
Hidden Ripples

In the student council meeting room, the long table was covered with a snow-white tablecloth and the school's logo hung on the wall. 

The meeting had been going on for some time, agenda item by agenda item, but Mars' attention strayed from time to time. His eyes unconsciously swept over the empty seat where Lucy always sat, which had been deserted for days on end.

"Next, let's discuss the preparations for the upcoming cultural festival." The voice of the meeting host echoed in the conference room.

At this time, a student council member suddenly raised a question, "By the way, why hasn't Lucy-san come to the meeting these days? How is the publicity work she is responsible for progressing?"

Mars's eyebrows unconsciously furrowed as a trace of disbelief and worry welled up in his heart.Lucy's absence was undoubtedly a sign of abnormality.

His gaze was sharp, as focused as a predator's when searching for prey, but there was an imperceptible apprehension hidden in the depths of his eyes. His appearance was cold and indifferent, always maintaining a certain distance that made it difficult for people to get close to him, but at this moment, there was a hint of faltering under his calm exterior.

"Lucy-san might have something going on at home and has taken a temporary leave of absence." Mars' voice was calm, but a hint of unnaturalness was revealed in his tone.

The other members didn't notice the president's abnormality and continued to discuss the topic of the meeting. But Mars' mind had already drifted to Lucy, he remembered that Lucy's eyes were always so determined, her words always carried an imperceptible melancholy, but when faced with difficulties, she could always show courage and determination beyond the ordinary.

The meeting finally came to an end, the members got up and left, the conference room gradually became empty, but Mars didn't leave in a hurry, he sat on the chair, his fingers gently tapping on the desktop, seemingly thinking about something.

The sunlight poured onto his body through the window, gilding his figure with a golden outline. The side of his face appeared even deeper in the light, his lines clean and sharp, his features exquisite as a carefully carved work of art. His deep eyes seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, revealing a calmness and rationality, but at the moment, there was a hint of worry flickering in those eyes.

Shortly after, Lucy's figure appeared in the doorway of the conference room, and her appearance broke Mars' contemplation. He stood up and walked towards Lucy, his steps were steady and rhythmic, his gaze lingered on Lucy for a split second before quickly moving away as if assessing something.

"Lucy, you haven't come to school in the last few days, is something going on at home?" Mars' tone was calm, but his eyes revealed concern.

Lucy looked at Mars, she could feel the sincerity and concern in his words. She knew that Mars, as the student council president, was always calm and sensible, but now, he was frowning over her matter.

"Yes, there are indeed some situations at home that need to be dealt with." There was a tremor in Lucy's voice, but she quickly calmed down, "However, I'll take care of it as soon as possible, and it won't affect the work of the Student Council."

Mars nodded, but the worry in his eyes did not diminish.The Wilson family as Williams' business rival, both have been competing in the mall for a long time, and the dynamics of both sides naturally became the focus of each other's attention.Although Mars was young, as the Wilson family's future heir, he grew up with his ears open, and had a deep understanding of the family's affairs and sharp It was impossible for him to be ignorant of Williams' recent fluctuations.

Williams' affairs have caused considerable ripples in the business world, and all sorts of gossip and rumours are quietly circulating in the circles of the top brass.Mars can occasionally hear the elders talking about Williams' affairs in the family gatherings, and their words reveal not only their concern for their rivals, but also their curiosity and speculation about Williams' future direction.

Mars' gaze pierced through the night outside the window, his voice was calm and low, but with a hint of imperceptible concern, "Lucy, I heard about your family."

Lucy's movements lurched as she looked up, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes. She hadn't expected Mars to bring up the subject so directly, much less that he would be so well informed.

"What have you heard?" Lucy's voice held a hint of wariness; she didn't want her personal affairs to be the centre of discussion.

Mars turned around and faced Lucy, his eyes were filled with sincerity, "I heard that Williams has been experiencing some difficulties lately, I don't know the specifics, but I guess I'm here if you need help."

Lucy's heart welled up with mixed emotions, she didn't expect Mars to offer to help. She knew that the Wilson family had a complicated relationship with Williams, but this concern from Mars gave her a warm feeling.

"Mars, thank you." Lucy's voice softened, "I know that the Wilson family and Williams are rivals in the mall, but I appreciate you putting that aside and offering me help."

Mars shook his head gently as he took a step closer, his tone firmer, "We're rivals in the mall, but here, we're classmates and friends. I won't let family ties affect our friendship."

Lucy looked into Mars' eyes, she could feel his sincerity and firmness. She took a deep breath, then slowly spoke, "My mother's departure has caused some divisions within the family, my father is trying to stabilise the situation, but the situation is not good."

Mars listened attentively, he didn't interrupt Lucy, he just stood there quietly, giving her his utmost support.

Instead of cutting straight to the chase, he picked up a chess set from the table and invited Lucy to play a game with him.

"Lucy, let's play a game of chess." Mars' voice was calm, but with a hint of deep meaning.

Lucy was a little surprised, but she sat down and accepted Mars' invitation. The two sat down in front of the chessboard and began a game of intellect. The black and white squares on the board seemed to epitomise their respective families, staggered yet hidden.

The game unfolded slowly, and Mars' fingers gently flicked the pieces as if plucking the strings of fate. His gaze was deep and his tone was calm: "Reform, sometimes it's like playing chess, every move has to be well thought out."

