
Split Souls

Savon is no normal man. Not when he was born with a hell creature in his soul. Some might call it demon, but it is far more than that. It preys upon even demons and their energy. Because of the darkness inside of him it alienates him from most others. Taken in as a child by Drake and his group of fighters, Savon helps humanity fight against the demons that have taken control of the world. An unearthly fog blots out even day light in some places. Savon just helps fight knowing one misstep could put him right back from where he escaped. He isn't looking for lovers or friends and he makes that clear. Kayla has heard the rumors of hybrids, rumors of humans that are marked and controlled and sent out to try and gather the rest of the free humans. When she meets Savon, she isn't sure what to think about him. It obvious he does what he wants, and isn't a typical human. As she grows closer to Savon she realizes that what's inside of him is far more dangerous than anyone realizes. What's in him is not just a dangerous demon, but a key. A key that the rest are looking for to tear open the gates to hell. Putting your faith and love in someone is never easy, how do you do it when the one you fall for could end your world?

Lee_C_Conrad · SF
72 Chs

Skills and Perfection

Kayla had grown bored inside and decided to go out and keep herself occupied. She had her hair up and held back from her face. There were several persistent strands that kept getting in her face and annoyed her. Even when she managed to get them tucked behind her ear.

She'd gone through one of the few houses in this area and found a few interesting things. What she held now she had picked because it interested her most. Why shouldn't she know how to use it? It was a bow and arrow, and she thought it a clever weapon. She knew that a few groups of humans used them to hunt so that they kept the noise to a minimum. She had to say that this was probably one of the harder weapons she'd ever tried to use. Right now she had time on her hands so she figured why not? Then she could try her hand at hunting.

She always hit to high, or to low on the target. She'd been at this a while and was slowly getting better. She had pulled out an old target and it was sitting against the house. She had to take one of the bows that had less pounds on it. There were several sitting out next to her, though she wasn't strong enough. Whoever had lived here before seemed well versed in weaponry, but the stock had long ago been picked over.

Kayla raised her bow, and pulled back. She did it the way that she'd seen others do it. She understood how to notch it and hold it. She wasn't that unsure of the weapon. It was just getting the aim down. Not to mention avoiding the raspberry that would end up on your forearm from the string if you weren't careful. You'd end up with a bright red area as the string was released.

She let go keeping her arm steady and the arrow slammed into the target. Still high but in the target and not the side of the house. She'd ruined a good dozen arrows doing that. She didn't want to hit someone that might be walking around.

"What are you doing?" She jumped and put a hand to her chest for a second.

"Holy hell." She breathed looking at Savon, she glanced past him. Just where had he come from and did he have to move so quietly? She didn't think that the demons really moved with the grace that he did. Sometimes she wonder about him.

"You should be more aware of your surroundings."

"You shouldn't sneak up on people." She countered.

"Why? Their reactions are entertaining."

"What if one stabs or shoots you?" She said, he was looking at the bows on the ground with a curious expression and then to the arrows in the ground as well.

"Then I would have to say good for them. It's not that easy to shoot or stab me. Especially when I'm the one sneaking up." She gave him a look.

"Aren't you just awesome." He gave her a bit of a smile. That cocky attitude could be annoying sometimes. However she figured he had a point, if you were doing the sneaking, harder to stab. Which nearly made her laugh.

"What are you doing?"

"Shooting a bow and arrow, what does it look like?" She teased back reaching down for another arrow.

"Never actually seen one before." He said looking at them, and she glanced at him.

"You never seen one? Somehow I just don't see you not knowing how to use any weapon." Honestly anything he picked up he seemed very capable. She wished she was that good.

"This wasn't on the list, not exactly a weapon you can use in the heat of battle. Distance maybe.' He responded eyeing it.

"I know that a few groups use them for hunting. They are quieter than a gun." At this he gave a nod, he watched her as she put the arrow on and pulled back. He studied the way that she did it, never having seen this weapon used before. She released it. It hit the target closer to the center but still high and a little to the right.

"I want to try, how do you do it?" He asked looking down at the bows there. This was interesting and he wanted to know. He always enjoyed learning something new, it gave him an odd kind of rush. A challenge, and he liked to master any that came at him.

"Well they all have different pounds. Though I doubt you'll have a problem pulling any of them back." She said. "Try that one, it has the most." She pointed.

"I'd put something over your wrist. I'm going to have a bruise tomorrow from getting hit there with the release."

Savon reached down and picked up the one that she said. It was a compound bow and black in color. He studied it curious, analyzing it, she noted that he had a very serious expression on his face. Clearly he wanted to know how and how to do it correctly. Just the way he studied it made her think of a machine.

