
Chapter 59 Mind Your Own Business!

It went from mocking at Monica to the extent of feeling unfair for Max.

It was all music in Ashley's ears, as if it was the vent for all the sulkiness and envy she suffered because of Monica recent days. She recovered to be herself again.

Ashley turned to Max and ventured to ask after having heard what others said, 'Max, they all said we deserved each other. What do you think?"

Max was gazing at Monica while thinking to himself 'as expected" when he heard she scored 0, but consequently, complexity invaded his thought, because he was concerned if she would be impacted.

When did he start to care about how she felt? He was right to have offered her help with her study and even tried to persuade her. If only she knew he never cared for anybody else.

Not only she turned down his kindness, but also sneered at him, which he couldn't feel happy with.