
Star Wizard

One of the most dangerous galactic criminals is finally caught and sentenced to death. But during the execution something goes wrong and his soul, or whatever it was, is transferred into Harry Potter. - And the body... Nothing, the main thing is that he is alive... The game starts again. The story was written back in Feb for my patrons. I'm putting it up now. You can read it in full at: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

FanFictionForge · 書籍·文学
51 Chs

Part 33

More patreon subscriptions and I'll do a massive release.

100 more stones and there will be a new chapter.

Advanced chapters at:


Another 100 stones to go and there will be an additional chapter.

Enjoy reading.


Mephistopheles spent only a couple of days at the Dursleys'. After that he took all his belongings, the rest of his gold, his weapons, his car, and left for the menorah. The building was impressive. 4 floors, many rooms, towers. A basement and underground structures that could house an entire army. The entire space was covered by a dome of protective charms, which were constantly active, but at the moment of siege or attack they could be activated to full strength and then the enemies would not be happy.

Eliza was already waiting for him on the estate. The mercenary squad was also stationed there. Mephistopheles had planned to throw Marcus' men here as well, but then he decided that it was better not to put all the eggs in one basket. Marcus's base was well shielded by the technology left over from the crash, not by magic. That was an added advantage.

Intelligence on the Lord's resurrection brought sad news. Most of the pureblood clans had decided to support Voldemort, even those who had previously been neutral. The ardent opponents were almost non-existent, as were the neutrals.

Hermione now lived almost permanently on the estate, only occasionally travelling to London to see her parents. The girl was seriously interested in blood magic and healing. The mercenaries, Roxanne and Mara, were working with her. Hermione was making progress and Mephistopheles was already thinking of teaching the girl the basics of necromancy, but Rowena cooled his ardour. For this purpose it was necessary to prepare the girl morally, and that's what the witch did.

Mephistopheles himself was travelling around the country, scouting for supporters of the Lord. He already knew the location of several menorahs of devourers, but that was not enough. He needed more supporters, and where could he get them if he had none?


Mephistopheles had been sitting with the goblins for the second hour. Sorting out his inheritance. A deeper blood test had shown his bloodline to be not only Black, but Peverell and Gryffindor as well. This wasn't particularly surprising to Mephistopheles, but the goblins had been floundering in meetings for hours. Finally, the mess was over, and Potter was allowed to go through the ritual of acceptance. As a result, he turned out to be Gryffindor's heir by magic and Lord Peverell. And that's when the mess started all over again. He had to sort through documents that hadn't been put in order in centuries. But there were plenty of bonuses. An incredible fortune, several estates, and most importantly, the ancestral castle of the Necromancers. But it still had to be restored. Mephistopheles sent the goblins to do it, and ran to deal with other problems.

As it turned out, despite his wealth, Mephistopheles had nothing to offer potential followers. The Prince had no authority in aristocratic circles like the Lord. Therefore, he needed someone else's authority.


For weeks, the mercenaries studied Nurmengard's security. The fortress was not heavily guarded, especially considering who was imprisoned there. Right now, Marcus and the Prince had enough resources to storm the dungeon. But what to offer Grindelwald? Power? That went without saying, but he wouldn't just co-operate, he'd probably try to pull some sort of stunt. Or promise him the deathly Hallows? In the end Mephistopheles came to the conclusion that it would be easier to free Grindelwald first, and then negotiate with him. Failure to do so would mean one less Dark Lord.


- Good afternoon, Miss Skeeter," Mephistopheles greeted the journalist. He decided to act in two directions at once. The name of the Boy Who Survived carried weight, and it was worth taking advantage of that.

- Mr Potter, I must say I'm surprised. You've rebuilt the family estate, I heard it was completely destroyed.

- Lord Potter, Miss Skeeter," Mephistopheles smiled, showing off the lord's ring.

- Have you accepted the legacy? - Rita was surprised and her gaze became calculating in an instant.

- Yes, a long time ago. But that's not what you want to hear about, is it? The newspapers have been running for weeks now with all sorts of theories about what happened when I took up the cup. Few have even come close to the truth.

- I'm listening to you, Lord Potter," Rita straightened up.

- When I took the goblet, I was transported to a graveyard where a group of black wizards were performing a ritual to resurrect Voldemort. They succeeded, and the lord challenged me to a duel. We fought, and many of his servants died in the process. And then the Potter vassals arrived and got me out of there. They did.

- Well, Lord Potter, read tomorrow's edition of the Prophet. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

- I suppose so. The Ministry's bound to start putting the squeeze on everyone, including me. I'm sure the Minister will even try to silence the situation, which will be to Voldemort's advantage. But I will not be silent. And if the Lord and his company come to my manor, there will be a massacre. I don't care who swore allegiance to him, I don't care about the bloodlines of those idiots. If they oppose me, they will die! - Mephistopheles finished. During the conversation, he slightly pressed the journalist mentally to ensure the best possible result. Now all that was left was to wait.


