

... Xiaomengxin accidentally entered the secret service division of Lixing Club. His only ability is to accurately identify who is a hidden Japanese. He doesn't know anything else... As a result, as he walked, it seemed like he was going the wrong way? ...

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · アクション
755 Chs

Chapter 728: Splendid Wealth

Zhang Yong put away the hawthorn stick.

The password is correct. I won't hit you.

The son of Masaki Terauchi and the younger brother of Juichi Terauchi should be very rich, right?

This Juichi Terauchi seems to be a marshal in the future?

The Japanese invader's marshal is an honorary title, which seems quite valuable.

Don't look at Tojo's bragging. But he never got the title of marshal until he died.

'Come, come, please sit down,'

Zhang Yong said with a smile. It's as if he were looking at a money tree.

There is no doubt that the Terauchi in front of him is a real money tree. Just shake it as hard as you can.

One shake is definitely not enough.

You have to shake it a few more times. Until there is no more money falling.


'You, come here.' Zhang Yong waved at the navy spy.

The navy spy immediately came over quickly. As if he were Zhang Yong's subordinate.

He didn't see any problem with it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Zhang Yong was also the enemy of the army idiots. Then he must be friends with the navy.

'What's your name?'

'Komiya Mitsuo.'

'Good. Tell him, what's your mission?

'Kill Satoru Terauchi.'

'Why kill him?'

'To make the army pay a heavy price for their evil deeds.'

'Mr. Terauchi, did you hear that?'

'Yes. Yes. Yes...'


Zhang Yong waves his hand. He tells someone to take Mikami Mitsuo away.

Then he pats Terauchi Satsuki on the shoulder.

Terauchi Satsuki is at a loss for a moment. He is full of confusion.

Zhang Yong says slowly, 'You just said you had money...'

'Yes. Yes. Yes.' Sato Utsu May responded quickly, 'I have it, I have it, I'll give you 1,000 yen...'

Zhang Yong: ...

1,000 yen. I really thank you.

After all this time, the lot of money you're talking about is actually 1,000 yen? What a way to treat a beggar!

If Zhang Yong were an ordinary person, 1,000 yen would definitely be a lot of money. At that time, the yen was still very strong. The Japanese invaders were also strange. Although they had lost the war, the yen had never seriously depreciated. On the contrary, the legal tender issued by the Nationalist government is indescribable.

A Japanese soldier at the grassroots level only gets 10 yen a month. 1,000 yen is their salary for eight years. It is indeed a lot.

The problem is that Zhang Yong is now insatiable!

His appetite has been greatly cultivated. He no longer cares about 1,000 taels of silver, 1,000 yen, 1,000 US dollars, etc.

A thousand dollars, a thousand yen, a thousand US dollars, whatever, is no longer enough. It has to be at least ten thousand dollars. At least five thousand US dollars. At least ten thousand yen.

Otherwise, how can he live up to his status?

At least, he can now be called a seat...

Heh heh!

'We are the Navy,' Zhang Yong reminded the other party meaningfully, "and we are very friendly.'

Satsuki Terauchi couldn't help but shiver.

You are very friendly?

Friendly enough to kill me?

"Don't be nervous. I'll teach you how to raise the ransom.' Zhang Yong patiently explained.

At first, Satoru Terauchi refused.

He really didn't understand.

But he decided to listen carefully.

After all, he still wanted to live.

'Do you know anyone in Shanghai? For example, Shigeki Akiyama...'

'Yes. Yes,'

Satoru Terauchi answered eagerly.

He did know Shigeki Akiyama, and he had even visited him.

'That's good,' Zhang Yong said with a smile, 'you see, that gives you options. Right?'

'What alternative?' Satsuki Terauchi was still confused.

'You can ask Shigeaki Akiyama to pay the ransom for you! He's the Consul General, he has a lot of money.'

'But why would he pay the ransom for me?'

'Because your brother is Juichi Terauchi. He's a major general in the army.'


'If Shigeaki Akiyama doesn't pay the ransom for you, the next time there's a mutiny, he'll be the one who gets beheaded.'


Tsutsumi Satsuki finally understood.

Another mutiny? Damn it. How dare the other party bring up such a taboo subject.

Oh, the other party is the navy's idiot.

Damn the navy's idiots! They take up most of the military budget. They can eat steak, drink red wine, and eat bread. The army can only eat rice balls...


Tsutsumi Satsuki couldn't help but secretly resent.

These damned navy idiots, they should all be killed, not one of them should be spared. Unfortunately, 226 didn't kill them all.

Every single one of those navy idiots was a coward, a wimp, and as soon as they realised what was going on, they all fled to the warships. Only the slow ones were caught and killed. Otherwise, the army would definitely have razed the navy's headquarters to the ground. What a pity. Such a good opportunity was missed. Now the navy idiots are fighting back.

