
Star World: Started With Unranked Talent.

Ronan is an unlucky guy who was caught in a space rift after destroying his enemies. He reincarnates as Axel in another universe. ************************* Start World began to change 100 years ago after becoming entangled in a strange force. The world was multiplied by 1000 times and all creatures mutated. Humans began to awaken superpowers and cultivate them as well. Will Ronan, who was born on this planet as Axel, be able to change his destiny this time? ******************************************** Hello, this is my second novel and there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination.

Dark_lord_100 · 都市
36 Chs


"Ronan, please don't kill me."

"Fuck you, Smith."

"Do you think you'll be able to live after killing me?" They'll find out shortly, and the entire organization will go after you."

"You may go with confidence. Because it is I who will hunt them."


Smith's skull was shattered. Ronan fled the area after destroying the Base.


5 years ago.

"Is this an orphanage?"


Ronan picked up the phone and asked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm calling from the hospital." Mr. John was involved in a major accident."


"Ronan, what happened."

Ronan addressed the elderly woman.

"Uncle John was involved in an accident. "I'm going to the hospital."

"What...how...is he...?"I'll also visit the hospital."

"No, Aunt looks after the children. I'll contact you later."

Following that, John went to the hospital. Ronan gazed at John, and his eyes went wet unknowingly. John was the one who brought him up.

"How was the situation, Doctor?"

"We stabilized him, but we need to operate."

"All right, doctor, I'll go gather money."


"I want to meet your boss."

Ronan visited a well-known gang in the city. Ronan was born with incredible strength and was a fast learner. Ronan earned money by illegal boxing, which made the lives of the orphanage children easier. Smith, the gang's commander, attempted to recruit Ronan.

"Take a look at who we have here. "The Smasher, Ronan."

"I need money."

"I can give you money, but my condition has changed."

"What is it?"

"My organization requires an experimental subject, and you are the best option I could think of."

Ronan clinched his hands, knowing he had a slim chance of surviving the illegal experiment. He will be absorbed into the organization even if he lives.

"I agree, but I need 10 million dollars."

"Ok "

Smith wired money to Ronan's account right away.

"You only have two days to prepare."


"You have to come or you will know what we do."

Ronan dashed out of there.

"Why do you give so much money, boss?"

"What the fuck do you know, I only received an order to get Ronan dead or alive."

"How will I know what the higher-ups think?"

"Have you resolved the accident?"

"Yes, boss, no one will ever know that we did it."

"I certainly hope so."

Ronan paid hospital bills and deposited funds into an orphanage account.

"Mr. Ronan. John's surgery was a success."

"Thank you very much, doctor."

After a day, John regained consciousness. Ronan felt relieved after witnessing John recover consciousness. According to the doctor, being an average human will take one year. John also discovered Ronan had spent money on his operation.

"Ronan, "How did you come by so much money?"

"Don't worry, John, I asked my friend."

John was relieved and didn't ask any questions after hearing. At night, Ronan informed his Aunt that he had accepted a position in another country and asked her to look after the orphanage and John. Ronan also offered her a letter he wrote to John about his work.

Smith was relieved to see Ronan and led him to a secluded location after seeing him.

"Boss, this is the Ronan you wanted."

Ronan also noticed a white man dressed in a grey suit. The man also glanced at Ronan before leading him into the base.

"Smith, this is the 50 million dollars we promised."

"Boss, could you tell me why you wanted Ronan?"

"Do you want to die, Smith?"

"Sorry about that, boss."

"Remember your place."


There are other test subjects in addition to Ronan. Ronan had no idea how long he had been in the base. All he remembers is that every day, someone runs tests with various substances and tortures him. After two years, he was awakened to a power that five times strengthened his physique.

"Congratulations, Ronan, on your awakening."

"Can I know what happened to me?"

"You'll know if you look at these documents."

Ronan read documents. According to papers, some space rifts began to occur in various locations on Earth 59 years ago. Some items were tossed from the space rift from time to time. They have no idea what is outside the space. Some humans began to mutate or awaken extraordinary talents as a result of these events.

Ronan's parents were natural awakeners. His father has the same talent as him, which strengthens his physique, and his mother may have awoken a particular skill, but they don't know what kind of ability she has.

"How did my parents die."

"We are not the only country that has had awakenings. Your parents died fighting alongside others."

"Did you have any special abilities aside from Strengthen?"


"Ronan It's best if you inform them. You've also seen that your mother is a possible awakener."

"How do you think my mother was awakened?"

"We found out your parents had a baby before they died." But no matter how hard we looked, we couldn't find you. As though you had vanished from the face of the earth. So we assume your mother possessed a remarkable talent."

"More importantly, if both parents are awakeners, the baby has a high chance of inheriting parental abilities." We accomplished all of these things in the last two years to help you reach your full potential."

"I'll ask you again." "Did you inherit your mother's talent?"

"Mr. I just awakened one ability, and you have my blood and DNA as well. You can check if you don't trust me."

Ronan also left the room and went to his room.

"Do you think he's telling the truth, boss?"

"I'm not sure. But we'll find out shortly. Send him on dangerous missions that we have. If he possessed a special capacity, he would naturally show it in front of death."

"But, What if he didn't have any special ability and died on this mission."

"Fool, do we lack Awakners and test subjects?" "If he dies, so be it."

"Tell Smith to remove the orphanage."


"We have no idea what kind of special he had. If he used his talent to fake his death. What will be his initial action?"

"Go to the orphanage."

"Right, so if he sees the orphanage destroyed after escaping, he will undoubtedly seek vengeance from us."

"Okay, Boss."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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