
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Harvest of Absolute Enlightenment

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Harvest of Absolute Enlightenment

Tian Fei opened his eyes, and a bright light glowed in his eyeballs

It was difficult for Tian Fei to describe his current condition because he had shockingly completed the Muscle Washing Bible in just one night!!!

Tian Fei reached the state that the Shaolin monks called Muscles of Ice and Jade

But the name was the last thing Tian Fei cared about because, at this moment, he could sense the profound energy around him powerfully even without entering a meditation state.

Even worse, he hadn't even entered the First Heaven of Profound Sensing

It was then that he heard Tian Bu Huai's voice, "Child, your talent now in terms of affinity could say that it is unparalleled, and because of that, the limits of every heaven of yours are higher than the rest. In short, you are at least 11 times stronger than the person in your same world!! I wouldn't advise you." I had practiced all 11 kinds of energy previously, but now I am strongly encouraging you, because of Absolute Enlightenment, your cultivation speed is much faster than the greatest geniuses, so it would be a loss if you did not sense all kinds of energy that you could, and that would only slow down your cultivation to the Demon Genius level, but in the end. That's your decision "

"You're wrong it's not 11," said Tian Fei

"How could I be wrong with something as simple as this I'm sure it's 11"

"So what kind of energy?" Tian Fei pointed at some kind of energy in front of him

"This, this, this, can't be impossible, boy. This swallowing energy comes from your soul, but I'm sure your soul only had the Slaughter and Demon affinities. Why did the third appear? Could profound enlightenment be the reason?"

"What is swallowing energy?"

"One of the forbidden energies, the energy that allows the user to swallow all kinds of energies and transform them into their own, boy back in the day, I thought that although your cultivation speed would be equal to a demonic genius, now your cultivation speed after the profound sensing stage can't be matched, so cultivate As much energies as possible through deep sensing without worry."

Tian Fei was shocked by the appearance of the swallowing energy on him, but he knew it was a good thing

Tian Fei was never late and decided to start practicing now, after all. His remaining classes will be tomorrow. He does not need a Profound Sensing Realm cultivation technique. He is practicing alpha wave meditation.

Tian Fei closed his eyes and started to practice

Little by little he started entering his meditation state

At this moment, the world of Tian Fei was advancing at an astonishing speed

After half an hour

First Heaven Profound Sensing Realm

after two hours

Second Heaven Profound Sensing Realm

4 hours later

Third Heaven Profound Sensing Realm

8 hours later

Fourth Heaven Profound Sensing Realm

Only then did Tian Fei stop cultivating and open his information ID on his bracelet

He directly focused on the realm and martial power

Martial Realm: Fourth Heaven Profound Sensing

Martial Strength: A high-ranking genius of the Seventh Heaven Profound Sensing

After Tian Fei read that, he was stunned. Previously, without practicing, his martial strength was at the Seventh Heaven Profound Sensing Realm, but now his martial strength had greatly increased. In fact, the two could not be compared to each other.

Tian Fei was sure that he could kill his former self with a finger

It was then that he searched for information on this classification of geniuses that had appeared

It was then that Tian Fei understood the difference

Apparently, there are even categorizations for geniuses

from lowest to highest

Untalented, Normal, Low Genius, Mid Genius, High Genius, Demon Genius, Genius Against Heaven

It was then that Tian Fei asked for his bracelet to show his combat strength based on his current ranking

Martial Realm: Fourth Heaven Profound Sensing

Martial strength: An anti-heaven genius at the Fourth Heaven of Profound Sensing

Although Tian Fei had expected this, he was still disappointed. All in all, he had washed his body with 12 kinds of profound energy, but there were people within the same world who could rival him.

This baffled Tian Fei a bit, so he asked Tian Bu Huai the reason for that, to which Tian Bu Huai replied, "You're really greedy. No wonder you have an affinity for swallowing. Boy, don't forget that when we talk about martial strength, martial arts, weapons, and cultivation all come into it." While you only entered the Heavenly Genius Ranking with your pure physical strength, in short, if it is true, you are a monster."

Tian Fei finally understood this, and the doubt within him subsided, at which point he asked, "What was Tian Jiangxi's ranking?"

Although they witnessed his memories, they didn't actually see everything, only the important memories in his life. Otherwise, he would have obtained many cultivation techniques that Tian Jiangxi had found in various places.

"Actually, I don't know, but from what I saw in his memories, his martial strength could no longer be classified, so he crossed three realms and killed a Sovereign. Against the Heavens, a word against the heavens is not enough to describe it."

After all, he had seen that devastating fight between a Sovereign and Tian Jiangxi, and Tian Fei already understood

that tian Jiangxi's combat power was truly out of this world

But this did not disappoint Tian Fei at all, and he decided to go to the Mystery Library now to choose some martial arts in it, and he also decided to buy some weapons with the Dragon Coins that he now had.