

... Xiaomengxin accidentally entered the secret service division of Lixing Club. His only ability is to accurately identify who is a hidden Japanese. He doesn't know anything else... As a result, as he walked, it seemed like he was going the wrong way? ...

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · アクション
755 Chs

Chapter 747: Gestapo, meeting

Avenue Joffre, Yin's residence.

Zhang Yong woke up groggily. Looked at the time. It was almost eleven.

Tilted his head to look at the curtains. White light shone outside. Oh, it must be daytime. He had slept until almost noon. He was really tired last night.

Catherine is a charming little demon. She's fun and loves to play. She also has a lot of stamina.

She doesn't have much experience, but she likes to pretend she does. She won't admit defeat.

Fortunately, she went off to do her real work later.

Get up. Get dressed. Open the curtains while you're at it. Look out into the street not far away.

There's a newsstand there. It's located on the corner of the street. It's not very conspicuous. But the middle-aged man guarding the stand is a yellow dot on the map.

A yellow dot, not bad. It must have been arranged by Shi Bingdao.

Zhang Yong had previously suggested to Shi Bingdao that the number of newsstands should be increased. Shi Bingdao must have been doing it.

These newsstands are, when necessary, excellent observation posts.

The binoculars are raised. The street corner in the distance is watched. There is also a newsstand there. However, the person guarding it does not have a yellow dot. In other words, they are not a member of the underground party. They could be an activist on the periphery. Or they could just be an ordinary person. After all, the underground party does not have that many members to man every newsstand.

The binoculars continue to rotate. They fix on the second yellow dot they find.

It is actually a tram driver. They are driving tram number 7. It slowly passes by the vicinity.

When the tram arrived near the Paris Night Club on the Bund, it stopped. Passengers got on and off. A yellow dot got on the tram. The tram continued to move.

At the next stop, the yellow dot got off. It seems that the handover with the tram driver was complete.

Of course, it is also possible that the two don't know each other at all. They could be underground party members on two different lines.

There is actually another red dot on the tram...

There are also several red dots near the route...

Zhang Yongzhai put the binoculars away when the tram had left a 500-metre radius.

Shanghai Beach was very lively.

Many big shots. A high-end scene.

He was just a rookie. Unexpectedly, he had found his own way to survive...

Wash up.

Go downstairs.

A mansion is a mansion. Everything is as it was. Bright and clean. Magnificent.

The crystal chandelier, said to be worth more than 100,000 taels of silver, emitted a dazzling light.


It's good to be rich.

If only this Yin residence were his own.

A sure winner in life...

He touched the gilded stair railing. It was very clean. No dust had accumulated.

It seemed that someone had been regularly cleaning it...

But Zhang Yongji couldn't remember the details.

Back then, he had fought a lot with the Japanese spies in the concession area and seized a lot of houses.

It seems that Tang Shengming later gave him a street full of houses. Not the whole street. It was several of the Tang family's houses on that street. All luxury houses.

Take out the little notebook. It turns out that there is no record in it.

At the time, I didn't pay much attention to it. Now I can't remember it. Alas. The rich are forgetful...

Oh yes, I remember Tang Shengbao. I wonder if he's doing well?

Vaguely, I seem to have heard that he was sent abroad. So that he wouldn't be missed at home.

If that's true, even the rich kids are in danger...

'Team leader.'

'Team leader.'

The others greeted him.

Not many people lived in the Yin mansion. Everyone else had been scattered to other mansions nearby.

There were many mansions on Xiafei Road. They belonged to powerful people or people of authority. Most of the time, no one lived there. So Zhang Yong boldly 'borrowed' it. After all, no one was at home, so it would be a waste to leave it empty. After living there, just restore it.

His map can accurately identify those mansions that are unoccupied. It's such a convenience. There's absolutely no chance of misunderstanding. If someone comes home unexpectedly, he'll know in time. Just notify the people inside to evacuate early, and everything will be fine.

The main point is to leave no trace. Hehe.



Zhang Yong nodded. He returned the courtesy.

Lunch was delivered. They had already eaten.

Of course there was some for Zhang Yong as well. Zhang Yong ate alone.

Yuan Bin has been caught by Katherine and taken to the room on the second floor. I wonder what they're going to talk about.

That's someone else's MI7 secret.

Finished eating. Come to the middle of the hall. Sit on the sofa. Cross your legs. Lift up a cup of tea.

There's nothing else to do. Just drink tea.

'Ding dong!'

'Ding dong!'

Suddenly there's a doorbell.

Zhang Yong has long since sensed someone approaching. No reaction.

Zhongyang goes to open the door.

Outside is a postman. He doesn't know if it's real or not. He's wearing a postman's uniform, though.

He hands Zhongyang a heavy, large envelope. Zhongyang takes it and brings it to Zhangyong. Zhangyong takes the envelope, opens the seal and looks inside. Hmm. Not bad. It's all green US dollars. All $10 bills. It's a mess. There must be more than 500 of them.

Katherine had kept her promise and had the 5,700 US dollars delivered. Not a cent less. She really did have credibility. She really did have money.

A major benefactor!

He would have to ingratiate himself with her in the future...

Take out the US dollars and put them in his personal space. Throw away the envelope. It takes up space.

His personal space was now very precious.

See the pile of drawings. Frown. This thing takes up a bit of space!

He wants to throw it away, but doesn't want to.

What if it's important information?

He took out the stack of drawings. He pondered over them. But he never got anywhere.

He really wasn't good at these kinds of details.

'Ring ring ring...'

'Ring ring ring...'

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Zhang Yong picked up the receiver casually. He knew that someone was looking for him.

The Secret Service must have found out that he had come to the Yin residence.

Sure enough, the call was from Jia Tengying, 'Shaolong, are you getting ready for another meeting?'

