
Star Immortal 2

Wang Wei reincarnated into the lost world from Earth and cultivated immortality up to the peak of the world. After numerous struggles, he finally achieved what he desired only to abandon everything due to imminent danger and entered a new realm full of expectations for a brighter future. Then he reincarnated into the New Realm with Upgrade Panel which he designed for himself as a cornerstone for his brighter future to become the powerhouse of the multiverse. -------------- If you like this story. Please Vote, Review and comment. The story update frequency will increase according to the number of collections and votes the readers provide.

Black_phoenix8 · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Wizard Qualification.

But everything is limited to the space of the chair because the chair has a special ability to restrict the radiation from spreading around by absorbing all the radiation.

So Nick only showed a curious expression on his face and looked at Scarlett Wizard. Even if he became a child he doesn't want to show emotions such as longing because Scarlett Wizard can see through it.

As that's not his true emotion. So he showed his true emotion on his face to avoid such situations. Because he is curious about the new power system of this world.

And Scarlett just thought that Nick is a little different than others as he didn't show the longing expression on his face like other children show their faces and Scarlett doesn't think much about it and did not even spend that much time on his peculiarity.

As he isn't the only one that behaves like that one more child showed fear after seeing Scarlett. So after looking at everyone with glowing eyes Scarlett said.

" Okay every one of them has a good talent knight profession-wise. Let's see if they have any talent in the Wizard profession half a year later. As most of them will be fifteen years old at that time. "

Hearing what Scarlett said none of the husbands said anything. As they don't have that much to say in this. Nick also listened carefully to what Scarlett is saying like any other kid in the hall.

Just after listening to what Scarlett had said Nick's father Robert showed an anxious expression on his face. As according what Scarlett said Nick will only be thirteen years old when the wizard qualification test is conducted.

And he doesn't know if the reason that Nick isn't old enough will affect him in any way. Even if he feels uncomfortable questioning his arrogant powerful wife fearing the consequences.

He can't help but ask the Scarlett wizard his doubts. As his pride and anything else are lesser than his son's future.

" Lord Scarlett, Nick is only twelve years old now. If the wizard qualification test is conducted in half a year won't that affect him in any way? "

The hall becomes silent after Robert asked this question. As most of them don't question Scarlett's intention in any matter all the time from the moment they become her husband.

As they didn't want to know what will happen if they stepped on the bad side of Scarlett and they don't want to suffer any bad consequences from their wife.

So the situation of questioning Scarlett happens very rarely. To maintain their remaining dignity and self-respect they have for themselves nobody questioned Scarlett for a long time.

So when Robert asked this question it took everybody in the hall by surprise. Even Scarlett felt surprised because in her time of lording over the Crimson Rose city nobody has ever questioned her actions even if they have doubts sometimes.

But after comprehending what Robert had said Scarlett understood that Nick's future is a part of a huge investment to Robert. As Nick's future growth directly affects Robert's wealth status and many other things.

So she thought for a moment while some other fathers whose children will only be fourteen years old after half a year also waited for an answer patiently with apprehensive expressions on their faces.

Wizard Scarlett answered Robert's question with the same cold expression on her face without giving them any chance to others to analyse what she was thinking.

" Nick is also my son and I won't take any decision that will affect the future growth of my son. The standard test of checking fifteen years old kids is normal behaviour that will happen everywhere in the continent. "

" Because the souls of the children will solidify at fifteen years old roughly and checking the wizard qualification before a child become fifteen year old won't affect the child anyway. You can even check any child's wizard qualification from the day they are born but doing so will disturb the child's brain. "

" So the standard of checking fifteen-year-old child become normal. The reason for the current situation is mainly because the envoy who's responsible for taking qualified children will come in a two-year and if the child with wizard qualification misses this chance they will have to wait for ten more years to enter the Academy. "

" So there's no other choice and it was only chance for them in their lifetime. As the academy won't accept anyone after they become adults. So if Nick wants to become a wizard he has this only chance. "

After explaining all of this she looked at Robert and asked a question " So, Do you have any other doubts? Robert. "

Robert understood what his wife Wizard Scarlett had said. So he replied respectfully to his wife Scarlett " No, Lord Scarlett I don't have any other doubts. "

Hearing his answer Scarlett said with a flat expression on her face " If so, you can sit down. "

Robert sat down with a wry smile on his face as he can feel that his wife Scarlett wizard is a little dissatisfied with his questioning action and he'd probably have to spend his night in the city lord's mansion to pay for his questioning.

But Robert isn't that saddened by this result as he can pay for this much for his son's future. The only regrettable thing is he will feel his body drained of energy for the upcoming few days.

The other husbands of Scarlett who were also waiting for an answer showed a relieved expression on their faces upon hearing what Scarlett had explained.

Nick just stood there as a normal kid along with other kids and behaved like them while listening attentively to what Scarlett had explained about the wizard qualification test.

After explaining everything about the Wizard qualification test Wizard Scarlett looked at everyone in the hall and discussed the number of resources allocated to individuals in the hall according to their son's talent.