
Spurning Rejection

Avalor travels to the Red Moon pack with his pack of wolves to take over its territory for himself. After he killed them all, he takes the key which the late Luna clung tightly to before she died. Avalor Hunter is the uprising strong, and ambitious Lycan who is exercising his dominance by spreading across his reign to other territories. In his recently conquered pack, he expects to find a treasure in a closed-lid coffin but instead, he meets his mate, a weak and vulnerable wolf who falls for him at first sight.

Mary_Abazuo · ファンタジー
4 Chs


Something wasn't right.

The last thing I remembered before passing out was the pricking of dead leaves and twigs on my skin. But the surface on which I lay now was soft, almost comforting. I groaned and buried myself deeper into the surface, unwilling to open my eyes and face reality.

A sharp ache dulled the rest of my senses, starting from my head and moving to the rest of my body. I tried to move my body, but the pain intensified.

Perhaps staying immobile wasn't a bad idea.

As I slowly regained consciousness, the sharp ache in my head intensified. My eyes flew open and I looked around slowly. I was in an unfamiliar room, the dim light of several candles casting eerie shadows across the walls. I had been dumped in one corner of the room, and I was sprawled on some cushions on the floor.

I lifted my head, but the movement sent slivers of pain through my body. Gripping my head tight, I tried to raise my head again. The accompanying pain wasn't as severe this time. Slowly, the objects in the room swam into focus. My heart stopped as I saw a figure in the corner of the room, then began thundering in my chest.

The alpha.

The man who had murdered my entire pack.

He was seated in one corner of the room, by the enormous bed, being tended to by some doctors. One of the doctors held his arm up, studying the wound I'd inflicted with my hairpin. The man whom I'd hit in the corridors stood by the alpha, murmuring in his ears.

"By all indications, the injury isn't too deep." The doctor murmured, then straightened, letting go of his arm. "I mean, it's supposed to heal in a couple of days, but from what I can see, this wound...runs deeper than that. It appears to have been inflicted by a mate—"

"A mate?" The alpha spat, his face twisted in a grimace. "I don't have a mate. What gave you that idea?"

My heart sank in disappointment as he denied me, but I shook it off. What was I expecting from a man who had murdered dozens of people anyway? He was nothing but a coward, and I didn't expect less.

"—and from what I see, the wound appears to be as a result of an attempt to create a Red Seal." The doctor pressed on.

"Alpha Kieran, what happened in that treasure room? Did it have anything to do with the girl who had stabbed you?"

The alpha impatiently waved his beta aside and stood to his feet, then moved towards the window of his room. "Nothing happened in the treasure room, Jasper." He muttered angrily. "I will not repeat myself on the matter."

Anger welled up inside me as I watched this exchange; this man was truly a coward. How I ached to dash across the room and dig my nails into his repelling face, but I knew better. Instead, I forced myself to stand on shaky legs, contemplating the easiest way to get to the door without drawing their attention.

As I attempted to tiptoe towards the door, a creaking floorboard betrayed my move. Alpha Kieran's head snaps up, his eyes locking onto mine. The momentary look of surprise on his face faded and was replaced by a look of triumph.

"Ah, it seems our runaway slave is awake." He sneered at me, his luminous blue eyes catching every light from the candles.

All eyes turned to me, including that of the beta. I could sense their unease; they were probably wondering how I, a frail-looking girl, had successfully thrown their alpha off and almost escaped. Their wary looks gave me an extra burst of courage and I stepped forward slowly, hands clenched.

"You should have let me go," I replied, my eyes blazing. "It would have been easier for you, Alpha Kieran."

The alpha surprised me by letting out a chuckle. He slowly walked forward, hands pocketed, until we were almost nose-to-nose.

"Get out. Everyone." He ordered, his gaze never leaving mine. The beta and the doctors filed out slowly, until it was just the two of us, standing there in silence.

Despite the fear swirling inside me, I knew I couldn't let him see it. I had to stay strong, for myself and my entire pack. I had to seek revenge one way or another, even though we were bound by blood and fate.

I couldn't let my mother's protection go to waste.

"You're quite the spirited one, Anna," Alpha Kieran sneered. Then he slowly leaned towards me and wiped a trickle of blood that ran from my head down my cheek. "I must admit, you caught me off guard with that hairpin of yours."

I flinched away from him, giving him the most murderous look I could muster. His touch was repugnant, and yet something in me wanted to lean into his hand, wanted to feel the warmth that it offered.

I didn't respond, but my glare spoke volumes. I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break.

He took a few steps toward me, his eyes blazing with fury. "You dare to attack me, your alpha? You dare to run from my presence, knowing fully well that we're mates now?"

"You're not my alpha!" I spat the words out, the bitterness seeping through every syllable. "You killed my entire pack, including my parents. You are a cold-blooded monster, and I'll never forgive you, no matter what fate says about us being mates."

My words hung in the air, the truth of them hitting me just as hard as they hit him. I've known the rumors, the ancient beliefs about mates being destined for each other, but I could never accept it, not with him. Not with the one who has caused so much pain and suffering.

The anger was building in his eyes now; I could see it. Enraged, Alpha Kieran lunged forward and grabbed my neck, his grip tightening until I could barely breathe. "You will learn your place, little wolf," he snarled, his hot breath mingling with mine.

Despite the pain and the terror, I refused to let him break me. I would not show him any weakness. With the last of my strength, I managed to gasp out, "Go to hell."

His grip faltered for a moment, and I took the opportunity to break free, stumbling backward. I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth, and the warmth that his fingers had left behind on my neck, but I kept my gaze locked on his, unmoving.

The alpha's eyes narrowed, and I saw a flicker of uncertainty, a chink in his armor. But it was fleeting, and he quickly regained his composure.

"You know what?" He murmured, his voice silky and dangerous. "Since we're mates now, we might as well consummate our union, right?"

"What?" I blurted, confused. But before I could say anything, Alpha Kieran closed the gap between us. He darted forward, grabbed my head in his hands, and pressed a crushing kiss on my mouth.