Leader:"Yes,just make them land."
When they heard the command,four primexians brought a five meters long weapon.
They put the weapon down and target the ship.
Four seconds later,the weapon was charged.
Seeing that the weapon is charged,the leader nodded at his men.
When they saw the signal,they fired .
The shot hit the transport ship,but it didn't destroy it. Seconds after they were hit,the ship start going down.
Pilot 1:"We are force to land, brace yourself and prepare for combat."
Without any second thoughts, the pilot tried his best to land the ship safe,but his actions were wasted when the one engine blow up.
Immediately after the engine blow up, the ship crashed violently .
Waking up from the crash, T start looking at the soldiers inside the ship. All of them were fainted, so he decided to check the soldiers of any injury they may have gained from the crash.
After he was sure that none of them were dead or seriously injured,he slowly opened the hatch .
When he got outside of the ship, T has welcomed by thirty Primexians.
T was shocked when he saw the three meters tall gorrilas ,but as a soldier he recovered quickly .
Pointing his rifle at the Primexians, T spoke.
T:"What do you want?"
Leader:"Lower your weapon and follow us. You will not regret following us."
T was shocked by the fact that these Gorrilas can speak,but he decided to follow them as this should be the only he and the soldiers would have any chances to leave alive.
As T and the Primexians walked to a hill,T was shocked to see more than 200 primexians waiting for something.
When the primexians saw their leader,one of the them to him.
Primexian:Chief,we are ready,the group is resting.This should be our best chance to capture them without a fight.
Chief:Don't underestimate this human,he's strong even without an arm and his group are from Sudo tribe.They are the best fighter you could find .Prepare to capture them when all of the soldiers are ready.
Primexian : Understood .
T was still in shock,from the number of the enemy to the fact that he could understood their language ,these things were really fucked up for him,but one thing caught him off guard.A human.
T:{This can be our leader,he's alive,but if these group try to capture him...}
Kevin POV
As Kevin and his group was standing on the ground ,his system rang in his head.
[Warning!!!!!Warning!!! You are surrounded ]
[Special Mission issued: Survive the ambush
Enemy :237/237
Reward:Battle aura,Repair kit grade 3]
Seeing the message ,Kevin was scared.How could he be calm when his group has 6 soldiers with him while the enemy outnumber them with a lot of soldiers.
Looking at the his soldiers,Kevin stood up and spoke :"Boys were are surrounded ,we might need to fight for our life."
Kar:"Sir,who is the enemy?"
Kevin:"I can't say for sure,but I'm 100% that we aren't facing bugs."
Kol:"The White Tribe,we're going to fight the strongest tribe.It was an honor to fight alongside your brothers ."
Kevin:"No one will die.I'll deal with them."
Three minutes later all the range primexians were aiming their weapons at Kevin's group while the fighters were surrounding his group.
With a calm face,Kevin walked in front of them and spoke:"Who's your leader?"
From the ranks of the fighter a slightly taller primexian walked in front of Kevin.
Chief:I'm the leader,now boy I need you to answer my questions.
Kevin:And if I don't answer?
Chief:You'll die, simple right?Now,first question do you know how to use battle aura?
Kevin was shocked by the question,but he didn't show it on his face.
Kevin:No,at least not right now,but if you let us leave,I'll show it to you .
Chief:And what make you think that I'll allow your request?
Kevin smiled :It's simple,you'll have to trust me if you wanna see if I could use the so called battle aura.
Chief:Fine,but your men will stay with me and they are injured just so you know.
Kevin:My men,do you men humans?
Chief:Yes,I have some of them with me.Now boy what would you do?
Hearing that his men were injured and the fact that the chief has them as hostages ,Kevin's anger began to rise .
One second later he left with his group,but after they walked fifty meters,the system spoke again.
[Mission completed
Reward:Battle aura,Repair kit grade 3]
When the reward was issued ,Kevin body began to emit a white aura that was filled with murderous intent that was aimed at the primexians.
As the aura hit the primexians,the chief start trembling from excitement and fear.Excitement because he found their lost god and fear because their god was angered .
Chief:Wait,I'm sorry sir if my words were somehow interpreted in a wrong manner.I have your men,but most of them are treated by my men while the leader of their group is on the hill.
Hearing what the Chief said ,Kevin aura began to fade away.Looking at the chief,he walked towards him.
Kevin:Show me.How are my men and I'll believe you.
Chief:Of course.
When they arrived on the hill,Kevin was shocked when he saw T alright.
Kevin:T,I'm glad that you are ok.
T:Sir!I knew that you were alive.
I'm back.I know that I was a jerk for the fact that I disappeared for more than five months (I think).Well the main reason was the fact that I had to be a volunteer at a summer school and after that I had to go to Greece .