
Star-Crossed Legacy

The Ricca crime family has a magical ancestry, one that manifests in prophetic dreams and secret abilities. Vanessa, the sheltered princess of this magical mafia family, can see others' secrets. She calls this her "shadow vision." No one is supposed to know about it, because it's an ability that would get her killed. Ivan Volkov, the heir to a Russian crime family, discovers Vanessa's secret and wants to use it to find a traitor in his crew. Vanessa is taken and forced to live with Ivan and his cousin Dominik until she can provide them with the traitor's name. But the man betraying Ivan is the one person immune to Vanessa's gift. He's also the one person Ivan would never expect: his cousin. Dominik and Vanessa are fated in this enemies to lovers story of mystery, magic, and mafia. In order to overcome the darkest evil and help Ivan's victims, they need to let go of their distrust, secrets, and give in to scariest, strongest thing either of them has encountered: each other. A CEO of Seduction sequel and standalone. Published exclusively on Webnovel.

emme_z · 都市
131 Chs

No Mood for Acting


Vanessa doesn't say anything the whole way to the club, and a chasm has opened in my chest that is entirely new. It's an ache that I don't remember ever feeling before—not even when my parents died. That pain was different than this one. 

When we park, I dread that we will have to go inside and act like we are nothing to one another. It will only reinforce this real distance that has been created.

"Vanessa, what did Ivan say?" I try. 

She is reaching for the door handle and stops. A shuddering breath is released from her lungs like she has been holding it in all this time. 

"He said that you have slept with every bottle girl here. And they all want you so badly that I would need as much protection from them as the cartel."