The force has been tainted, corrupted, and perverted over the Millenium. Now, a man known only as The Emporer has decided to enter this universe and continue his 'Vacation' [Non-regular updates]
As the Lambda-class shuttle landed on the landing pad next to the Scimitar, Yoda, walking towards the council chamber's was intrigued by the supposed Gray Jedi and his apprentices. He could sense a force presence, barely there, almost as if they were flickering in and out. He could sense a presence of smothered hate, fear, and the almost sickly smell of blood. Lastly, he could sense the presence of what seemed to be two children, no one was much older, but with the presence of an untrained youngling, while the other was most likely a pre-teen of great force strength for their age. Reaching the doors and using the force to open them, Yoda greeted the council and took his designated seat before conversing with his friend and fellow master, Yaddle on these guests.
"Mister Wolfe, Maul, Anakin, and Shmi, welcome to my home, the Jedi Temple." Jinn gave a short and polite welcome to Wolfe and his posse, Wolfe gave a nod and Jinn began leading the way towards the Council chambers. Wolfe was thankful he had wiped the logs of the Scimitar as he had felt Jinn or Obi-Wan tampering with it through his force attunement with the ship. Glancing to Maul's positing on his right, he could see the man was very nervous, Wolfe was also curious that Jinn had not mentioned his re-designing, but he had a way to explain it if it came up anyway, so it didn't matter.
The walk to the chambers was silent and fraught with the curious stares of Jedi and Younglings, but finally arriving in front of the large doors and seeing them open with the force was slightly impressive. It would most likely intimidate a child or non-force user, but to him, it was flashy and useless. Not waiting for Jinn to lead the way Wolfe entered the room and glanced over the occupants before realizing his entourage didn't follow him, so he pulled them inside with the force, definitely not flexing.
"Good day to you all, masters of the Jedi Council. My name is Wolfe, these are my apprentices, Maul, Anakin Skywalker, and Shmi Skywalker. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." First impressions mean a lot, it seemed at least 2 of them appreciated it, the rest are barely concealing there wariness, oh joy.
"Well met, you are, Mister Wolfe. Our thanks you have, for aiding Master Jinn. Concerns, however, we have, concerning your apprentice, the Darksider." Yoda spoke without hostility, it seems I have not misplaced my judgment on his character.
"Master Yoda I presume? Your reputation proceeds you. I have no proof to give you on my ability to reform a man fallen to his baser instincts, but it matters not truly, as you would be unable to do anything about it anyway, no offense." Wolfe 'clarified', but it seemed some members of the council have somehow considered this an insult! How utterly strange.
"You speak as if you would be capable of stopping us if we deemed the man too dangerous to let run loose, May I remind you that you are inside the Jedi Temple with hundreds of Knights and other masters, insulting us in our own home will do you no good." Mace Windu said solemnly and in a very holier than thou tone of voice, sadly there was no motherfucker at the end, how sad.
"Master Windu, correct me if I'm wrong, but I never meant my words as an insult, but as a fact. If I truly wanted to I could take on this entire temple and win, but I don't want to do that, it would be exciting at the moment, but without the Jedi, the galaxy would be oh so boring. I only came down here today to let you all know that I expect to be left alone and to not interfere with how I live my own life and lead my order. There will most likely be many men and women like maul who will join my order and I will help them all find balance. But, I am not here to discuss religion or ideals, I will be following the Nabooian Queen and helping her scare off the Trade Federations vultures. Will we have a problem, Master Jedi's?" Wolfe didn't really care what they thought of him, in fact, he sort of hoped at least one of them would test him so he could show a fraction of his power, but none did, smart.
"Clear, you have made your point. Leave, you may, bother your people, we will not, if force us, you do not." Yoda said, surprising the other members, Windu seemed as if he was going to question Yoda's decision but eventually conceded and waved off the group of four, three of which were nervous and one who was vindicated. And so Wolfe's group began their return trek and regrouped with the Nabooian royal guard. So the Lambda shuttle and Scimitar cloaked again, returned to the Gravestone, leaving ol' Palpy and Plagy only curious at who the people in the strangely shaped shuttle were that visited the temple.
-In the Gravestone hanger while in Hyperspace toward Naboo-
"The way you spoke to the Council was offensive, it's not a good idea to get on their bad side." Advised/chastised a one Master Jinn. They had been arguing for an hour now, and Wolfe was getting annoyed. "Master Jinn, I am going to the lounge, this conversation is over, do not bring it up again." Jinn just sighed seeing that the man was not listening to his advice, his mouth may one day bring his doom.
-sometime later, Trade federation droid control ship, over Naboo-
"Sir! Sensors are detecting a frigate sized vessel about to exit hyperspace, no matches on its signature!" A human communications officer reported to his captain. "Scramble the vulture droids and bring the batteries online. Once they exit hyperspace, hail them, if they don't respond in 5 minutes, attack." The officer gave an affirmative and relayed the orders, soon, roughly 50 vulture droids were information circling the converted freighter.
-Gravestone bridge-
"Exiting hyperspace in 3..2..1... Exiting. We are being hailed by the Trade Federation control ship, do we accept the hail?" A droid communication officer reported to Wolfe who was no looking at the repurposed freighter. Seeing the Vulture droids had already been sortied, he relayed his orders. "I want all turbolaser batteries brought online and brought to bear, ready to be fired. Get the Omnicannon online and warmed up, and get the tri-shield online. Once we're at full power, answer the hail."
"Roger, estimated time to completion of orders....3 Minutes 37 seconds." The droid responded.
"Now, will I get to see fireworks today?" Wolfe mused to no one in particular.
Song: A thousand bad times, Post Malone
Story: Darth Vader, Hero of Naboo
I didn't really like this chapter but I think its at least passable and keeps a plothole from forming. I would make it longer but I'm tired and had to deal with a kid all day and am very tired.