
chapter 8


It was getting late in the afternoon Stacey had now decided to join Mist in her room which overlooked the sea front, she sat down on a chair gazing out of Mist's open window towards the sea, as she did this she noticed a large menacing black cloud looming over the horizon coming towards the mainland in a hurry, "looks like a storm?"

She said to herself as she turned away from the window, as she did this she saw Mist who had now removed the towel from her head showing a head of dyed blonde colored hair, in her hands were two wine glasses and in another was a bottle of Rose wine, "here Stacey," she said in a warm friendly tone as she handed Stacey a glass, "I hope that you enjoy this as this is one of my favorite wines?" She then put her glass down on a small table besides her bed and began pouring the wine into one of the glasses, she then handed it over to Stacey who then handed her the empty glass back, "thank you Mist, I have never had a bottle of this before," "really?"

Mist replied back in amazement as she reached her blue hand into one of her dressing gowns pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes, "I didn't know that you smoked?" Stacey said as she took a slip from her wine glass, Mist turned to her with one cigarette in her mouth, "I didn't always," she said as she lit it with a match, "I started smoking when Chris was abducted." She began blowing rings of smoke as she puffed on the cigarette, "can you tell me about what happened and how he was taken?" Stacey asked in a low voice, Mist put her cigarette down in an ashtray as then took her wine glass and took a slip, "when I came to Haven Stacey, I was frightened," "frightened? Of what and why?" Mist came up to her, "of, what I had become and what I was leaving behind Ben told me that I needed to embrace the change then Chris came, like me he was afraid of what he had become."

She stopped and looked at the other woman as she lifted the cigarette up from the ashtray, "Chris was encouraged by Ben and get with me as he felt that he would help me?" She then paused for a moment as she looked out of the window, "we became inseparable just like you and Ben he taught me many things like how to handle myself in a fight," "wow, I bet that came in?" Stacey say as she poured herself another glass of wine, "it did Stacey, not that I am complaining or anything," Mist said as she opened the window and tossed the cigarette butt out, "

Ben was good to me and the rest of the members of Haven however, he had one rule never kill another only in self-defense." As Mist said this Stacey remembered when her, Ben and Shifter had been ambushed by the military, the memory was painfully to her as Shamus had been killed trying to protect himself her and Ben, "I can only guess how useful that had been to you?" She said back, Mist smiled as she took a slip of wine, "believe me it was Stacey, by the time I had been here for a year I leant how to fire a gun and hand to hand combat," "so what happened Mist how was he taken?" Mist looked at her lowering her head as she did, "it was the year before you joined us, we all were celebrating my Birthday anyway to cut a long story short me and Chris decided to head out to town." Stacey looked at her surprised, "why what was wrong with that?" "

Everything Stacey as the military was looking for anyone with connections to Ben or Haven, anyway we both were in town and were headed towards this one bar, before we could get there we were set on by the military lead by not other than-" "Lt John Watts?" Stacey asked as she remember than name, Mist nodded her head, "yes for some reason he knew that we both were in that place don't ask me how or why?" Stacey looked at her, "Mist, I mean Laura I am sorry," she said as she walked towards her and put one of her arms round her, Mist looked at her and smiled gently, "thank you Stacey," "how did you escape from them?" She asked, "we both fought but there was too many of them Chris told me that I needed to escape I told him that I wouldn't leave him, but he forced me, so I teleported away leaving him to his fate."

Mist paused for a moment as she took another slip of the wine, "when Chris was taken Stacey I felt that a part of me was gone and blamed myself for what had happened," Stacey walked over to her and embraced her, "I am sorry Laura, but you cannot blame yourself as it was not your fault now was it?" Mist looked up at her tears were now falling from both of her eyes, "yes, it was Stacey it was the military and my mine and Chris's arrogance I was lucky that I wasn't captured myself I can't imagine what they must have done to Chris but he never told them anything?" She then went quiet as she wiped the tears from her face, "what did Ben say? Was he angry?"

Mist looked at her, "not at me he was angry at the military and himself as he said that he should have warned us both not to go," She then looked at her, "Stacey you and Ben are perfect for each other, please don't throw it away over something stupid, I love you like a sister." "I know that you do Laura and come tomorrow morning I will have a word with Ben I promise." She then threw her arms around the blue skinned woman and smiled at her, "I am off to see Ben I'll see you in the soon Mist, OK," Mist turned and smiled back, "of, course thank you for hearing me out Stacey and good luck with Ben." She then watched the green skinned woman walked out of her room before she walked out of the door, she turned her head back around, "Mist whatever tomorrow brings, I am sure that I will be ready!"