What a pity. This is what happens when you don't finish the job.

If the original plan had been perfect, they should have killed Isamu Nagano, Tomotake Toyoda, and Isoroku Yamamoto.

If there is a next time, not a single naval idiot will escape!

"Come, let's find a place to sit, have a cup of coffee to calm down, and then you call Shigeaki Akiyama.'

'What for?'

'Say you're in my hands. Ask him to prepare 50,000 taels of silver. A ransom.'

'You are...'

'I'm in the navy. My name is Hanamichi Sakuragi.'


'Don't worry about the details. Come.'

Zhang Yong couldn't wait.

Akiyama Shigeaki. Haha. Hang up on me.

I dare you to hang up on Jinaichi Juichi. Haha.

Hang up on Jinaichi Juichi if you dare. The next time there's a mutiny, you'll be the first to be killed.

Yang Lichu stopped him, 'Where are you going?'

'I have some personal business to attend to,' Zhang Yong answered with a smile, "to earn some money for your living expenses.'

'Get lost!" Yang Lichu blushed instantly and bit her lips.

'Don't worry. I'll be nearby.'

'Don't delay the important business,'

'I won't,'

Zhang Yong answered with a smile.

He took Satsuki Terauchi to the café next door. There was a phone here.

'I don't remember the phone number of the consulate...'

'I remember it,'

Zhang Yong took out his little notebook.

He couldn't remember either. But he had the little notebook!

All the important information was written in it. Whenever he needed it, he would look it up.

All the grudges and feuds were also written in the little notebook. When the time came, he would take it out and check off each item. Nothing would escape him.

He also had a record of who owed him how much money.

For example, Ryujō Kuroshima still owed him 300,000 US dollars.

Heh heh...

'Here, let me dial the number for you.'


'Our navy likes people who cooperate actively. For those who don't listen, we have the mental injection rod at the ready.'

'No, no, no...'

Satsuki Terauchi suddenly became terrified. He couldn't help but tuck his butt in.

He didn't want to do ballet again.

He hurriedly dialed the number.

He was looking for Shigeaki Akiyama.

He was speaking Japanese. Zhang Yong couldn't understand. But it didn't matter. He wasn't afraid that the other party would play tricks.

After all, he would have to answer the phone himself in the end.

Sure enough, Satsuki Terauchi quickly handed the phone to Zhang Yong, indicating that Shigeaki Akiyama was on the other end.

Zhang Yong took the phone and said slowly, 'Consul General Akiyama, do you remember me?'

'It's you?' Shigeaki Akiyama immediately recognised Zhang Yong's voice.

A flood of anger immediately welled up in his heart.


It's this son of a bitch again.

I always said that the navy would never use Satsuki Terauchi as a bargaining chip.

If the navy wanted to kill Satsuki Terauchi, they would just kill her. There would be no bargaining. It was a mission. There was no room for negotiation.

But Zhang Yong is completely different. This guy is a slave to money.

If he had the money, he would sell the emperor himself.

Huh? What's he thinking? Zhang Yong sell the emperor?

Zhang Yong is Chinese. Selling the Japanese emperor is just business as usual, isn't it?

I'm losing my mind!

"Your Excellency, I'm now called Hanamichi Sakuragi.'

'Get out!'

'I'm now with the Navy.'

'What do you want?'

'I'll give you a discount. 50,000 taels of silver.'


'Ransom. 50,000 taels of silver. Do you understand?'

'Are you threatening me?'

'No. I'm threatening Admiral Terauchi.'


Shigeaki Akiyama was furious. But he quickly calmed down.

The name Zhang Yong had mentioned made him have to calm down. Otherwise, he could not bear the serious consequences of this matter.

Who was Terauchi?

The son of Terauchi Masatake. An important representative of the army.

An earl.

After the 226 Incident this time, His Majesty the Emperor appointed him to clean up the mess.

Terauchi was also an ambitious man. He took the opportunity to get rid of his rivals. He drove all his enemies out of the power centre. He held several positions at once. He was unrivalled in his position. Even people like Sugiyama Hajime didn't dare say a word for fear of getting caught.

Terauchi Itsuki was the younger brother of Terauchi Juichi.

This younger brother was almost a posthumous child. He was born after Terauchi Masaki died.

Naturally he was a treasure.

He didn't even enter the army for military service.

Because of the fear of accidents.

If it is because of him, Akiyama Shigeaki, and get Terauchi Satsuki killed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Terauchi Juichi retaliated, and he, Akiyama Shigeaki, is definitely finished.

The power of the military is now terrifying. Only the navy can barely compete. Everyone else is silent.

At least, the Minister of the Interior and others are no longer afraid to protest against the military.

Who wouldn't be afraid of being killed in one go?

It had long been rumoured that this was a targeted purge by the army.