Lucy's fingers hovered on the chessboard, her movements were elegant and cautious, and every move she made seemed exceptionally deliberate. She responded softly, "Yes, each move must be precise and not half-assed."

Mars smiled slightly, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, "Your mother, if she saw you now, would be proud."

Lucy's heart shook slightly, her mother had always been the deepest concern in her heart. She looked up, a hint of determination flashed in her eyes, "I will, for my mother, and for Williams."

Every move in the game seemed to map out every decision Williams made in his reforms.Mars' pieces were as precise and powerful as his words: "Finding the core points of the reforms is just like a chess player identifying a strategic goal, it is the first step to success."

Lucy's eyes flashed with a hint of clarity, her chess piece drew an elegant arc on the board, "Strengthening the unity within the family and reducing internal friction, this is the most important thing that we need to do right now."

Mars' fingers gently tapped on the tabletop, his voice low and strong: "Then, mobilise resources and optimise allocation. Each piece should be used to its maximum effectiveness."

Lucy's finger gently pushed on the chessboard, and a piece steadily landed in a key position, "I will adjust the management and allow more capable candidates to take up key positions."

As each move in the game becomes more critical, the dialogue between the two men deepens, with Mars using the game as a metaphor for the process of reform, and Lucy's thoughts becoming clearer and clearer. He suggests that reform requires not only clear goals and strategies, but also preparation for unexpected events.

"Finally," Mars' voice echoed in the silent office, "don't neglect the hearts and minds. Winning the support and trust of the family members is the key to successful reform."

The final chapter of the game came quietly, and the subtle sound of the pieces touching the board echoed in the quiet office, like the light but firm footsteps of time. lucy's king piece had nowhere to go in Mars' carefully laid out game, and eventually, she gently placed her king piece on its side, signalling that she had conceded defeat.Mars leaned against the window, the afternoon sunlight casting dappled light and shadow on him. His face appeared more three-dimensional in the interplay of light and shadow, his posture was relaxed and natural, but every subtle movement revealed his inner composure and depth. He didn't show a look of complacency, but rather a calmness and composure, which brought admiration to Lucy's heart. She took her eyes off the board and gazed quietly at Mars, trying to read more depth in his eyes.

Mars's wisdom was not only on the chessboard, but also in his insight into life and family affairs.Complex emotions surged in Lucy's heart, and her understanding of Mars deepened one more layer. In this chess game, what she saw was not only Mars' chess skills, but also his calmness and wisdom when facing complicated situations.

Lucy's heart rippled and she felt an unprecedented emotion, Mars was not only her opponent, but also her friend, his every suggestion was full of sincerity and care. At a time when Williams was facing a difficult situation, Mars's insights were like a beacon of light, pointing her in the right direction.

As she took a deep breath and tried to calm the turmoil inside her, Lucy's heart was filled with gratitude for Mars' support at this time and for his wisdom and generosity. She knew how valuable this support was to her.

Lucy's eyes returned to the chessboard again, a small game, but one that contained great wisdom. She began to reflect on her own path, each blunder, each choice, replayed in her mind. She realised that the game of chess is like life, where every move needs to be made with care, and every decision may affect the final outcome.

Her state of mind changed subtly at this moment, from the initial curiosity and anticipation, to the nervousness and anxiety in the middle of the game, to the relief and admiration at the end.Lucy felt that her heart had become wider, and her vision had become clearer.Mars stood up, and walked slowly to the window.The afternoon sunlight elongated his silhouette, and his back appeared particularly firm in the light. He turned and faced Lucy with a thoughtful glint in his eye, who sat opposite him with a calm demeanour, undiscouraged despite the fact that she had lost the game, Mars saw in her eyes a resilience and perseverance unlike that of any other girl, qualities that made his heart sing with respect. Afterwards, Mars gently tidied up the pieces on the board, every movement revealing his inner peace and satisfaction.

Lucy stood by, her heart filled with gratitude and new understanding. She knew that today's game was not only a competition of chess skills, but also a spiritual exchange and wisdom enlightenment.

Mars put the last particle into the chess box, he turned to Lucy and smiled faintly, "Lucy, it's getting late, we should go back."

Lucy nodded, her eyes lingered on the board for a moment before slowly moving away. She picked up her own handbag and walked with Mars towards the door of the conference room.

The pair's steps were light and co-ordinated as they stopped at the door and Mars gently opened it. The setting sun's rays poured down on the corridor, adding a touch of warmth to the space, and Lucy took a deep breath, refreshed by the fresh air and the faint scent of flowers.

Mars walked out of the conference room first, his silhouette looking even more upright in the setting sun, followed by Lucy, whose mind was filled with thoughts of the future and gratitude to Mars.

They walked together on the campus path, the trees swaying and rustling in the breeze, accompanying their steps. The serenity and beauty of the campus put both of them in a relaxed and happy mood.

Mars broke the silence, "Lucy, I hope that today's sparring session has helped you."

Lucy smiled faintly, determination shining in her eyes, "Mars, you have not only helped me, but also inspired me. I believe that these experiences will have an immeasurable impact on my future." The two of them strolled through the campus, their dialogue gently drifting away in the breeze, blending in with the natural scenery around them.