
St Chaos Healer

Once a powerful Demon Overlord, betrayed and murdered by his own subordinates, vows revenge with his dying breath. Reincarnated as Benjamin Almond, a human baby, he must adapt to his new mortal life without demonic powers. With his past memories intact, he embarks on a journey to master mana arts and rise to power in the mortal realm. Will he fulfill his quest for vengeance or find a new purpose as Benjamin, a fledgling mage? Join his transformation from demon lord to aspiring mortal mage.

HellerFeed · ファンタジー
100 Chs

Ch 63 - Shattered Hopes (Part 2)

"That's the Aguvare, a tropical fruit that only grows in the Jarla Forest," chimed in Casia.

"I never knew you were an expert on fruits, Lady Casia," remarked Hamanthra, her tone laced with mockery.

Casia simply shrugged her shoulders. "I'm no fruit expert, but I recognized it as an Aguvare because it's a valuable fruit with medicinal properties. We import a significant amount of these fruits for the production of medicines and potions, so we're quite knowledgeable about them. They're only found in the Jarla Forest and are highly sought after by healers."

So, that meant the fruits were both rare and expensive. It further validated the superiority of my results compared to Hendrickson's. I couldn't help but grin in satisfaction.

The grandmasters exchanged a few glances among themselves but didn't say much. I could sense that they were somewhat taken aback by my impressive performance.

As we moved on to the third trial, I positioned myself in front of the exoskeleton, ready to take on the next challenge.

Cracking my knuckles, I confidently approached the intimidating exoskeleton.

As I got closer, I could examine the eerie contraption up close. Its structure was far from resembling a human skeleton, with an array of bones arranged in a peculiar manner. The exoskeleton's back was covered in metallic plating, and there were gemstones hidden within its ribcage. Though the bones obscured my view, the faint glow emanating from the gemstones could be glimpsed through the gaps.

With caution, I placed my hands on the exoskeleton's back. In an instant, the ribcage began to rotate, enclosing my hands and locking them in place.

As the exoskeleton came to life, rising upright and straightening its back, a surge of excitement coursed through me. While others might feel fear in the presence of such a creature, I was eager to discover my true abilities. The moment of revelation was finally at hand.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I eagerly anticipated the results. Which academy would I choose? What kind of training would I pursue based on my abilities? The highest likelihood seemed to be that I would inherit my mother's flame mage genes, granting me control over fire. It was a power I had always admired and longed to possess.

However, there was also a chance I could be a transmutant mage, with the ability to transform into monstrous forms. As the former Demon Overlord, I had experienced the thrill of assuming a ferocious horned demon shape and wreaking havoc upon my enemies. The thought of tapping into that power again intrigued me.

On the other hand, psychic abilities held a certain enigma and unpredictability. Even if I possessed such abilities, mastering them could take a lifetime of dedication. Perhaps it would be best to steer clear of the complexities of psychic magic.

Lost in my contemplations, I was now fully focused on the exoskeleton, eager to see what it held in store for me.

In response to my actions, the exoskeleton began emanating a radiant green light, enveloping its entire body. The grandmasters displayed a range of expressions, reflecting a mixture of contemplation and subtle disappointment. Some released weary sighs, while others simply nodded in acknowledgment.

Is this all? I couldn't help but feel a pang of dissatisfaction. I had anticipated more remarkable results, hoping for them to be blown away with-

Suddenly a chirring sound emanated from the exoskeleton as something was about to happen.

I focused my attention on astonishment as small fleshy parts emerged from within, wrapping themselves around the bones. The exoskeleton was gradually being infused with living, sentient flesh. It was a sight I had never witnessed before, especially considering that other transmutant mages had never reported such a phenomenon.

A sudden realization washed over me—I possessed the abilities of a transmutant mage. However, unlike others who had undergone the trial, my power manifested in a unique manner. While most transmutant mages experienced transformations that altered the external appearance of their skeletal structures, never before had flesh grown upon the exoskeleton during the trial. It was an unexpected and extraordinary twist, setting me apart from my counterparts.

A wide smile stretched across my face as I came to terms with the fact that I possessed exceptional abilities as a transmutant mage. Although I had initially expected to be a fire elemental mage, I embraced the revelation of being a transmutant mage with enthusiasm. The trial was not yet over, and there was still a chance that I could possess a second affinity, perhaps even the coveted element of fire. Filled with optimism, I eagerly anticipated the trial continued.

The grandmasters observed our interaction with keen interest, their expressions serious and contemplative. The exoskeleton was now covered in flesh that almost resembled its muscles. Although the process of flesh regeneration had slowed down quite a lot. Although there was small tiny meat flesh appearing and reconstructing on the skeleton.

It almost felt like this exoskeleton might come alive any second.

"What a surprising turn of events," muttered Grandmaster Biswaq.

"Look at that potent life energy. It even managed to bypass the seal and regenerate that monster's flesh. Should we be concerned?" Pierre asked, glancing at Sigurd.