The information submitted by the Minister of the Interior fully proved that this mutiny was instigated by the senior management of the army. It was planned and premeditated.

In the end, Sadao Araki and Jinzaburo Masaki were suspected of being the masterminds behind the 226 Mutiny. The emperor hinted that they should commit suicide to atone for their sins.

However, there are still many mysteries surrounding their deaths.

It was never established who was actually behind the 226th Mutiny. So the danger is still there.

If there was a first time, there will be a second and a third...

The army idiots have a lot of weapons in their hands, and they can start another incident at any time.

Even the emperor can't stop them.

Maybe the next rebellion will be led by the Konoe Division...

'Fifty thousand is too much.'

'Ask Manchukuo for it.'


'Mr. Consul-General, have you forgotten what I told you before?'

'Don't you dare threaten me!'

'Fine, then I'll have Terauchi send a telegram to the mainland...'

'50,000! You can't go back on your word! You get the money and hand over the person immediately!'

'Of course. I have a reputation to uphold.'

'What's the location?'

'French Concession, Foch Road, Kang Le Yuan Western Restaurant.'

'Don't you dare try any tricks?'

'Mr Consul General, you are my cash cow. I can't protect you enough. How could I harm you? Don't you agree?'


Shigeaki Akiyama was furious. But he couldn't let his anger show.

Zhang Yong's words made him feel very uncomfortable. But there was nothing he could say in reply. Right now, he had indeed become a cash cow.

If Zhang Yong told him to take the money, he would have to obediently take it.

He couldn't resist.

He was helpless. He could only hang up the phone in annoyance.

He saw his daughter Aoi Akiyama walking past like a statue. He couldn't help but shake his head. Alas, it's all for the sake of his daughter...

Who would have thought that his daughter Shigeaki Akiyama would be such a natural idiot?

If he offended Juichi Terauchi, he would die, and so would his daughter. Alas. Never mind. Just give it to him.

After all, it's all Manchukuo money, and he's just lending it to the Buddha.

He immediately called and gave instructions.

Half an hour later, Shigaki Akiyama left the house. Naturally, he was accompanied by an escort.

When he arrived at the Kang Le Yuan Western Restaurant, he found Zhang Yong alone. And also Satsuki Terauchi. He was relieved that he didn't see anyone else.

Well, this Zhang Yong. He really is money-hungry. But he is also trustworthy.

As long as Shigaki Akiyama doesn't play any tricks, he can pay the money and take Satsuki Terauchi away. There won't be any complications.

He handed over the suitcase containing the silver notes with a sour expression.

Zhang Yong took it. He opened it and made a skilled estimate. It was about right. It should be correct.

He waved at Satsuki Terauchi. It was a sign that he could go back.

Satsuki Terauchi hurried over.

Shigeaki Akiyama stood up and turned to leave. He didn't want to stay for even a moment longer.

However, as soon as he walked out the door, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Was this Zhang Yong really that easygoing? Did he really only want 50,000 silver dollars?

That didn't make sense!

This money-grubber. He didn't even ask for an exorbitant amount.


'What?' Zhang Yong asked nonchalantly, "Does the Consul-General have something else on his mind?'

'I'm curious," Akiyama Shigeaki said angrily, 'Do you feel a sense of accomplishment doing this?'



'To talk about a sense of accomplishment, I felt a sense of accomplishment when I dealt with Akagi Takatoshi.'


'Akagi Takatoshi went to Hangzhou before, acting suspiciously, not knowing what he was up to. As a result, I set my sights on him and knocked him out twice from behind. I took all the silver notes he had with him. Poor thing, he still doesn't know who beat him up. I just ran into him earlier and told him about it, and he was so scared that he turned around and ran. Alas...'

'You, you...'

Shigeaki Akiyama was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it.

What? Akagi Takatoshi has been knocked unconscious twice in a row by Zhang Yong from behind? God! How could this happen?

Akagi, isn't he an old secret agent? How could he be so unalert?

And isn't he the assistant to the police chief of the International Settlement Police Station? What was he doing in Hangzhou?

Suddenly, he noticed something wrong with Zhang Yong's eyes.

Akagi Shigeaki couldn't help but raise his guard. He was afraid that he would be ambushed.

This son of a bitch likes to sneak up on people from behind, doesn't he? Hmph, I will never make such a low-level mistake...

'Mr. Consul General, you'll be receiving a commendation.'


'Shouichi Terauchi will definitely be grateful to you for rescuing Mayu Terauchi from the hands of the Navy's horse.'

'Navy's horse?'

Shigeaki Akiyama immediately reacted. His eyes flickered.

It seems that this is really the case. The same thing, but phrased differently. The consequences are completely different.

If he said that Terada Itsuki was captured by the Chinese and that he used money to get him back from the Chinese, that would definitely be bad. It would be attacked by others. Admiral Terada Itsuki's face would also lose its luster. It might even be used by political opponents to attack him.

