


Why the fuck did people have to question me? Just do what i fuckin say and there wont be an issue.

"Fuckin' motherfuckers"

I fucking hate everyone.

There is a man shouting profanities while walking down the sidewalk.

There aren't many people near him even though its 3:30 in the afternoon. Those who are on the opposite sidewalk are unbelievably grateful that they didn't have to cross him.

He is wearing a business suit. Grey, just one color. It has a pocket on the side of his jacket with nothing in it. His suit is neat, with his white shirt tucked in, still buttoned. His tie is in place, it looks like a nice tie. Whoever picked it out has nice taste, it has stripes that descend downward, going from the top right to bottom left. The stripes themselves have a decent width.

From the direction the pissed man is walking towards, it looks as if there is another man who is approaching him.

In contrast to the angry man, this man seems easygoing.

In fact it seems as if things could not be going better for him.

His suit seems to be a lighter grey. His overall physique looks as if he has been working out for quite a long time. His chest seems to be quite big, as does all of his body, but his chest is accentuated as his arms seem to be unable to rest at his side due to the massiveness of his chest. This makes his arms swing which must be the reason he unbuttoned his jacket, so that both ends are spread out towards his waist.

As the angry man shouts his profanities, he gets angrier looking at the other, confident, man approaching him.

Fucking prick. What the fuck does he think? Does he actually think I'm fucking scared of him.

He glares at him.

The other man doesn't notice him, too preoccupied with something else on his mind.

The angry man prepares himself for their encounter.

As they get closer, the angry man winds back his fist to his waist.

When they are right next to each other, and the confident man is to his right he directs his fist to the man's stomach and then instantly aims his next attack towards his face, using his suitcase on his left to hit him.

He partially misses with the suitcase, only the corner hits the top part of the man's skull.

This angers him, and he gets worried for retaliation, so he double his effort.

He scrambles to use his right to hit him again, followed by another hit with his suitcase.

Then he forgoes using his fist and just uses the suitcase.

He continually uses the suitcase, swinging it to hit the man over and over again.