Potter's interview had a bombshell effect. The Minister had tried to accuse Potter of making open threats, but he had run up against a public opinion that would not let the Ministry drag the hero's name through the mud.

The House of Lords didn't fidget much. Most half of the House were supporters of Voldemort, the rest were neutrals or members of the Order of the Phoenix. A few raised the issue of Potter's interview at the next meeting, but no action was taken. The neutrals didn't twitch, the Lord's supporters croaked, and the Order of the Phoenix members only nodded their heads.



The prison building had been standing on the island for a century. No one had renovated it much, just made sure the cells were intact. Cold winds blew through the corridors, and the Dementors did not keep the prisoners healthy.

The guards sat in their rooms as usual, not bothering to walk the corridors. Why should they? The prisoners weren't going anywhere. Suddenly, a massive explosion sounded from the side of the gate. The gate flew out. A figure in armour stepped into the courtyard. The Dark Lord had come for his followers.

A multitude of masked figures broke into the prison and began breaking into the cells, dragging the prisoners out of there. The Aurors tried to resist, but were swept away by their opponents. Those sorcerers were casting spells of defeat, mostly with avads. An hour later, all the members of the inner circle were at the Malfoy Menorah, where there was already a squad of healers and Severus Snape.

While the ex-prisoners were being cleaned up, Voldemort was making arrangements with the Dementors. They agreed to serve the Lord and to obey the orders of his marked men. When the Lord left Azkaban, the grounds were nothing but ruins and the bodies of guards.


Nurmengard, same time.

The Legion had positioned themselves near the prison and were waiting for a command. Mephistopheles personally intended to command the operation. The gloomy building seemed to reach up to the clouds. Perimeter guards passed by every ten minutes. A multitude of security charms braided the prison.

But it wasn't the guards that worried the Prince, it was the signalling charms. The last thing he needed was Dumbledore or the German Aurors arriving in the middle of an operation.

- Commander, I'm done," Roxanne reported. The blood magic had done its job. Whatever happened on the castle grounds now, no one will know about it. Not in the next six hours.

- Let's go! - Mephistopheles commanded and the squad rushed towards the dungeon.

The first pair of guards were turned to ashes by Rowena and the whole team broke into the dungeon. Emir started drawing a star on the floor, Max and Goodwin covering him. With the rest of the team, Mephistopheles headed upstairs. They met resistance as soon as they reached the first floor of the castle. Two trio of mages, well organised, attacked without warning. A firefight with spells began. Mephistopheles put the chains into action, and they managed to tear apart two of the guards before they realised and tried to put up physical shields.

The remaining four simultaneously launched elemental spells at the mercenaries, but they were swallowed up by a shield of ash, which turned into a deadly cloud of smoke and travelled back to the guards. They were unable to defend themselves against the spell of higher necromancy and their bones were left lying on the floor.

The team travelled a few floors before being met by another squad. They attacked suddenly, just like last time. Although the advantage in numbers was on the side of the attackers, Mephistopheles did not rush to win the battle, but waited for the other mages to arrive on the floor.

When the number of guards exceeded 20, Mephistopheles switched to an intangible state and flew upwards, directly into the prisoner's cell. Left alone with the guards, the mercenaries put up a barrier and began to fight in earnest.

Grindelwald's cell.

Mephistopheles flew out of the side wall of the cell just as Grindelwald was looking in. Even here the sounds of battle reached here and the Dark Lord paced from corner to corner, worried. For so many years he had sat there with no hope of getting out. Attempts to free him had been made in the first decade and then fell flat. When the ghost that floated out of the wall became material, Grindelwald decided to clarify the purpose of the visit. He had been visited by a young man not so long ago, and it had not ended well.

- And who has come to visit me? What's your name, boy?

- I will be older than you, what kind of a boy am I to you, - Mephistopheles muttered, sitting down on a chair. - I've come to talk to you. My name is Harry Potter.

- What, just to talk? You won't demand to share the secrets of power and forbidden magic? - Gellert inquired.

- Secrets I can share with you myself. No, I'm here about something else. Do you want to be free? - Mephistopheles tilted his head to the side.

- Who wouldn't? What do you want for my release? - Grindelwald took a businesslike tone.

- Oh, nothing much. I've been thinking of building my own empire, but there's a Lord in the way. I'd like to get rid of him.

- What, you're so powerful and you can't handle one lord?

- This character is dangerous. I suppose only you, at the height of your powers, could balance Voldemort," Mephistopheles replied.

- Voldemort, then. I've heard of him. Albus was really getting into his chess game. Oh, well. I'm willing to help you. What vows do I have to make?