"Here." She stated taking an arrow and moving next to him. He pulled the string back effortlessly and she wished she could do that. That bow she couldn't pull back passed the tension point. She could barely pull on it. Stupid super human strength.

Kayla took the bow from him as he slowly let it release. She put the arrow on and showed him how to hold it and stand. For some reason she found it appealing that he needed help with something. It made him seem... more human she guessed. That and he was letting her show him rather than just trying himself.

"The aiming is the tricky part."

"It normally is, your target is normally moving." He said pulling it back and taking aim. He let go and it hit right above the target embedding in the house nearly half way. It made loud sound and the arrow clearly wasn't going to be useable again.

"Better than my first shot." She said with a smiled. "Destroyed the window, but that was an accident, kind of let go before I was ready."

"Where did you find these?" He asked as she picked up her bow and took an arrow.

"In the house." She said, she pulled back and released hitting just above the center mark. He grabbed another and tired again. He got the target this time but high and to the left. They took turns firing at the target and at his sixth try he got it dead center.

"I hate you." She laughed, though hers were very close. She figured that if trying to kill something she'd manage it with a bow. He had a kind of boyish smile there for a moment.

"Can't help it. I'm a perfectionist."

"I just bet." She said with a smile of her own. Creepily perfect if that was his sixth try and he'd never used a bow before.

"It's my one flaw. I would stay here until I got it right." Savon meant that too. He was driven to learn new things like this. Once he started he found he couldn't leave until he did it exactly right. Like a compulsion and his darker half was still learning as well. It would not stand for him to be mediocre at anything. It had to do it right and perfectly. He blamed his genes.

"That's obsessive compulsive." she said, he gave a shrug.

"If you're going to do something don't bother doing it unless you are going to do it right."

"Great words of wisdom." She replied. "Not that you need another lesson in weaponry, you're a human weapon naturally."

"More likely to get injured fighting without a weapon." He said, "But it's a good advantage."

"If only." She answered wishfully. "At least you don't have to go into a fight knowing you are the weakest there. Unlike you our mark has to be perfect or we might not be coming back." She remarked gesturing to the target.

"You know for being the weaker race physically, humans seem to be the more resilient species. You have the capacity to evolve and learn from the mistakes. Demons, they just stick with the same routine because they don't have much opposition or need to change."

"Because we are better. We just don't get our dues." She said picking up an arrow and aiming it, she hit near the center and smiled at him. "Better every time."

"Lucky shot." She turned and punched him in the arm.

"Thanks, you're to kind." He looked down at his arm for a second.

"Was that necessary?"

"Absolutely." She said. She moved up to the target and set her bow down there looking at the littering of arrows. She glanced up at the sky, cloud cover over it, it was growing closer to late afternoon now.

"Where have you been hiding lately?" She asked turning her blue grey gaze to his.

"Hiding?" He asked her with a bit of a smile.

"Yeah, you just disappear for long periods of time."

"Are you stalking me that you know my habits?" He asked watching her, something like humor in his eyes.

"You'd like that would you?"

"Never said that it would bother me. Just didn't realize you cared where I disappeared to, or that you noticed my absence." His gaze moved over her, what was it about her that he seemed to desire so much? Maybe it was because he couldn't just walk up and take what he wanted. Do as he pleased. Perhaps he should take a page out of Anna's book.

"You better not be getting ideas in that head of yours."

'They are already there, not much else to come up with.' Savon said to himself, that voice growing a little louder.

"I already have plenty of ideas in my head. You are just the one that runs off." Savon countered.

"I don't run off." She said, though when he was around she did tend to stay by others. Not that she hadn't had the urge to follow him when he went out alone, or seek him out. Actually it had grown stronger over the past few days. He was refreshing and intriguing to her.

His look said that he didn't really believe her statement, she didn't run off. He could think what he wanted too, she was telling the truth. Though she didn't seek to have a moment alone with him. Though it didn't really bother her. Kayla just didn't want him to be right with what he said before.

Which was hard, though he made it clear that he did desire her. With his looks and actions and she didn't doubt that he would take her up on any offer that she gave him. It was just the fact that he would categorize it as her more or less taking from him what she wanted like the others.

It wasn't fair because he wanted too, so why should she be the one that looked like the bad guy? She wasn't going to be the one to jump forward and ask or pursue him. If he wanted it let him try and persuade her. Kayla felt a bit of a smile at that. She didn't think that he would really know how to pursue another. Probably had it handed to him once he really went after it. To her he was a really good looking guy. Good looking people had it easier in her opinion.

"You can be very irritating you know that?"

"I've been told that before." He said, Kayla shook her head and turned moving back toward a path that would lead to an entrance to down below. It was across the backyard and through a short bit of trees that came out in the back of one building. Both enjoying the others company as they started to walk.