
A Tale to Tell

The party at the Morin's house had been a grand affair, filled with laughter, music, and the constant chatter of the city's elite. But for Maya, it was nothing more than a facade, a charade she was forced to participate in. Exhausted, she excuse herself from the guest and sneaked to her room, while the echoes of the party is fading behind her.

Maya walked towards the balcony of her room, her eyes drawn to the vast, starlit skies. At a young age she yearned for a life beyond the confines of her gilded cage, a life that was genuine and free from pretense.

Her fantasies was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Aiden, her sister, holding a beautifully wrapped gift. "Happy Birthday, Maya, I know you'll be here." she said with her soft voice and a sweet smile. Maya thanked her before enthusiastically opened the gift.

The gift was a necklace, adorned with amethyst gems that matched Maya's eyes. "Thank you, it's pretty..." She's happy but fully aware with the thought that Aiden didn't have to give something, as they both know today isn't really her birthday. That even her birthday was made up.

The two girls never really know their real parent, both meet grew up in the same shelter and was adopted by the wealthy couple Morin when they were both just nine, living five years of their lives with horrible people who they once thought would truly care and love them. 

Aiden smiled earnestly and look at Maya "Maya, I'm excited for tomorrow." she said out of nowhere "You know, since I've read a story about a mystical mountain, I really want to go out and see the world outside the city." she added, her voice barely above a whisper.

Maya look at her, thinking that Aiden also feels the same way as her, how she feel caged in this fake family they had.

"Well, why not tell me about the story that makes you so dreamy and want to leave this trashy place." Her purple eyes glints with curiosity as she put the necklace away. Aiden smiled, her gaze lost in the distance as she began her tale.

"There was once this mountain, it was not just a mountain. It was a magical forest, home to creatures and beings of all kinds. Within the heart of the mountains, hidden from the prying eyes of humans, there exists a realm untouched by time. It is a place where creatures of myth and legend roam freely, where the veil between reality and fantasy is thin.

Fairies with wings as delicate as butterfly wings danced in the moonlight, their laughter echoing through the valleys.

Elves, skilled with intelligence in magic and craftsmanship, lived in the heart of the mountain, their homes hidden inside the trunks of ancient trees.

In the crystal-clear lakes, sirens with iridescent tails sing hauntingly beautiful melodies, their voices echoing through the valleys. They hold the secrets of the water, protecting the delicate balance of nature.

Majestic serpents soared high above the mountain peaks, their scales shimmering in the moonlight. They guard ancient treasures and possess wisdom beyond measure. They were the guardians of the mountain, protecting its inhabitants from any harm.

In this mystical land, Among the towering trees, there are forest spirits, the most mysterious of them all. They are ethereal beings, blending seamlessly with their surroundings. They are the guardians of the mountains, ensuring harmony and balance in this enchanted realm. The spirits of the mountain, unseen but always felt. They were the essence of the mountain, their energy flowing through every rock, every leaf, every stream.

These mystical beings lived in harmony, their lives intertwined with the rhythms of the mountain. They respected the mountain and its spirits, their existence a testament to the balance between nature and magic.

But, like all fairy tales, there was a villain. An evil existence, envious of the mountain's magic, sought to claim it for himself. They unleashed a terrible curse upon the mountain, turning the once vibrant forest into a desolate wasteland.

The creatures of the mountain, however, did not lose hope. They fought back, their courage and unity stronger than any dark magic. After a long and fierce battle, they managed to banish the evil, restoring peace to their kingdom.

And so, they continue to live there, hidden from the human eye, protecting the mountain and its magic."

That tale told by Aiden only made Maya more excited to see the lands beyond her cage. Maya gave her a slow clap. "You have a talent for telling stories, you should make profit out of it."

A finger flicked on her forehead made her stop laughing. "Don't even dream about it."

They laughed and shared another brief conversation before Aiden leaves. "Don't stay up too late. We need to get up early to prepare for our academy trip to Mount Apo." Aiden reminded, it was a trip Maya had been looking forward to. 


The next day, early morning during breakfast at the Morin's residence after the ball last night, the atmosphere was heavy with tension. Maya and Aiden, the two sisters, descended the stairs with smiles on their faces, but their joy quickly faded as they reached the dining table where Isidro and Natalia were already seated eating.

"The food suddenly taste bad."

Natalia sneered, the room was filled with an eerie silence and only the sound of cutlery and plates where heard, as the sisters took their respective seats. The servants moved around them, serving breakfast with utmost precision. Maya and Aiden ate their meals cautiously, every movement calculated to avoid displeasing the couple.


Suddenly, Isidro's voice cut through the air, commanding the maids to leave. The sisters flinched at his words, their hearts pounding with fear. Isidro stand and grabbed a glass cup from the table and hurled it towards the table in front of Maya and Aiden. The cup broke and shards of glass collided with Aiden's head, causing a gasp to escape from Maya's lips. Blood trickled down Aiden's forehead, but she remained composed, refusing to show any sign of weakness, but evident how her hands were trembling.

Isidro's cold gaze fell upon them as he questioned, "How dare the two of you leave the ball without my permission?! Do you even know that the CEO of EN.R corp arrived together with his only son, what's the use of those pretty faces if you didn't even used it to seduce him! I would have gotten a powerful ally for the next election if one of you had been there!"

Natalia, sitting beside Isidro, remained still eating her breakfast, seemingly unaffected by the fear radiating from Maya's trembling and Aiden's head trickling with blood. The silence in the room was deafening, and the tension grew with each passing second. Isidro shouts once again, demanding an answer.


"Who is the foolish girl ressponsible for this stupidity?!"

Maya knew all too well that it was her fault, she sneaked and totally forgotten about EN.R. She felt a lump forming in her throat, making it difficult to speak. Gripping her cutlery tightly her hand shaking, she mustered the courage to respond.


"It was me."

Before Maya could finish her sentence, Aiden abruptlycut in.

Maya looked at her sister, a mixture of surprise and concern in her eyes. Aiden's unexpected confession left Maya speechless, her mind racing knowing fully well that their so-called dad wouldn't let Aiden with just a wound on her head.

"I'm sorry, I was just so tired and asked Maya to accompany and totally forgotten something so important-" In a fit of rage, Isidro did not let Aiden finished her sentence and drag her by the hair. "You dumb girl!"

Natalia, unmoved by the scene unfolding before her, uttered a single phrase devoid of empathy, "Oh my..."

"Dad no! It was me I was the one responsible please!"

Maya plead tearing up to only received a slap so strong that her lip bleed, "Shut up!" She was left on the floor while Isidro drag Aiden towards the room that is very familiar to Maya and Aiden. It was a room that is filled with darkness and prevents the people outside to hear any screams.

As Maya witnessed the cruelty inflicted upon her sister, she couldn't help but question why she had allowed herself and Aiden to endure such abuse for so long, however she also know fully well they're here because they have nowhere else to go, it is the only place where they will never have to worry about starving or stealing. But this place also comes with great cause.