
SSS-Rank Talent: Fate's Slave

Fate has always been a mystery, steering some towards heroism and others towards villainy. But for one person, that fate led to a chilling transformation. "Kalsie... y-you... killed everyone? Why!?" she questioned, shock, betrayal and disbelief evident in her eyes as she surveyed the numerous lifeless bodies, staining everything in red. Hearing her, the person in question looked at her with his hollowed eyes void of emotions, and replied, "I did...” “Just why!?” she asked in despair. “because... my fate... curse, and... Destiny... wanted me to." Kalsie was once a normal human with a kind and a playful nature. But, as they say, life is unpredictable, and Kalsie's life was no exception. For him, it all began on that fateful day. The day he found himself stranded on an island filled with dangerous monsters—where everything changed for him. ********* A/N :- It is a slow paced in the first volume and System/Talent is introduced in the second volume. My other work- EX-Class: Zombie’s Husbando

Dummybeing · ファンタジー
93 Chs

Getting to know each other

"Brother, do you truly think it's wise to trust that person?" Nicole whispered anxiously, her grip on Jack's hand tightening as they followed behind Job through the dark, eerie forest.

Luckily for them, the moon above was visible and they knew where they had to go.

Jack, his senses on high alert, responded softly, "I can't say for sure, but he did risk his life to save us."

Nicole fell into contemplative silence, though unease still haunted in her heart.

But she wasn't alone. Her uncertainty mirrored that of the whole group, who continued their cautious journey, striving to minimize noise and avoid drawing the monsters back to their location.

As they moved through the eerie night, the rustling of leaves and the mournful wind were their only companions.

Tension hung thick in the air. Despite the sibling's brief exchange, a collective feeling of dread, confusion and fear remained.

Then, a sudden sound in the distance disrupted the silence, causing their hearts to race. They halted as their faces were etched with concern.

However, Job frowned as he heard the noise and dashed forward toward the source of the noise, leaving the others behind.

Nick, fearing isolation amidst the looming shadows, followed. While Jack and Nicole, bound by their shared apprehension, joined in.

As they emerged from the forest and reached the destination Kalsie had indicated, their eyes widened as awe overcame their fear.

For someone leaving far into inland, this was first for someone to ever visit a sea. That was also the reason behind their emotion.

They stood in silence as they heard the rhythmic crashing of the sea waves and smell of the salt filling the air.

"Where on Earth are we?" Job muttered in disbelief, and the group fell into wordless agreement, grappling with the profound strangeness of their surroundings.

However, the silence was short-lived as faint crackling noises from the forest jolted them back to reality.

"!!" Their dread surged anew as the memories of encirclement by monstrous creatures resurfaced.

"Brother..." Nicole whispered, her grip on Jack's hand tightening once more and Nick's face twisted in remembered terror.

Jack remained silent but positioned himself protectively in front of his sister with spear, while Job readied himself, determined to confront any potential threat.

Tensions rose, and their faces were etched with fear and anxiety.

Perplexed, the group exchanged uncertain glances, fingers trembling on their weapons.

Then, a voice penetrated the darkness, momentarily dispelling the heavy atmosphere.

"Relax, it's me."

Their anxiety began to give way to a glimmer of hope as Kalsie emerged from the shadows, stepping into the dim light.

"Phew… you really gave us a scare. We thought you were one of those monsters," Job admitted, lowering his weapon as he recognized Kalsie's face.

Jack, on the other hand still wary, asked the question which was present on everyone's mind. "What happened to the monsters? Did you get rid of them?"

Kalsie, visibly tired, wiped sweat from his brow and responded, " 'Get rid of them?' How did you jump to that conclusion? I managed to eliminate a few and diverted the rest in the opposite direction. But for now, there shouldn't be any monsters in this area."

Relief washed over them at his words, though his next statement cast a shadow of uncertainty. "But I can't guarantee it will stay that way for long."

Despite the threat present and confusion regarding their surroundings, the group thanked Kalsie. If it wasn't for him, then they wouldn't have survived.

