
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · ファンタジー
17 Chs


Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated in almost a month (or maybe more, I'm not really sure anymore) because I have been busy with school and am having a hard time making time to write. My schedule is really hectic especially since we are going through online classes which is such a pain in the ass. I also have been putting off the times where I am able to have just enough free time to finish a new chapter because I started writing this story at the top of my head without planning out the minor and major details properly. I want to continue it but at the same time I'm kinda lost with the plot and everything 'coz I didn't think this story through. 😂 But besides that, I will be able to upload a new chapter soon because it's already our Christmas break. I will upload as many chapters as I can before school resumes next year. I hopw everyone is doing well and stay safe always!


~ Jessica Merlin