- Oh, I don't want to ask too much. Right now, I need companions and an army, that's all. And oaths... An oath of non-aggression against me and my men will suffice. I've read your politics, I know what you're trying to achieve. Our plans are the same, but I look a little further and a little bigger. And if one day we become too crowded on this planet, we can always find another one. - Mephistopheles finished his speech.

- You should be an orator, boy. I am Gellert Grindelwald, I swear not to attack Harry Potter, not to make any attempt on his life or the lives of his associates and family. I swear to support him against Lord Voldemort," Grindelwald vowed, and was surprised when his companion swore as well.

- I, Harold James Potter, swear not to attack or attempt to harm Gellert Grindelwald, not to interfere with his plans, and to support him as best I can in the common interest.

Magic confirmed the oaths, and Potter kicked the door open.

- Now let's get out of here," and they walked down the corridors straight down.

It was already over downstairs. There were dead bodies of guards lying here and there, the corridor was almost destroyed. The mercenaries were unharmed, only Elena had minor injuries.

- The portal is ready, we can go, - Emir said and the star glowed blue. A moment later they were already standing in front of the gates of Potter Manor.

They were already being greeted by Hermione and Eliza at the manor. Hermione sighed admiringly at the sight of Grindelwald, who, despite his imprisonment, looked quite decent. The wizard was laid on the couch and Mara began to mutter spells over him. The others left, leaving them alone.


The attack on the two prisons at the same time caused panic in the magical society. Mephistopheles hadn't really intended to publicise the attack, hoping that the local authorities would cover up the fact that Grindelwald had escaped, but they hadn't. It didn't matter. But the wizards of England were much more concerned about the escape from Azkaban than the storming of Nurmengard. Many wizards chose to simply flee the island.

Dumbledore, unlike most Englishmen, was more concerned about his former associate's escape. Who could have helped him escape? Judging by the local auror's report, a well-trained group was at work. But all of Grindelwald's supporters had long since been executed, and if someone had escaped prison, why now? Questions, questions, and there were no answers.

Harry Potter had left the Dursleys and was now apparently living in the family menorah. It was unlikely to change the boy's mind, the Headmaster didn't even want to try. The boy's interview made it clear that he was serious. The thought of telling him about the Horcruxes crossed his mind, but the Headmaster dismissed it. Not yet. Not yet. Dumbledore was much more concerned about the boy's ability to act on his own. He said his vassals had taken him from the battlefield. Lied? But to whom, him or Skeeter? We'll have to find out.


Weasley house, Burrow.

Burrow was a mess, as usual. Arthur was away at work, Mrs Weasley wasn't home at all. Ron was lost in Muggle London. Ginny was in her room reading books the Ministry disapproved of. The twins were in their room roasting Veela.

When Fleur told her parents she was going to stay with her boyfriend, who worked as a curse breaker at Gringotts, the four Delacourts had no questions. Curse breakers made good money and were no wimps. But when Fleur's father found out exactly what family her boyfriend was from, he tried to reason with his daughter. But all that came out was a scandal. Fleur quarrelled with her relatives and moved to the Weasleys. A personal hell awaited the girl there. She remembered everything she'd been and everything she'd become. But the bonds that the demon had bound her with did not give her a chance to get rid of this nightmare. Mrs Weasley rarely slept at home, so the girl was left to do all the housework. On top of that, she spent virtually every night with the twins, who used her like a cheap whore. And the twins had a lot of imagination.

Mrs Weasley had long since kept her end of the bargain, and the demon had left her behind, dumping her back in hell. But while it was in the woman's body, it had changed her behaviour, her outlook on many actions and traditions. And now the woman preferred raising her children to orgies and murder. On several occasions, the woman had imposed Imperio on Muggles and forced herself to rape. In Muggle London, a rumour spread about a red-haired prostitute who didn't take money.

Ginny often brewed potions, a list of which she got from Potter. Most of them were forbidden, acting on the mind or on the wizard as a whole. The girl was also mastering the theory of blood magic, Arthur had brought home a confiscated book. Ginny often heard moans from the twins' room. She knew what they were doing in there and secretly wished she and Hermione would be doing the same soon. Potter had promised to help her, she might have to thank him and Ginny was ready for it. Anything to be with Hermione.

Ron was migrating to Muggle London, using his left wand mostly for stealing and petty pranks. The Oversight spell, which allowed them to track down offenders, only worked on the wand received on the day he visited the shop. That is, if the wand was inherited, it could no longer be traced by Oversight. But that spell was mostly for Muggleborns, and those who bought a wand from Olivander used it for the rest of their lives. Ron had taken the wand home, his father had confiscated it from a dealer in Lute. And now the lad could have fun in the Muggle world with impunity.

