
Star Dragon

William McKnight died during the second world war ending his twenty years forced forced army life and reincarnating in London and accidentally stumbled upon this weird world of magic and stuff. "Who are you?" "Harry" "Who am I?" "Tyson" "What year you said it is?" "1991" Did I just got reincarnated?

Little_Dragon_God · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Hidden Love of Uncle and Aunt.

Unlike Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia predicted Tyson was not even curious about the letters and was doing his own stuff. They were worried sick that he would find out but--

Tyson was solving his favourite maths problem in the dim lamp light as Harry sits there looking at the moon out of the window. He was still thinking about what happened today. He had this weird feeling that somehow those two letters had something to do with--

"Brother what do you think about today's matter." Harry finally could not stay silent and said, "I had this weird sensation that maybe, just maybe that letter thing had something to do with our-- you know-- parents maybe."

He looked at Tyson hopefully. The only person who could calm his racing heart down is his brother.

"What do I think? I don't think anything about it boy." Tyson said closing his books and putting them back in an orderly manner, "And you too should not think, unless you want those ever-growing hairs of yours to fall (going bald)"

"Anyways you'll find out sooner or later so let's keep it a mystery for now shall we?" He smiled going to bed, "Good night."

"Um~ good night brother." He nodded not seriously going to bed. Tyson knew that he was still thinking about the matter but he did not wish to tell him what he saw ten years ago.

The next morning Aunt Petunia bought new uniforms for the three of them. She so much so not wanted to buy two other uniforms but-- Tyson this devil she thought.

Dudley and Piers were going to Uncle's old private school, Smeltings. Harry was going to Stonewall High, the local public school that Tyson said was good for Harry's training in real-life fighting and he himself was going to a military school that the chose himself saying, "Ah- those days I miss them. Tell you guys what, I've kil-- anyways it's good."

Seriously, sometimes Tyson made expressions that scared everyone. Even Mrs Figg nearly had a heart attack.

"Tyson where are you going now?" Uncle Vernon suddenly snapped looking at him going out. He was already terrified knowing that someone was following the boys and if they were given the letter while outside then--

"Out, where else?" Tyson said annoyed, "Don't worry if I got any letter I won't read it and throw it away."

"Good! I am really happy for the first time to hear you." Uncle Vernon said grinning and followed Tyson out only to be dumbfounded, not only him but everyone, neighbours, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, Harry and even Tyson.

Hundreds, maybe even more, White owls were sitting in their yard, roof and on road. Each with a letter held tightly in their talons. Some people tried to take the letters only to be awarded with beautiful battle trophies, given by the owls together (claws).

"Mr Dursley I think that these owls are here for little Tyson." Mr Nelson, their immediate neighbour said pointing at the letters in the owls' talons. He too had a battle trophy on his face, clearly-- hehe.

Not only him almost everyone near neighbours looked at Tyson surprisingly. Well, the boy was the most famous guy here and everywhere he went for his looks. His well-chiselled, toned and trained light-tanned brown-skinned body, gave off a fatal charm very hard to resist. His height same as that of a fourteen-year-old and his long black hair was tied into a knot. Almost luminous starry blue eyes crowned with long black and dense eyelashes and thick black eyebrows. His oval face with sharp chin gives him a look of handsome maturity on his cute face.

"What? I promised Uncle that even if it was a love letter I won't read it and give him to read it first." Tyson suddenly pointed at Uncle Vernon with an evil grin who now looked as if he had eaten rotten eggs as everyone eyed him.

But, he still shamelessly nodded glaring back at them not wanting to lose along with Aunt Petunia who already had done a doctorate in the subject. (craning over the fences.)

Meanwhile, Harry snuck out and took a letter from the owl and surprisingly was given two. As soon as that was done every owl started crying and circled in the air and dived toward Tyson.

A strange scene played as they dived, each and every one of the owls suddenly bowed to him and licked his cheeks before flying away. Now everyone was sure that it was not just their imagination but animals seem to love and respect Tyson for real.

"So, did you get it?" Tyson said suddenly to his absent-minded brother, "Told you that you'll know soon enough."

"Brother you knew already didn't you?" Harry said. His eyes were puzzled.

"Knew what?" Tyson asked, "Wizard stuff? Of course, Hogwarts? Well, same as you."

"Then why didn't you tell me anything?" Harry murmured."

Tyson ruffled his hair laughing, "What fun would that be? Boy did you know that this brother of yours has lived almost half of his life in the dark dancing like a circus clown in hands of others doing what they wanted." suddenly there was anger in his voice and hatred in his eyes.

Harry was not surprised, his brother would always say some strange things as if he was some old sage and he was used to it already, in fact, everyone who knew Tyson was.

"Brother, did you know about our parents?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Or anything about this wizard and witch thing?"

"Oh!-" Tyson started thinking, "I do know something but I don't think it's enough--"

"I know two spells." He said.

Harry was genuinely surprised hearing him admit it. "Really, please brother teach me too! pretty please!"

"Sure why not but I don't have the--"

"That what?"

"The thing.


Tyson bonked Harry's head, "The thing um-- the twig to do magic idiot."

