
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · アクション
45 Chs

Of Heroes and Villains

As Ottawa reeled from the loss of some of their heroes, the Symbol of Tyranny made his way back into the bunker. Everyone inside was a bloodstain on the ground or on the walls, everyone except two scientist, their entire lab for genetically engineered metahumans.

Gerin, Edmond, what of the rest?

All intact. The Ottawans never made it here.

Excellent. That should be just what we need. After all, a King does need subjects and pawns to control.

Of course you do. They should all be finished within the hour, all 111 of them. 

The Symbol of Tyranny smiled as he put his hand against the glass tube. His wicked smile was clear in the reflection.

Edmond, a word?

What can I do for you Tyranny?

In the files, it said... "The Watcher called him "Symbol of Peace", this is referring to the Cryptid?"

Yes. From what we gathered, both the anime character and the Cryptid share identical ideologies, personas and traits.

 Then, I'd like a face lift.

Sure, what can I do?

Remove my facial features, if he wishes to embody the fictitious "Symbol of Peace" then I shall play my part as well, as the Symbol of Fear. 

Are you sure about this?

Come now, I have other ways of seeing, after all, you and Gerin modified me with a plethora of abilities. 

As you wish. Take a seat on the table.

As Edmond began operating on the Symbol of Tyranny, the Cryptid was training with is powers from being Ottawa Yujin. With the increased durability of his cryptid body, he was able to use the more devastating abilities for longer at higher rates of power. 

Seems you'd mastered Static Control.

Agreed Morgan. I appreciate the assistance training. 

Before either could continue, Juno entered the training room.

Cryptid, the altered coveralls you requested are ready, and Liberty Bell Mk II has been heavily upgraded with the remaining modifications for Constitution. 

Good work Juno. We're gonna need every advantage. 

We also managed to replicate the HA-80 suit for the Overlord and repaired the Assassin and Watcher's armor sets. 

Excellent. Outfit the remaining heroes in the best gear, weapons and anything we have. Something tells me we don't have much more time to rest. 

For once, I hope you're wrong. 

However, just moments later, the Washington Park Super Bunker was rocked by an explosion.


Juno, get the others ready, I'll deal with our uninvited guests. 

The Cryptid put on his new Red and Silver Coveralls, new mask variant, then made his way to the surface. Once he opened the door, he was greeted by the one hundred and eleven meta-humans as well as the Symbol of Fear, who's face was wrapped in bandages.

Come on now, I didn't punch you that hard... Symbol of Tyranny.

No, that you didn't. However, I did some digging on you. You like the anime hero, that ridiculous Symbol of Peace. So I decided to play along with your game.

As the bandages fall to the ground, the Cryptid looks on in horror to see the once stark facial features of the Symbol of Tyranny were gone. No eyes, no visible nose, just a full grin, just like the anime villain his hero had faced.

What's the matter? Can't seem to smile like your hero?

Oh I have plenty of smiles left, I just have something to do first. 

Before Tyranny could react, the Cryptid activates his "Static Control" skill, knocking down all 111 foes.

There. Now it's just you and me. So let's see what you've got... Symbol of Tyranny.

The Symbol of Tyranny's smile faded as one appeared on the Cryptid's face before shifting into his wendigo form.