Arthur, when he wasn't at the Ministry, was hanging around Muggle brothels, having fun with whores. That Molly was giving him horns Arthur knew, but he was in no hurry to do anything about it. He was no angel himself. The muggle was no stranger to stealing from Muggles and tampering with the work of the Muggle police. Fleur Delacourt, who lived at their house, was often used by the head of the family for his own purposes. Sometimes joining the twins. Fleur barely made it to bed after those nights.

Bill was rarely at home, mostly the guy spent time in the bank. Not many people knew it, but in the dungeons at the goblins, lived about a thousand debtors and debtors. Many girls were happy for a partial repayment of their debt, to please the guy.

Many generations of Weasleys had lived and entertained in a similar manner, sometimes acquiring slaves on whom to dump their sins, keeping the family from getting bogged down in curses. Their showy poverty was nothing more than a cover for their dirty deeds. The Weasleys were fussy about comfort, ordering their meals from Muggle restaurants. And no one ever realised who hid behind the masks of the beggars.


Grindelwald began to spread his network. He didn't announce himself right away, he wasn't an idiot. Gradually, finding his most loyal supporters, Gellert built up a reliable team, reassembling his inner circle. Mephistopheles contributed a lot to this, helping with money and men. The Legion was directly involved. Crowley was literally in the lab, producing truth serum, explosive potions, subjugation potions, and medical potions. Rowena had started necromancy training with Hermione. Max was under Grindelwald, where his talent was needed. Eliza fought in the dueling chamber with Goodwin almost every night. The master dagger fighter was as skilled as the vampire. Ferdinand and Elena did most of their dueling. But one-on-one with Mephistopheles, they couldn't last ten minutes.

Voldemort had gone quiet. His supporters needed time to recover from their time in prison. They were slowly recovering, and some had already begun to get their financial affairs in order. Severus Snape had managed to justify himself to the Lord and was now spying for him in the Order. And in the Lord's camp for the Order. As in the last war, alone, torn between the two sides. But there was still Potter. When the boy openly stated his position, Snape's fears were only strengthened.

Potter had contacted Sirius several times, urging caution, but it seemed in vain. Sirius was firmly established in the Maldives and would not be leaving.


Germany, Grindelwald's hideout.

Gellert and Mephistopheles usually met at Potter's Menorah, but this time Grindelwald had invited him to his place. The Dark Lord's hideout was decorated in a gothic style, it felt both forlorn and luxurious at the same time.

- Gellert, how do you create the Philosopher's Stone, purely theoretically? - Mephistopheles asked.

- Harry, the philosopher's stone is not just turning metal into gold, but eternal life. However, it is impossible to simply take years out of thin air. The Philosopher's Stone is the product of many sacrifices sealed in a vessel from which the elixir of life is obtained. And the residual energy allows you to transmute metal into gold. I tried to create one in the concentration camps.

- How exactly do you make the elixir? You don't just dip a rock in water, do you? - Mephistopheles was already convinced that it wouldn't work.

- No, of course not. The process is like brewing a potion and the ritual. But alas, the only Philosopher's Stone in the world is in Nicholas Flamel's possession.

- No," the Prince smiled, tossing the stone in his hand, "so what about the elixir?

Grindelwald looked at the stone the way a goblin looks at a derelict safe and gold.

- Where did you get it from, Potter?

- I stole it from under Dumbledore's nose in my first year. And from under Voldemort's nose. So you know what to do with it?

- Of course I do. - The tone became a little resentful.

- Then here you go," the Prince tossed the stone to Gellert.

Grindelwald clutched the stone.

- What, you're just going to give it to me?

- Not give it to me, lend it to me. I don't really need it. I have the gold, but I haven't figured out how to make the elixir yet. If you do, you can share it with me. And you can keep the stone, - Mephistopheles shrugged his shoulders.

When he returned home, he did not feel that he had acted rashly. He trusted Gellert.



Lucius Malfoy leaned back tiredly in his chair. His estate had become a branch of a madhouse. Half-crazed prisoners who were slowly coming to their senses. Strange associates of the Lord from different countries who occupied several rooms. Werewolves who hunted his peacocks in the garden out of boredom.

Narcissa had become kind of frantic lately. In bed. That had happened to her in the first month after the wedding, but what was causing this behaviour now? It's unclear. During the day Lucius was tired of the Lord and his orders, and at night his wife kept him awake. A couple of times she had even threatened to cheat on him with a couple of werewolves if Lucius didn't try harder.

Bellatrix didn't give him any peace either. She kept pestering Draco about his knowledge of dark magic. Thank Merlin she hadn't heard about Draco's status yet. The lord was already aware of it, but no sanctions had been imposed yet. Perhaps the lord was waiting for Draco's master to reveal himself. Lucius had been waiting for this for a long time too, but so far to no avail. However, Draco had not asked any questions lately and had been careful not to cross paths with Bella and the Lord. Perhaps his master had decided to keep a low profile for now.