However, if he said that Terada Itsuki was captured by the Navy idiot and that he, Akiyama Shigeaki, found a way to rescue him, Then it's fine. He is the hero. Admiral Juichi Terauchi will also have a face full of light. His younger brother was caught by the stupid navy. It means he is a hero. Blah blah blah.

'Remember, my name is Komiya Mitsuo.'

'Aren't you Sakuragi Hanamichi?'

'The person sent by the stupid navy is called Komiya Mitsuo. If you say this name, the stupid navy will not dare to argue with you.'

'I see...'

Shigeaki Akiyama nodded. Then he realised that something was wrong.

Damn it. Is Zhang Yong teaching him how to do things? What the hell! Who does he think he is to teach me how to do things?

Damn it!

He had just blackmailed him. And then he acted like he was doing him a favour. Who could stand that?

"This is boundless wealth...'


'I said, this is boundless wealth, just see if you can handle it.'


Shigeaki Akiyama turned away angrily.

He didn't want to talk to Zhang Yong. Because what Zhang Yong said was true.

If handled well, it really was boundless wealth. As the Consul General in Shanghai, he could sit back and relax.

As long as Juichi Sannai supported him secretly, he would be the Consul General for good.

As for the navy... Sorry. You'll just have to put up with it for now. Who told you to not have the wealth fall on my head?

Take Satoi Satsuki and leave. Go back to the consulate. Let him stay.

Inside the consulate, it is absolutely safe. There are Japanese military police outside. It is heavily guarded.

Subsequently, Akiyama Shigeaki immediately reported the matter to the country. According to Zhang Yong, start the operation. Sure enough, it was highly praised by the Minister of the Interior.

It really is a world of wealth!

I'm happy.

In the evening, Akiyama Shigeaki wanted to talk to Satoi Satsuki. It turned out that this guy was actually not there.

'Where is Satoi?'

'Your Excellency, he went out with the young lady.'

'Went out?'

Shigeaki Akiyama frowned.

This damned Satoi Satsuki, how dare he have designs on his daughter?

Damn it!

Absolutely not!

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

'It's you?' The caller was Zhang Yong again.

'What do you want again?' Shigeaki Akiyama was furious. At the same time, he sensed that something was wrong.

Every time Zhang Yong called, he had a bad feeling.

Something must have gone wrong again. Maybe he, Shigaki Akiyama, would have to spend more money.

No. It wasn't a maybe. It was a definite.


'Sorry, but I've caught Satsuki Terauchi again.'


'Mr Consul General, I've already put him back. You took him back to the Consulate General with you. Our previous deal was concluded. Now he's run away on his own. As a result, I've caught him again.'

'Baka! What do you want?'

'The usual. 50,000 taels of silver.'

'Go to hell!'

'Very well, I'll ask General Terauchi to pay.'

'Go ahead!'

Shigeaki Akiyama was furious.

He decided not to compromise.

Zhang Yong was never going to stop.

Who knew when it would end?

'Oh, I forgot to tell you. Terauchi Satsuki was taken out by your daughter.'

'So what?'

'What do you think General Terauchi will think?'


Shigeaki Akiyama felt his vision darken.

Zhang Yong's words had struck directly at his weak spot.

His wife had died young, and he had only one daughter. The two of them were practically dependent on each other.

Unfortunately, his daughter Shigeaki Akiyama seemed to have become a bit dazed from her grief. To put it bluntly, she was stupid. This worried him greatly.

There was nothing he could do.

He had to resign himself to fate.

'I'll give you 50,000 silver taels. But you must promise that you will not continue to arrest Satsuki Terauchi on Shanghai Beach in the future.'

'No. I'll give you one month. You get him out of Shanghai. I won't arrest him if I don't see him.'


Shigeaki Akiyama agreed.

One month was enough. He didn't want to see Sato Uchiyuki either.

What if his daughter was stupid and got seduced by Sato Uchiyuki? That would be troublesome. The Sato family was noble. But he didn't want to be associated with them.

'Time. Place.'

'French Concession. Foch Road. Kangleyuan Western Restaurant.'

'You're still there?'

'I was worried you wouldn't be able to find the place.'


Shigeaki Akiyama had no choice but to prepare the banknote.

He arrived at Kangleyuan Western Restaurant. He saw Zhang Yong. He saw Satsuki Terauchi. He didn't say anything. He paid the money. Then he turned and left.

Zhang Yong put the banknote away, raised his hand, and made a gesture in the distance.

This was to thank Akiyama Aoi.

This shipment was delivered by Aoi Akiyama. She gets half the score.

He is honest in business and treats everyone fairly. Since it is a partnership, it is 50-50. He doesn't bully little girls.

Alas, I am convinced.

Natural girls can be deceiving!

Happy partnership!