'Where? When?' Zhang Yong asked casually.

'In the afternoon. Jianhu Xiaozhu,' Jia Tengying replied, 'the Gestapo is already here. They will chair the meeting in the afternoon.'

'I know. I will be there on time.'

'Be careful, Shaolong, there may be something special at that time...'

'The First Section and the Third Section want to join forces against me?'

'They may have found some evidence against you. We don't know what it is either.'

'I understand.'

Zhang Yong put down the receiver.

Is it about the Public Board of Directors?

Haha. We'll deal with it as it comes. Who's afraid of whom?

"Ring ring ring...'

'Ring ring ring...'

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

Zhang Yong picked up the receiver casually.

He was now at ease and was not afraid of whoever was calling.


The phone call was from Mao Renfeng.

The tone of his voice was a bit serious. I guess he really heard some rumours.

'Secretary Mao, go ahead.'

'You need to prove your innocence regarding the Public Utilities Board.'

'Secretary Mao, I'm currently with Yuan Bin, the assistant manager of the French legation. Yuan Bin was also present when Zhang Yong met with Maxim. He said that he was not with me at all.'

'Yuan Bin, in your hands?'

'To be precise, he is in the hands of MI7.'

'Make sure he stays alive.'


'Good. That's all. You have to be careful. The person behind this is ruthless and will stop at nothing.'


Zhang Yong hesitated.

Who is Mao Renfeng? Naturally, he immediately recognised the voice.

'Shaolong, speak your mind.'

'Secretary Mao, is it someone from Guangdong?'

'Do you have any evidence?'

'No. But after thinking about it, I think only they would have the need to attack Minister He at this time. And only they have the ability to do it. The key is that they have a lot of money. And they are willing to spend it. It can't be Yan Laoxi or anyone else.'

'What you said is all speculation. There is no evidence. It can't be confirmed.'

'Yes. I understand.'

'Not a bad idea,'

Mao Renfeng said, and then hung up.

Zhang Yong then knew that he had guessed correctly. It was indeed the people from Guangdong who did it.

I guess Mao Renfeng, as well as the other high-level officials, had also thought of it.

Everyone up there is a human genius!

When it comes to conspiracy and trickery, who around Chiang Kai-shek is not an expert?

If they were harmless little rabbits, they would have been killed long ago.

Those who survived are all people with ten hearts.

At first, perhaps no one reacted. But gradually, everyone came to understand.

Apart from the South Yue faction, which is trying to stir up trouble, no one else.

It's May now, and I reckon they're almost ready over there. They've also allied with the Yunnan and Guangxi factions. They can take Chiang Kai-shek's rear approach.

If they take Hunan, they can seriously threaten Chiang Kai-shek's core area.

That's the plan, I think.

But I don't know what the specific steps are. The history textbooks don't go into detail!

I just know that in the end it seems like they failed. There wasn't much fighting. But Chiang Kai-shek won.

I'm a bit curious. How did Chiang Kai-shek defeat his opponents?

It seems that Li Bai of the Gui faction was not an easy opponent. And Long Yun was also very cunning...

Pull yourself together.

But Katherine and Yuan Bin came downstairs.

The two of them seemed to be on good terms. It seems that the terms have been agreed. Yuan Bin has surrendered.

Katherine came over to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong casually said, 'A postman came by just now, and I've already collected the items. Not a penny less. Happy cooperation.'

'You've made so much money, shouldn't you buy me dinner?' Katherine bit her lip.

She had forgotten that the two of them had had such an in-depth exchange the night before.

She probably still felt she had lost.

'Next time, I'll buy you dinner,' Zhang Yong responded with a smile, 'but I have something to do this afternoon. I have a meeting with the Gestapo.'

Katherine's eyes flashed.


'Remember what I told you before.'

'I will,'

Zhang Yong nodded.

The Big Thunderstorm Plan? I know.


I wonder what kind of price the Gestapo is willing to pay.

I hope Hans is not so stingy...

After making a few preparations, Zhang Yong led a large entourage to Jianhu Xiaozhu.

Since there was going to be a meeting, of course Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi could not be brought along. This was to prevent them from being intimidated by Ye Xiufeng or Ding Mo'cun.

Bring the people from the 19th Route Army.

Bring the strange people recruited by the coffin shop.

Bring the strong bald men.

These people only listen to him, Zhang Yong.

If anything really happens, they will fight to the death.

For them, he is their backbone. They must not be lost.

Arrive at Jianhu Xiaozhu.

The first thing you see is Li Shiqun.

Well, this insidious guy is obviously waiting for me! I guess he has something to say.

So Zhang Yong also stopped the car.

'Director Li.'

'Team Leader Zhang, there was a lot of gossip about you yesterday!'

'What was included?'

'I don't know who released the news that you were behind all the negative news about Minister He.'

'I'm so honoured.'

'They're all despicable people who can't get above the bottom of the ladder, maliciously slandering.'


Zhang Yong's expression did not change.

Did this Li Shiqun come to comfort him?

He's not playing by the rules!

But on second thought, the person behind the scenes has gone too far, and in his haste, has revealed too many flaws.

How did Chiang Kai-shek get his start? And who is He Yingqin? How could it be possible to believe that he, Zhang Yong, is behind all this? The key question is, what good would it do Zhang Yong to attack Minister He? If he can't even think of that, then Chiang Kai-shek is delusional to call himself the leader. He is a master of intrigue.

Could it be that the final incident of the Second and Third Guangdong Uprisings was also settled by Chiang's conspiracy?

He tried hard to think. But he really couldn't remember the details.

Then it suddenly occurred to him that Boss Dai was currently in Guangzhou. Could it be that he was involved?

'Director Li, just say what you have to say.'