
Cruel Game


Morning light and the smell of books. That's what I wake up to. 

It takes me a few minutes to remember where I am, but once I see the shelves of books in front of me, it comes back. I'm in the man castle, curled up on a generously-sized chair with a view of the sunrise outside the window. 

This isn't so bad. If Ivan doesn't set foot in the library, maybe I can just sleep in here every night. 

When I finally unfold myself from the chair, the spoon and bowl from last night clang together. I scoop them up and make my way down to the main floor of the library and find Dominik sleeping on a sofa. He's sprawled out, arm curled behind his head and legs hanging off the side. 

There's something so tender and peaceful about his expression. I'm not sure what to do. Do I wake him? The doctor said he has a hard time sleeping, so I should probably leave him to it.