"Oh- no problem just tell me the spells so I can practice!" Harry said rubbing his head.

Tyson thought for a while before nodding and starting his drama, behaving like a superhero (he recently watched), and making Harry giggle.

"Here goes nothing, Avada Kedavra, Protego Diabolica!!" Tyson yelled when suddenly a green bolt of light appeared out of his left hand's forefinger and blue flames from his right hand.

"Damn this works too?" Tyson said surprised looking at the flames burning the already withered room (due to the green bolt) room.

"Wow, brother you can do real magic!" Harry too said in amazement looking at blue flames and green ashes. Not knowing what they had done (ah sometimes even grandpas behave like kids sigh).

As they were admiring their work somewhere a huge giant talking to an old man with silver hair and a beard. Both suddenly jumped on their feet.

"This, Hagrid go, Hurry to the boys as fast as you can!" the old man said, "I am afraid that he has already appeared."

"What, ya mean him Dumbledore sir?" Hagrid said shocked.

They were not the only ones who felt this dark death energy. Somewhere unknown even to them there was another being who felt it and was pleasantly surprised as well.

Soon the fire reached their beds as they looked at the beautiful blue flames that shined in Tyson's starry blue eyes and Harry's ocean green eyes.

"Brother, don't you think it is suddenly too hot?" Harry said still looking.

"Um~ yeah it sure is but anyway you try the spell too," Tyson said.

"Okay, Avadra Kevada, Poteus Dibolic." Harry spelt when suddenly blue slime and green booger appeared covering him, "Ewe what's this."

"Idiot it's wrong it's like--"


"OH MY GOD! VERNON HURRY LOOK WHAT THE BOYS HAVE DONE!" Suddenly aunt Petunia's voice came startling both of them. Only now did they realise what happened and were horrified. This flame and withering effect, I'm afraid are out of their domain.

Tyson hurriedly took two pillows realising that this accident was not something he could control he threw one out of the window straight down and threw one at aunt Petunia knocking her out of the room and down the stairs. Surprisingly the pillow protected her from getting injured and dropped her down the stairs safely.

Tyson also took Harry in his arms and jumped out of the window on the pillow he threw. After putting Harry down he ran inside and walked out with Aunt Petunia in his arms followed by Uncle Vernon and Dudley horrified.

"This-- how-- god--" Uncle Vernon looked at the burning house and had tears in his eyes. Dudley also was crying (not sure for what, his stuff or house?). Harry and Tyson stood there silently looking at Uncle Vernon snivelling silently, trying hard so nobody could see.

Tyson feeling guilty walked to him--

"Uncle Vernon we--"

"Thwack--" Uncle Vernon suddenly punched his face breaking Tyson's nose, "Shut up! Shut up, please. I don't want to listen to anything. So shut up, please!" He said and cried finally unable to hold it.

This house, ah-- only he knew how he build it. He was called fatty and whatnot, bullied in his days but built a house with his hard work and money and now-- now- he lost it. Even if he was capable of making another one but-- that's why he was angry, very angry for the first time in his life and sad too. -- those memories, they can't be made again.

"Uncle you--" Harry seeing his brother's nose bleed non-stop rushed but was stopped.

"It's fine Harry, it's fine. Don't do anything and say anything." Tyson said walking to Uncle Vernon again.

He knelt down and said, "Uncle, I know that-- Huff-- I am sorry. I will leave the house with Harry and we won't trouble you again in future." Tyson also had tears in his eyes but could not find the words to say.

Uncle Vernon looked at him and suddenly slapped him again.


"Step back Harry!"

Uncle Vernon stood up and held Tyson by his collar and jerked him hard. "You boy, you are very smart, smarter than anyone, I said anyone (adult or kid) I've met so far but do you know what I don't like about it even when I am so proud knowing that my nephew is so smart and mature?" He said.

"All your emotions are fake. Your heart does not understand the value of love, hate, anger etc. You don't even know the value of life and death. I have seen you boy, seen you for ten years now and I know your heart is blank." Uncle Vernon yelled at top of his lungs. Surprisingly he knew a lot more about the boy's heart than the boy himself.

Harry also stood there baffled along with Dudley still shocked looking at the house and Aunt Petunia who just had a bitter smile on her face knowing that now everything will come out.

"What? Did you think that no one would notice? Tell you what, you said that you'll leave the house and won't cause us any problem right? Do you think that it matters to us? Tell me, you think that we treat you, brothers, unjustly, which is true, but did you seriously think that we hated you guys? Tell if we really hated you why did we take you in when you were just babies instead of throwing you away in an orphanage?" Uncle Vernon screamed crying.

"So boy, don't you dare think that we hate you ever, because we don't we are just terrified thinking of what you two will become following those-- Please just do what I say and become a good man, marry a good wife and live a good life, just do what I say till we husband and wife leave this world." And hugged Tyson looking at the home coming down burning away all the memories.

Dursleys really didn't like the boys but not because they hated them but because of the lineage, they came from. They were terrified that one day two of them would follow their parent's steps and will die and that's why they did their best to separate them from that dark world.

I don't know, I just wanted them to be good people in my story. If you don't like it sorry.

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