
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · アクション
45 Chs

The Journey North

As the party moves Northward, Ottawa begins demonstrating his vast array of skills. 

You all do realize he's kind of overpowered.

Yea, but you remember how the heroes took down the Ether King.

Yea, I remember. They are powerful, but come on! Can't you see just how strong Ottawa is?

If we keep our current pace, we'll reach the capital city soon. We can resupply there, but remember, we must maintain a low profile. 

Ottawa's gonna have a rough time getting in. With the amount of titles and status effects that he has, it'll attract attention.

As they marched, Ottawa took the lead position and made his way to the line at the gates of the city.

-Notice- The individual known as Ottawa can use the status blind.-

Status Blind? Meaning?

-The guards will not see your titles nor your overwhelming strength.-

Excellent. Use status blind.

As their turn arrived, the guards checked everyone's status. Everyone was permitted to enter. 

Wait. How did you?

Don't ask questions right now. Focus on resupplying and moving out of here. After all it was you who told me the heroes frequent this city.

Yes, split up and meet back here in thirty minutes.

As Lucy and Ottawa walked a clown waltzed up to the two of them.

Greetings travelers! Mind giving our strength game a try?


It's free sir! Today is heroes day after all.

Ottawa clenched his fist.

Come on Ottawa, don't let that clown...

Lucy turned to Ottawa lined up to fire his punch at strength measuring crystal. As he fire a cannon of a punch, the crystal began to measure. Bystanders watched as the level continued rising. To the clowns horror, he'd already surpassed the heroes and was on part with a dragon lord in strength.

Why sir! You're stronger than the heroes who we celebrate today!

Thanks, but I already had an idea of my own strength.

Why not stick around and challenge one!

No thanks, I'm good. 

I must insist.


Ottawa turned to see Lucy emitting her demon aura.

Lucy, calm yourself. The clown knows better than to pick a fight with me. Besides, he can't cast any spells.

Well sir, I... wait... HOW!

Ottawa smirked and winked at Lucy.

Come on, we have some shopping to do for our journey.


Ottawa turns to face the Majin Clown. Is there something I can help you with.

I don't know what dirty tricks you pulled, but the Hero Kalin is here. Why not prove your metal?

I told you... Back down or I'll show you my strength up close and personal pal. Step off, let us leave.

Well then... smirked the clown. If it's a fight you want, I'll be happy to show you what true power looks like.

The Majin releases an explosive amount of power. 

Holy hell! It's the Majin hero! Kejin!

Ottawa flicks his wrists into fighting position as the hero circles him.

Had you just agreed, you'd be on your way already. Strength must be shown and put on display for the weak to fear.

Like hell it is. Strength is used to protect those in need. Fear is a shameful way for you to get what you want. However, I'll oblige your selfish request for a brawl. No magic, just pure muscle. 


The hero threw his fist at Ottawa who caught it.

You call that strength? What a pity. If I start taking this seriously, I'll paint the crowd with your disgusting blood. 


Ottawa clenches his fist angled above the Majin. His stare alone made the crowd back away in fear.

Lucy... Let's go.

Ottawa drops his fist and marches off, leaving the clown to stand amongst the crowd. 

You were great!

I merely put an idiot back into his place.

-Notice- That clown is leading the other heroes your way.

Lucy, we need to run. 


The other heroes are coming! Move!

Ottawa and Lucy sprint back to the others. Without a word, the party begins running to the gates. As they leave, a shadow lands in front of them blocking their path.

Get moving, I'll buy you all time.

Ottawa no, we make our stand...

It's the heroes party! Just run!

As the heroes party surrounds Ottawa and his party, the Majin reappears.


Well, well! It's not everyday a peasant ascends to power. 

Their words are met by Ottawa's cold stare.

What's the matter? Powerless in the face of real power? You should've stayed in the gutter! Said the hero slamming his fist into Ottawa's gut. Ottawa crumpled to the ground.

Learn your place and be a good little servant. We earned the rights to your life.

Like hell you have. I am stronger than you think. He assumes his fighting stance and lines up a punch at the hero.


Lucy, stay out of this.

If you punch him, he has the authority to declare you an enemy of the country!

Ottawa dropped his fist as the hero laughs.

Looks like your pet demon has it all figured out. Hit me and the wrath of this nation will crush you. Make so you never existed. 

Ottawa gritted his teeth. Get out of our way.

Woah now, is that any way to ask for permission to leave? After all, I am the master of this city.

If you want me to beg, you've got the wrong guy.

Beg? No. I am going to beat the shit out of you. If you somehow survive, then you'll beg.

Ottawa looks at Lucy then to his party and smiles.

I'm sorry everyone. I can't let this asshole keep talking like this. A TRUE hero is someone who inspires courage and hope into the hearts of who he serves. Is loyal to those he protects. This runt isn't worthy of the title of hero. I won't stand for it. I understand if you want to leave. Now is that time to do so. Who knows, maybe he'll brand me a villain and have to do some actual work.

The party looks at each other than back to Ottawa.

You said so long as we remain by your side, we'll be protected. Hell, if you're crazy enough to fight this guy, I don't care if they brand all of us as villains! SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF OTTAWA!

Ottawa smiles and assumes his fighting stance. Glad you're all on board. Now protect Lucy. I've got these assholes.

Ottawa turns to face the heroes. It is time I showed you all the true meaning of the word hero! I'm not hold back Clown. So I'd advice you stay out of this fight if you'd like to stay alive!

-Notice- The citizens watching have mixed feeling about what you have said. Recommend you don't kill them, rather, beating them would turn more against these people.-

Copy that Sage. Let's show these morons what I'm made of.