
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · アクション
45 Chs

Star Spangled Reconstruction: Tempest

As the sun rises over New Ottawa, Tempest is at home eating breakfast with Spencer, their partner and Kett, their adopted fox boy son. 

Morning you two.

Morning Tempest.


Kett, you start school today.

I can't wait! I can't believe my guardians are so cool! I'll tell all my new friends.

Tempest laughs and pats Kett's head. First you've gotta finish breakfast. Spencer worked real hard to make it just the way you like it! 


As Kett eats, the radio in the kitchen is playing the latest broadcast from WMCY 1430 II. 

Good morning New Ottawa! It's a lovely day in our beautiful city and the skies are clear today! We turn this over to Sir Scott, our late hero's father. Good Morning Scott. 

Good Morning to you as well. In the news for today, the Royal Academy is hosting the entrance exams to day so with that in mind, good luck you Kett! Do your guardians proud! Good luck to all of you who will be testing today. In the market news, Iron prices should be falling as newly appointed Noblewoman Juno takes control of the Eastern District today and our allies are anxious to get some new iron into their markets. For other news, we all here at WCMY 1430 II wish the Overlord and the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force the best on their mission. Now onto...

New Ottawa was thriving in the new mythical world the Ghost had settled them into. 

Come Kett! I'll take you to the Academy.

Really Tempest? 

Yes. Now hurry up and grab your bag. 

As the two head out the door, they walk past plenty of people on their way to their jobs or just getting off the night shift at CIMCO II.

As the two enter the city center, the statue of Patricia May and the Ghost of Ottawa are being polished. 

Lord Tempest!

Mr. Krug, I take it everything is ready?

Yes, the Autowa has been serviced and is good to go!

Thanks again for helping out.

Think nothing of it. It's my job!

Tempest helps Kett into the Autowa car and then once in themself, begins heading to the Royal Academy. As the car trundles down the roads, Kett watches as other carriages begin dropping students off at the gates of the Academy. Tempest stops the car and Royal Guards open the door for young Kett. Tempest engages the parking brake and comes over to Kett. 

Now remember Kett. Spencer and I love you, go do your best!

I will Tempest.

The two hug then Kett meets up with King Zane's son to walk into the building together.

As Tempest makes the journey back, they sigh as it will be a long day of meeting and policy making.

As Tempest arrives at the Committee Building, soldiers bring the car into it's port while others escort Tempest inside.

Lord Tempest! The Committee is here and eagerly awaiting you.

Thanks Lux.

The Raccoon man salutes and opens the door for Tempest. Inside the Committee Chambers, a few key figures have already begun arguing over what policies to implement.

Alright everyone, take your seats, let's begin going over the policies we'd like to implement.

Right, I, Sir Kenji, wish to debate the policies regarding the demi-humans we are taking in.

Alright, let's open this issue up for discussion.

Look, Lord Tempest, I mean no disrespect but, we can't keep allowing them into the city!

Why not?

We simply don't have the means to care for all of them. Thousands apply for citizenship every week. We simply don't have the necessary resources.

I hear you Noblemen Kenji, however, denying them puts them at risk for slave merchants and other criminals to begin preying upon them. The Ghost was clear he wanted to help them. We are obligated to do just that.

Why in the hell are we treating them better than our own! They aren't even fully human!

Watch it Noblemen Zerif. You replaced Lady Brittany but I will not tolerate racism of any kind. Just because they aren't us, doesn't mean we stoop the level of Church of Humanity. 


Enough. I will have your resignation on my desk. You are to stripped of your title and your lands. You have till mid-day tomorrow to vacate your mansion. 

This is madness! Tempest, you can't be...

I am serious, now get out. GUARDS! Escort Zerif out of this building and inform everyone his is no longer a noblemen. 

Yes my lord.

As the guards escort Zerif out of the building, Tempest shakes their head.

It was a good call my lord. However, now we must choose a replacement for him.

How do you all feel about the demi-humans we have living in the city? Be honest with me.

Personally, I love em! Child, they eat up my peach pie and zucchini bread like it's going out of style. Said Barbara.

I have no problems with them. In fact, they have been nothing but helpful ever since I took over the Eastern District. Said Juno as she sipped on some tea.

No complaints from me. Said Archie as he munched on some Pfeffernusse cookies he'd had Blades special make for him. 

Well.... I have my reservations about them. Started Kenji. For one, they lack the basic skills we require! Reading in poor, writing is nonexistent, math skills, don't even get me started...

Kenji, that is because two months ago they were slaves of the Theocracy, and the Theocracy's allies. They flee to us because we are the "Friendly City". We make sure they are welcome. If you can't understand that, go ahead and step down for your noble position. 

Well I...

Kenji. It takes no effort to be kind to people. It takes a great amount of effort to be rude and look upon them as if you are better. Go ahead and step down. I strongly urge you. Said Archie leaning forwards in his chair. 


And you'll only be allowed to keep a single shop. Don't think we were all born yesterday. Said Tempest as guards escorted Kenji out of the Committee Building. 

Well, thanks to Archie and everyone else, we just lost two nobles.

Two racist nobles. Come up with suggestion as to who is to replace them. I want lists on my desk by tomorrow. As for now, this meeting is adjourned, go help your districts. Archie, Barbara, go ahead and see to it that those two nobles are removed from power. Head of the Guard Lux, see to it the guards arrest those to nobles. I don't want them stirring up trouble.

Understood sir. 

As the meeting was adjourned, Tempest left to go pick up Kett from the exam and meet with King Zane and his wife, Lady Reina.