
Star Trek: Nexus

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Nexus. Its seven-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. 30 years following the events of Star Trek Nemesis, the Milky Way Galaxy witnesses a remarkable union known as the Khitomer Alliance. Comprising the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, New Romulan Republic, the Dominion, and various other entities, this alliance seeks to bring together diverse races and nations. The USS Nexus, a symbol of this unity, embarks on a seven-year exploration mission, echoing the principles of the Star Trek legacy. Under the command of Captain Anzyl Praxas, the USS Nexus represents a unique venture, transcending individual banners to unite a diverse crew. Hailing from different factions, the crew members bring with them a rich tapestry of beliefs, views, goals, values, and aspirations. As they navigate the uncharted territories of the galaxy, Captain Praxas faces the formidable challenge of fostering unity amidst dissension, overcoming bigotry, dispelling distrust, and bridging differences across the vast cosmic distances. Will the captain and his diverse crew successfully navigate the complexities of the final frontier, where every light year brings a new set of challenges? The journey of the USS Nexus unfolds as it boldly goes where no one has gone before.

Xairou · テレビ
105 Chs

Closest of Friends

Walking with a pep in her step down the hallways containing the officers' quarters, Ensign Lusaalli held a bowl of blue and purple salad. She was dressed for a casual evening of good food with good friends.

As she strolled towards the entrance of the Captain's quarters, Veirik and Diela joined her side.

"Evening, Ensign," Veirik nodded, holding a bottle of red wine in his hands. "I see you were invited to dinner as well."

"Does anyone know the occasion?" Diela inquired, holding a casserole. "Is it anyone's birthday that we know of? Wedding anniversary?"

Lusaalli and Veirik both shook their heads as they arrived at the Captain's quarters.

With a chime of the door, Anzyl opened it, dressed in casual clothes and a chef's apron. "Welcome! Welcome, friends! Come in! Perfect timing, I was just about to take the Beef Wellington out of the oven."

Lusaalli, Veirik, and Diela entered the Captain's quarters, where they met Neil and Heluna already sipping cocktails that the Captain had whipped up. T sat at the table, reviewing a data pad.

Veirik set the bottle on the table and leaned towards Neil and Heluna. "Any idea what the occasion is?"

Neil and Heluna both shook their heads with worried faces.

Neil grimaced. "I hope I didn't forget some big date that was important to the Captain."

Heluna held up a data pad with a frown. "I checked. Nothing major on anyone's calendar or profile."

The trio shrugged it off and chose to enjoy the fellowship and good food the evening promised.

Sitting around the Captain's dining table, Neil, Veirik, Heluna, Lusaalli, and Diela all sat with empty plates and full bellies.

"That was a masterful feast, Captain!" Lusaalli sighed as she pushed her plate away. "But I couldn't eat another bite if I wanted to!"

At the head of the table, Anzyl grinned heartily and stood up, setting down his napkin, ready to make a speech.

"I want to genuinely thank each and every one of you for coming tonight." Anzyl wrung his hands, a tinge of worry in his expression. "But there was another reason I invited you all to dinner tonight."

The dinner guests looked at each other with anxious stares.

"So, I'll come straight out with it." Anzyl took a deep breath. "You are the six people I feel closest to." He smiled an honest smile. "I want to ask if you will help me with my Zhian'tara. My Trill 'Rite of Closure.'"

"Rite of Closure?" Neil asked, concerned.

Anzyl explained, "It's a ritual where joined Trills get to actually meet their previous hosts."

"Meet them?" Heluna asked. "How?"

Anzyl smiled nervously. "That's… where you all come in." He opened his hands to his closest friends at the dinner table. "May I borrow your… bodies… for a few hours?"

Veirik choked. "Borrow our bodies?"

Anzyl nodded slowly. "If you agree, the memories of one of my previous hosts will temporarily be removed from the Praxas symbiote and imprinted onto you." The Captain explained, "You essentially become one of my previous hosts for the duration of the ritual."

"How?" Diela inquired.

Anzyl explained, "The memories are transferred telepathically by a Guardian, a representative of the Symbiosis Commission."

Veirik held his hands on his chest. "And what happens to… me… in the meantime?"

"You'll remain conscious of everything that's going on and happening around you," Anzyl explained. "You can reassert yourself at any time and gain control of your body."

Then Tegris chimed in, "However, it is best to relax and let the host's memories emerge." The doctor advised, "The point is to give Anzyl a chance to interact with his previous hosts. The Zhian'tara is one of the most powerful and life-changing experiences for a joined Trill to go through." He nodded to the team sitting at the table. "So for the Captain to ask this of you, it is not to be taken lightly."

Each person at the table looked at each other, part hesitant, part excited.

Then Veirik piped up, "If it's important for the Captain," he nodded valiantly, "then I'm all for it. Let's do it!"

"Count me in!" Lusaalli cheered.

"Me too!" Heluna nodded excitedly.

"Agreed," Neil nodded.

Diela smiled approvingly. "Well, Captain, it seems we're all in agreement."

Anzyl smiled with genuine thanks and gratitude. "Thank you, everyone. We'll start tomorrow when the Guardian arrives. It means more to me than you could possibly know that you are agreeing to this." He turned to his First Officer, "Neil, I'd like you to become Boless, my first host, so I'd like to start with you." 

Neil nodded wholeheartedly. 

The next morning, with a flash of white in the main transporter room, a thin man in a tan suit, the Guardian of the Trill Symbiosis Commission, was transported aboard the USS Nexus.

There he met an eager Captain Anzyl Praxas and Chief Medical officer Tegris, awaiting his arrival. 

The Trill Guardian picked up his luggage and huffed, "I much rather would have preferred to do this On Trill, but from what your Dr tells me of your symbiote's condition, the sooner we get the Zhian'tara over with, the better." He marched right past the Captain and Dr. 

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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