However, their wariness still lingered, more so in the eyes of the others. Surprisingly, Job didn't share the same level of suspicion as the rest.

As he sensed their skepticism, so he couldn't help but introduce himself, "Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is K-"

"Kalsie Crux, right?" Job interjected before Kalsie could finish introducing himself.

Kalsie's eyes widened and questioned, "Have we met before? I don't recall seeing you."

"Unfortunately, no. But you're a first-year student at Saint's University, correct?" Job inquired, his expression slightly wistful.

Recognition dawned on Kalsie as his eyes widened. It was the same university where he just started attending before being stranded on this eerie place.

"Wait… Don't tell me you all are also first-year students at Saint's University?" Kalsie was genuinely surprised. The thought of these strangers being fellow students from his university and city had never crossed his mind. But then when he noticed their dress, similar to him, he already felt that they too were like him, stranded.

But multiple questions within his mind still remained unanswered.

"Job... does that mean this guy is also in the same predicament as us, 'stranded' here?" Jack turned to Job, seeking confirmation.

From the start, they had assumed Kalsie was a local resident due to his distinct black hair, which had contributed to their initial wariness.

"Yes, I'm quite certain. He's pretty famous among the first-year students," Job affirmed.

"Seriously?" Kalsie raised an eyebrow, skeptical of his newfound fame.

Despite his unique appearance, he hadn't expected to be well-known since he had just attended an orientation of university and nothing more.

"I saw your fight against three senior delinquents being uploaded on Utube, and the fact that the 'Frost Queen' didn't expel you only added to your growing popularity, even among the seniors. They even gave you a nickname - Black Warrior, who survived Queen's onslaught."

Kalsie was stunned, remembering something he did with his friends Sam and Fred during their first fight. But what hit him even more was the strange nickname and the return of memories from his past.

Kalsie turned embarrassed as he felt the curious gazes on him.

With their wariness dispelled, Kalsie decided to shift the focus. "Excuse me... I didn't know that. Anyways, how about you guys introduce yourselves as well?"

Job, who had blond hair and light brown eyes, being the more open and friendly of the group, began the introductions. "Oh, I'm sorry… Ahem! I'm Job Smith."

"And this is Nick. We've been friends since childhood." Job pointed to the quiet and reserved boy beside him, who appeared to be the silent type.

Nick nodded at Kalsie, his greeting concise. "H-Hello…"

Kalsie acknowledged Nick's greeting and turned his attention to the remaining two members of the group.

"Hi, I'm Jack Olive. Just like you, we only met Job and Nick here." Jack, while matching Job's height, had a more athletic build, with light brown hair and piercing green eyes. 

Jack continued with the introductions, "And this is my twin sister, Nicole Olive," as he gestured towards his sister, who still stood slightly behind him.

Nicole possessed a slight chubby countenance, her complexion unblemished, giving her an appearance that was cute and fairer than any model.

Her kindhearted nature was evident, and she exuded an air of shyness. Her hair mirrored Jack's, with bangs covering her forehead while the rest was tied behind her back. 

However, what set her apart were her light blue irises, a striking contrast to her brother's green eyes.

Kalsie greeted her warmly, "Hello."

In response, Nicole offered a soft, "Hello..."

Her voice barely rose above a whisper as she continued to seek refuge behind her brother.

With her height reaching only to his chest, she had to tilt her head slightly to meet Kalsie's gaze.

Kalsie couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious, wondering, 'Do I come across as intimidating?'

Jack quickly interjected with a light-hearted chuckle, "Haha! Don't mind her; she's just a bit shy around new people."

After the introductions were completed, Job turned to Kalsie with a serious expression, "Kalsie... do you happen to know anything about our situation?"

Kalsie considered their surroundings before responding, "Before we get into that, let's find a safer place to talk."

Although the mood within the group was normal when they introduced themselves, there still remained many question regarding their situation and the threat of the monster.