
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter Thirty-One: The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter Thirty-One: The Mysterious Old Man

"The Art of Slaughter: Spear" is a very simple name, but it hides many meanings

Without delay, Tian Fei tried to obtain it

The resistance facing Tian Fei was too great, but once Tian Fei used his full strength except for his bloodline form,

Tian Fei was able to obtain it

Tian Fei read the introduction to Art briefly,

"One of the 5 Arts of Slaughter, in short, there is no shortcut. This art gathers slaughtering energy from slaughtering living beings with the spear. By using other people's lives, you can advance very quickly in the spear arts. The art has 4 stages, and each stage requires killing a certain number. In the first stage, there is no Special request on the type of life, but you will complete the first layer after killing 1,000 lives. The second stage must use the lives of 1,000 intelligent beings and 10,000 other lives. The third stage represents you for the title of Master of Slaughter after killing 500,000 lives, and the fourth stage qualifies the person for the title King of Carnage. In one fight, you must take the lives of a million people

After reading this, Tian Fei hesitated a bit, but then smiled wryly and said, "When were you soft?"

This sacred art was not a martial art, but rather a secret art, but its assistance in martial power was extremely large

Tian Fei calculated the time and found that he still had two hours left, so he continued searching for some more arts

Tian Fei searched for a while and found some sacred arts, but not many of them suited him

But he didn't come out empty-handed either as he obtained two different martial arts

"Sword of Annihilation: A 7-movement martial art that uses lightning and fire, the most destructive of the 9 elements."

Short Sword Art: Ice of Babylon

Tian Fei chose both of them after long thought, and now he was looking for a movement art to supplement his current martial arts need

After some research, he found that most of the movement arts were not suitable for him or were not suitable for his fighting style

Tian Fei was one of those people who did not like to drag out a fight unless it was needed

Most of the sacred movement arts were either extremely flashy or their main focus was escaping

Of course, Tian Fei didn't despise escaping at all, but he liked more balanced things

In the end, he settled on a heavenly art called Ghost Steps

Good at sneaking, escaping, attacking, and defending, but it wasn't very special in any of them

Presently, Tian Fei was satisfied with his choice and decided to exit the main library

. . . . . . . .

But at this time, what Tian Fei didn't know was that an old man was sitting on a rocking chair sipping tea with a chessboard next to him while reading a book.

But a second later, the old man's gaze changed and became suspicious

"One of the 4 ultimate arts resonates with someone who entered the library? This is the second in this group of children. Now let me see who you are." Immediately after, an image of Tian Fei appeared in front of him as he proceeded to exit the main library.

When the old man saw this, he gently called out, "Chou Daizu, come!"

Then, Xu Daizua, the young man whom Tian Fei had seen earlier, appeared in front of the old man and said, "Yes, sir. Is there an order?"

"Yes, this is a picture of a boy who entered the first floor of the main library. Bring him to me. I want to meet him."

"Sir, what do you want from a child like him?"

"When is it your turn to ask me??" The old man's eyes turned to ice

Shu Daizu felt that he was one step away from death

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sir. I'll bring him right away." He quickly bowed and ran away while his back was dripping with sweat.

When Shu Daizu came out he was cursing, "Damn it, I'm the librarian now and not him. Why does he have the right to order me here and there?"

But he still didn't dare to disobey him and ran off to bring Tian Fei to the old man

At this time, Tian Fei had just walked out of the main library, and the young librarian appeared in front of him

"Boy, come with me, someone wants to see you."

"Sir Librarian, who wants me?"

"Don't ask when I don't allow you." Xu Daizua said in a heavy tone and released a mighty aura pressing down on Tian Fei.

Tian Fei felt that a huge mountain was pressing on him. Compared to the Dragon Stare that he had witnessed before, this pressure was much higher.

But fortunately, this pressure quickly disappeared

Soon, Tian Fei and Xu Daizua arrived at the old man's place quickly, when Xu Daizua said, "Go, whoever wants you is waiting for you there."

The place was like a large public garden, but its only features were the old man and a small table with a chessboard on it.

The old man is sitting on a rocking chair in front of him, sipping tea and reading a book

The old man looked at Tian Fei and asked, "Do you know how to play?" He pointed to the chessboard

Tian Fei smiled and said, "A little bit."

"So sit down and start playing."

The old man didn't introduce himself or tell Tian Fei why he was summoned. He just sat down in front of the board and said, "You start with the white pieces."

Tian Fei looked at him and sneered inwardly as this old man apparently underestimated him so much that white usually has the advantage before starting to play.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next chapter will contain some chess information for chess lovers. For those who do not like chess a lot, I will try to make it short and as interesting as possible.

Dark_Monrachcreators' thoughts