
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · アクション
45 Chs

Birth of a Villain

As they walked and walked, the party chats about Ottawa's skills and power levels. However, Ottawa is lagging behind. He was holding his side as he marched. His cloak was flowing in the wind, this expression was blank, however, his mind was working steadily. 


What's up Lucy?

You doing okay?

Yea... Just a bit dizzy.

Everyone stops and turns to look at Ottawa. He looks more or less fine from a glance.

Can anyone check him?

Yes, hi. Sorry I never introduced myself. I'm Morgan, the Dryad. Use Skill: Check

Morgan's skill reveals that Ottawa as used a lot of his magic power. He is near empty and it would explain his dizziness.

Ottawa, you're really low on mp. I suggest...

We keep going. I'm not having everyone stop for me. 

Ottawa, the nearest place to rest is days away from here and...

Keep going. I will not rest on my loreals while those false heroes keep this masquerade going. 

Lucy.... His mp is still going down. It's like something is pulling his mp.

Ottawa breaks away from them and his red eye begins to glow with a red aura.

Use skill: Remnant of Rage.

As Ottawa commands his skill, the others begin to levitate. He begins to pull them along as he pushes towards the desert. 

Ottawa stop! You'll pass out if you keep this up.

I'll be fine. We just need to reach the desert.

Alright, but once we're there you put us down.

Ottawa pushes them along. Under the night sky, the stars seem to jump out at them, twinkling in the clear sky. Morgan and Lucy keep themselves awake to check on Ottawa. As they cross into the desert, the two have fallen asleep while Ottawa holds them in the air.

Sage, what skills do I possess?

-Notice- You possess: Static Control, Remnant of Rage and two high tier skills.

What are those skills?

These skills are: Loyalty Bind and Ouroboros Commander. Would you like me to define what they do?

Yes please.

Loyalty Bind gives your companions boosts to their strengths, skills, and magical power. Ouroboros Commander has several applications: Cursed Soldier- Allows you to use immense power at the cost of your body. The other skills are currently locked. Those skills are Macross, Severance, and Battle Cry

Thank you Sage.

As the sun begins rising, Ottawa sets everyone down gently as not to wake them. 

Question Sage.

-Notice- You wish to learn what the skill Macross does.

Yes. Sounds interesting.

You will be allowed to harness energy and release that energy in the form of energy beams.

Very useful. That is all for now.

As everyone begins to get up, a shadow blocks the sun above them.

Hey, get up. See if Ottawa is awake. 

As the others draw their weapons, an angel lands in front of them. 


Curious. You seek to protect them?

Ottawa puts on his mask. Not that you'd understand...Hero.

The Angel draws a holy sword and rushes at Ottawa.


However, the Angel is undeterred. Ottawa dodges a slash from the holy sword.

Everyone stay back. I'll handle the angel. You all keep running. 

Morgan and Lucy gather the others and book it away from the battlefield.

With God's divine judgement, I will smite you.

Use skill...Cursed Soldier.

At first, nothing seems to happen. The Angel shrugs and begins to move towards him. However, red glowing runes appear all over Ottawa's body.

I invoke my title...

Silence you heretic. You have not titles.

Conqueror of Death.

Ottawa catches the blade of the holy sword, then touches the angel's arm. It begins to burn as the angel winces in pain.

No titles huh? Seems to me like you've underestimated me.

As Ottawa tosses the holy sword away from the Angel, his red eye turns black.

Seems I have. I will withdraw for now. Just know, you have been declared a villain in the eyes of the allied nations. You are my enemy.

Seeing as you are a false hero, you've been my enemy.

Funny. You're no hero. 

Tell those other fakes they'd better get stronger, or I'll mop the floor with them.

As the angel flies off, Ottawa rejoins the others.

What happened? How are you alive!

Seems I have been labeled a villain by the allied nations. If anyone here wants to back out, now's your chance. 

Everyone looks at each other before Morgan speaks up.

We're not running. Fuck those nations and those heroes. We'll build a place better and worth more than any of them!

Yea! Ottawa saved us from that cave spider and we have yet to pay back that debt. 

So it would seem you're all in this, my ascension to villain-hood. In that case... Skill: Loyalty Bind.

Magic circles form around them and their levels begin to rise. 

Let's make this an unfair fight. I have no doubt those heroes will pull out everything to stop us. 

As the magic circles dissipate, Ottawa's own power levels surge, his MP and HP rise drastically. 

We've located the nearby village. It's time we begin our quest, building a nation and tearing down this wretched society. 

As the party crests the sand dune, an oasis village comes into view as Ottawa smiles.