
Lia Versus the third year 2

Lia reacted as fast as she could to the incoming attacks. She stamped her staff into the ground, causing ice to spread out and form an ice wall.

The fireballs hit the wall and exploded. The wall was destroyed, leaving only steam, but it managed to block the attacks.

"You use wordless casting, seems you are good," the fire mage said as she prepared for another attack.

But Lia had trained with Silva a lot, and she knew not to allow a strong enemy to be the one to keep attacking.

"Ice mist." She cast a basic spell that was easy to cast and fast as well. It created a lot of mist that blocked the vision of her opponent.

With that, she changed location, running to the side. This spell had two uses: it was used for obscuring and detection.

Now she knew exactly where the flame mage was, and she immediately attacked, firing an ice lance in that direction.