
2. It might be a bit stimulating_1

翻訳者: 549690339

The Purple-tier entry was truthfully the first time he had ever seen one—after all, he was just an ordinary Little Qi cultivator and a spirit planter, and reaching the limit was just strolling through the spirit plant fields of his sect brethren.

He really didn't have the ability to see higher-class Spirit Plants.

Those Spirit Plants were all locked within the personal spirit fields of the elders in the sect.

And guarded with the utmost care.

Having seen so many Spirit Plants with his fellow disciples, the most he ever came across were those with more than two Blue-tier entries. A Purple-tier entry like this one, especially one so special, was indeed a first.

"Atavism, if it's some special Spirit Grass, can it possibly advance to the level of ancestral celestial grass?"

Song He first saved this entry, then went on to save the entry for the Moistening Spirit Grass.

As expected.

Once the entry was saved, it disappeared from the panel of the Spirit Plant.

At the same time, two notifications appeared in succession—

[You have successfully saved Good Birth, Good Choice (Blue) Number of uses: 1]

[You have successfully saved Atavism (Purple) Number of uses: 1]

"Good thing I didn't save it directly, hmm, can only use it once, huh? But that makes sense, after all, it's like transferring an entry."

Feeling fortunate, Song He began to ponder, indeed wishing he could suddenly evolve a particularly powerful spirit plant.

But when it comes to probability... that's really hard to say.

Moreover, those truly celestial grasses, they must be from at least a dozen generations ago; in today's Cultivation World, there are no real "celestial grasses."

Most importantly... the higher the class of Spirit Plant needed, the more special the spirit Qi and environment required; him being just a Little Qi cultivator, he probably couldn't provide for it.

However, the one thing that gave him peace of mind was that he could still transfer and upgrade entries, so with the right Spirit Plant, he might as well take a gamble.

You've got to risk it to get the biscuit.

After concluding his thoughts, seeing that the Sun had fully risen, the dazzling sunlight was absorbed and transformed by the array above the mountain gate into Solar Flame Essence and delivered to the entire sect.

The air around started to get hot.

"It's time to harvest, then sell for a good price."

Squinting his eyes towards the Sun, Song He carefully and meticulously collected all the mature Moistening Spirit Grass.

Once he finished collecting, he left his small spirit field, planning to visit the Spirit Plant Hall within the sect, to hand over his harvest.


With unceasing steps, Song He quickly crossed the bridge made of intertwining vines and roots, arriving at a solitary small mountain peak situated at the center of the sect.

The surface of the mountain seemed quite ordinary at first glance, but in fact, this place was where the spirit Qi was most abundant within the sect. All the roots and vines acting as bridges and roads within the sect stemmed from a spirit tree here.

The moment he stepped onto the mountain, Song He felt the pure Ethereal wood aura rush towards him, almost desperately trying to burrow into his body.

He couldn't help but take several deep breaths, accelerating his circulation of Qi. He relished the refreshing feeling of spirit Qi entering his body yet dared not stop his pace.

As a key location of the sect, him being a mere low-level cultivator, it was likely he had already been targeted by numerous Divine Senses the moment he entered.

For the sake of his life, it was better not to do anything unnecessary.

Song He quickened his steps and swiftly arrived in front of a treehouse-like structure; without any hesitation, he walked straight in.

The space inside the building was not large, with just a wooden counter and an elder in white, who swayed his head as he read a book, creating an overall appearance similar to that of a pawnshop in the mortal realm.

However, without even using his Divine Sense, Song He sensed the elder's deep and vast aura and naturally didn't dare to probe further.

Investigating one's senior with Divine Sense was an act courting death.

He approached and placed his bag of Spirit Grass on the counter, saying softly, "Uncle Master, this is the harvest from your disciple's spirit field."


The elder set down his book, glanced at Song He with a slightly raised eyebrow as if remembering something, and said with a smile, "You're Song He, the one who goes around asking about medicines, right?"

His tone was gentle, and the formidable presence he emitted seemed to have been reined in.

He appeared somewhat kind and benevolent.

"Yes, disciple Song He is surprised."

The original owner's memory had information about this person, a famous elder within the sect, a role that he currently had to look up to.

For such a big shot to remember him, even just by sight, was a stroke of fortune.

"Being willing to set aside pride to ask for help is not a bad thing. Let the old man see what you have harvested!"

The elder's face broke into a smile as he said this, immediately pointing a finger towards the small Spirit Grass bag.


All the Spirit Grass inside the bag flew out, each one neatly hovering in midair.

"The quality is not bad, and the medicinal effect... seems to be a layer higher than ordinary, it looks like you really did take care of them attentively in your daily work."

With a cursory glance, stroking his white beard, the elder nodded in satisfaction.

Although for him, checking a few ordinary Class I Spirit Grass was indeed not worth the effort, seeing them well taken care of still brought him gratification.

Hearing his tone, Song He knew that he should have passed his sect mission this time. At least for the next three months, he would be able to continue his easygoing days within the sect.

After retrieving the Spirit Grass, the elder looked at Song He and smiled:

"Discounting the half needed for the sect mission, the rest can be converted into 25 Spirit Stones.

Um, that's a bit small, lad. Do you want Spirit Stones? How about your water attribute?"


This old fellow really did notice that he had water attribute Spirit Plants. Song He mused.

He blinked, about to speak, but suddenly realized the deeper meaning in the old man's words—had he just been asked if he wanted Spirit Stones?

Could there possibly be... other choices?

Not enough Spirit Stones?

His mind racing, Song He quickly took out the two Water Shimmer Crystal boxes in which he had just packed the Gold Jade Tree fruit and placed them on the counter.

He respectfully said:

"Uncle-Master, these two fruits also just ripened this morning, I would like to ask you to take them as well."

A smile of approval appeared on the elder's face, then he opened the boxes with his hand, narrowing his eyes for a brief inspection, and an expression of surprise appeared.

He wasn't mistaken; these few fruits also had a stronger medicinal effect than ordinary fruits. If it had just been these few, the reason could simply be due to the right conditions.

But along with that batch of Moistening Spirit Grass...

'Let's test his eyesight and perception then.'

The elder closed the boxes and said: "The fruit of a Class II Golden Jade Water Tree, priced at one hundred Spirit Stones each. That totals to five hundred and twenty-five Spirit Stones.

It's barely enough to exchange for a seed of a Class II high-grade Spirit Plant with me."

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

Three green jade boxes appeared on the counter, their surfaces adorned with very delicate and mystical Spirit Talismans, indicating that even the boxes themselves were of considerable value.

"Take a look, you can choose any one of these three types of Spirit Plant seeds."

After saying that, he fell silent.

Clearly, he wasn't planning on explaining the unique aspects of these Spirit Plants.

But Song He wasn't panicked at all.

He had a panel to check, after all! Even if the elder brought out a Class V or VI Spirit Plant, he could easily identify it.

If that didn't work, he could always rely on the entries.

The more entries, the more precious they were—this much he was clear about.

So, full of confidence, Song He opened the first box and at first glance, his heart skipped a beat.

This... was it too overwhelming for him, a little Qi cultivator?