
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · アクション
45 Chs

King Zane and Lady Reina

As the Autowa pulled up to the Academy, Kett and the King's son, Aaron, hopped into the car as Tempest drove them to the Castle of Ashfeld.

So! How were the exams?

Easy sir!

Yea! Super easy thanks to you and Spencer!

Excellent! I'm proud of the both of you!

As the Autowa arrived at the gates, the Royal Guards allowed them inside. As the three enter the palace escort by Royal Guards, Tempest puts on their game face.

Ah! Come here my boy! 

The young prince hops into King Zane's arms.

Thank you for bringing him home Tempest.

It was no trouble. He was well behaved.

Queen Reina scowled and stepped forwards. 

I hear the reconstruction efforts are going at a grinding pace.

Well, yes. New Ottawa doesn't have...

Yes, yes, we have all heard your boring excuses. Lack of a labor force, lack of royal funding, blah, blah, blah. Be grateful for the position New Ottawa has in our Kingdom.

I beg your pardon my queen?

As a city, you will learn to kneel before those of the crown. It would be wise for you commoners to learn your place.

Darling, that is no way to speak to the leader of the nation who's hero sacrificed his life to save all of us.

Even so. They must learn to respect our rules and customs or face the consequences. I don't care who died. Learn... Your... Place.

Tempest clutched their fist tightly, eyes glaring at the Queen.

You wouldn't be saying the if it was your hero laying six feet under the dirt. 


YOU HEARD ME! Holy fucking shit. My bad your majesty that I didn't fucking bow to you. I was under the impression KING ZANE RULED THIS NATION. I will not tolerate any form of disrespect when it comes to our hero. Kett, come on, we're going to do something actually worth our time.


SILENCE! BOTH OF YOU! Tempest is right. You as a queen can not disrespect the man who saved our kingdom, the demon kingdom, and his own nation. As for you Tempest, please try to control you temper. I am aware of your request and will see to it that they are filled. 


Tempest was ready to lose their temper when King Zane stepped and hand had the guards escort his wife out of the throne room. However, Tempest hadn't stuck around to hear anymore of it. As King Zane burst through the gates, the Autowa car was already speeding away from the palace.

If those two don't stop, I fear we'll be at odds with New Ottawa. Guard, summon me a carriage. I wish to travel to New Ottawa.

Right way sir!

As Tempest entered the Committee Building, everyone was already gathered inside. 

Listen up! I was in a meeting with King Zane and Lady Reina. I motion that we begin the process of separation on the account of Lady Reina's behavior and outlook on the Ghost of Ottawa.

What happened? What did she say?

In her words... "I don't care who died, they will learn their place all the same. Beneath the crown of Ashfeld."

The Committee was in an uproar. The Ghost had saved three kingdoms on the brink of destruction and yet this royal bitch wanted to diminish the sacrifice the Ghost had made. 

While the Articles of Separation are on the table, I say we send up our best pilots over the Ashfeld. Show them the kind of fire they are playing with.

They wanted the treaty to include the ban of new nuclear weapons! I say we build one and show them what we are capable of!

Settle down, there is no need for any of that. While a show of force sounds good, I want to send a decisive message. Everyone go to your districts and cut all trade with Ashfeld. The Demon Kingdom will now get the full supply of New Ottawa's merchants and workers. 

Meanwhile, despite the ban on new entries, King Zane was escorted into the Committee Building. Inside, he heard the decision to cut all trade until Ashfeld learned just how powerful this little nation of New Ottawa was.

Tempest, be reasonable. Lady Reina didn't...

Don't defend her, if you want trade to resume, I promise you, it will be her begging for our supplies. Not you, not anyone else. Insulting the hero who save her life is just salt on the wound. If you think that's unreasonable, members of my cabinet want to build nukes. They want me to show you and your royal family that we won't tolerate that.

W-what? Nukes? That weapon was used to wipe out the Theocracy and the Church! You wouldn't use them against us right?

Don't worry, I talked them out of it, however, we need to redo our trade deals. Effective immediately, until the Queen of Ashfeld apologies, we will not sent a single scrap to Ashfeld.

Can't we talk about this?

No, she insulted our former leader and his family. "Loyalty Above All Else" was the principle the Ghost stood on, and I will not dishonor that. Tell your Queen to at least pretend and make it look good. New Ottawa is formally pissed and we will get our apology. 

I.. I understand. I will see to it this is amended swiftly. 

As King Zane left, Tempest looked at the Articles of Separation on the table. If all hell was to break loose, this was the piece of paper that would shatter the peace they'd been enjoying.

As King Zane returned to Ashfeld, he informed his counsel and the Queen of New Ottawa's new position. Everyone wanted to storm New Ottawa and take control of it. 

No! I will not sacrifice our peace that we have! Reina, you will apologize to New Ottawa publicly, if you fail to do so, I shall have you imprisoned for jeopardizing the peace. 

My King! I have said nothing wro...


As you wish your majesty

As the Guards ushered everyone out of the throne room, King Zane sighed as he lowered his head. Things couldn't be more tense, from the Western Continent wanting answers to New Ottawa's trade dispute. Things were rapidly falling apart and peace was failing faster.

Let's just hope everything gets better from here. Otherwise, they may have my head...