"No need to worry. We have a rune in place as a fail-safe in case such a thing were to occur," Sigurd reassured with confidence, "Although I never expected to see such a vigorous life energy in the hands of such a young boy before."

"So there's a fail-safe. Then I don't have to pull out the big guns," Pierre commented while letting out a breath of relief.

"Despite the fail-safety, we should never use such a thing for the ascension trials," added Biswaq, letting out a sigh.

"I must admit, I had hoped for him to possess psychic ability," expressed Messindra with a tinge of disappointment.

"Well, I had expected him to possess fire elemental magic, but it seems healer it is. How disappointing," Grandmaster Travis voiced his dissatisfaction while glaring at Manager Bervice. Bervice and the red-haired lady beside him both lowered their gazes, displaying a sense of shame.

Hang on a second…

"Let's give the kid some credit. With such a remarkable abundance of pure life energy, his future as a healer looks promising. We can assign him to our best support unit, allowing the frontline battle mages to focus on offense without any concerns," Gunther suggested.

As I listened to their conversation in disbelief, confusion washed over me. Life energy? Support unit? Healer? What on earth were they talking about?

They surely are not talking about me, I am a transmutant mage…

Wait a minute...

A sudden realization struck me.

I recalled the poor girls who also exhibited a green glow on their exoskeletons, indicating an affinity for life energy. They were labeled as healers. At the time, I didn't pay much attention to their abilities, as I had no interest in healing or caring for others. Their paths seemed inconsequential to me… at least I did back then.

Desperation gripped me as I refused to accept this reality. This had to be some kind of sick joke, a cruel twist of fate.

No fucking way I am the same as those girls!

I don't have the healing ability, do I?

This must be some fucking joke.

I am a former Demon Overlord who is known for death and destruction.

Healing? Life energy? That is so not in character at all!

"No wonder the poor lad wasn't able to display his abilities as a healer," Lady Casia chimed in, wearing a knowing smile. "There were no injured candidates left after the blessing ritual as the divine flames had healed every one. How could he have demonstrated his healing ability under such circumstances?"

"Ah, that explains everything," Biswaq muttered, nodding in agreement.

That's when suddenly,

"Thankfully he has a second affinity as well," muttered some grandmaster.

With every word that spouted, I could hear my dreams and plans shattering.

Is this some nightmare, I wanna wake up already!

But then, a glimmer of hope emerged.

"The kid possesses a second affinity as well," muttered one of the grandmasters.

My attention shifted to the skeletal hands of the exoskeleton. To my surprise, a large, pointy black stick emerged from its arm, sprouting smaller, pointy sticks resembling a tiny tree. And just like that, small leaves began to appear on its branches, forming a miniature tree that blossomed within its grasp.

"Ah, the second affinity is tree magic," marveled Pierre.

"Tree magic is an excellent element for defense, particularly for healers. They can use it for defense and then escape from their enemies," added Gunther, nodding his head.

As the exoskeleton opened its ribcage and released my arm, I found myself free from its grasp. However, I couldn't care less about being liberated at that moment.

Healing, defense, and running away from the enemy—these were the abilities bestowed upon me. A profound departure from the grandiose plans I had envisioned for myself.

The grandmasters continued to shower me with praise, emphasizing the power of my life energy. But their words fell on deaf ears, as I was preoccupied with unraveling the tangled mess of my shattered aspirations.

The concept of healing ability and plant magic, both falling into the support category, clashed with my identity as a battle-driven Demon Overlord. In our world, relying on support skills was considered a sign of weakness and brought shame upon the battle-hungry demons. As a leader who thrived on power and destruction, my focus had always been on offensive tactics and asserting dominance on the battlefield.

Now I am being classified as a talented support class healer mage.

I never even made friends let alone work with a team.

Following my trial, the grandmasters extended several invitations to me. Each one carried the same message, emphasizing their commitment to honing my abilities and teaching me defensive skills essential for the survival of a healer on the battlefield. Some even enticed me with the opportunity to acquire skills in trapping enemies and executing daring escapes. However, none of their offers managed to captivate my interest. The notion of delving deeper into the realm of support magic and adopting a defensive role held little appeal to me. I remained unmoved by their words, feeling a profound disconnection between their proposals and my own desires and aspirations.

Lady Casia approached me and presented her invitation. Unlike the others, her offer focused solely on sharing her extensive knowledge of healing and plant-related magic, aiming to shape me into a skilled and talented healer. Her invitation was direct and to the point, without mentioning survival or escape strategies like the rest of them.

Surprisingly, I didn't receive any invitations from Bloodfire, Starlight Nexus, Arcane Forge, or Mind's Eye. However, Biswaq's Radiant Sanctum unexpectedly sent me an invitation as well.

I descended from the stage and joined my fellow 2nd tier candidates, feeling disinterested in deciding which invitations to choose. My mind was still grappling with the reality of my current situation.

It all felt like a surreal nightmare, and I attempted to pinch myself to wake up. However, the pain affirmed that this was, in fact, a harsh reality.