
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · 書籍·文学
103 Chs

Even More Cores

 dislike being like this…' Na'er said within Gu Yuena's mind.

'Just think about the advantages this form brings. You want our Prince's attention, don't you? This is at our most beautiful. In this form, we pose the largest threat to the Princess.' 

Gu Yue's words made Na'er annoyance drop considerably.

'You saying we should threaten her position?'  Na'er asked with not so certain tone.

'Once we ascend to Godhood, the Heavenly Dou Empire will mean nothing. Over there we can aim to be his wife.' Gu Yue said with a scheming tone.

All this sounded nice and all but it was hard for Na'er to believe, she doesn't have any sort of memories of the God Realm. None of those were given to her. Though now she is part of Gu Yuena she was able to 'see it'.

'I don't know about the whole 'wife' thing, however, I will play along with whatever my Prince wants. If he wants to keep this form around them I will agree, nothing more nothing less.' The Head Maid said to the Silver Dragon Girl.

'It's fine, I am simply suggesting something which will make us closer to him. Don't you want that?' Gu Yue said with wish full thinking she recalled that simple cuddling session under the tree. It was simply good!

'*Snort* So, now you want to be close to him, it took you a few years to get over whatever baseless pride you had!' 


'There is no need for you to say anything, remember? We are at this moment the same being.' 

A small cute frown appeared on Gu Yuena's face as she was walking towards the Martial Field. The silver-haired beauty was simply a carving done by Gods, a perfect example of how a Goddess should look like.

Though she was dressed as a maid, making that beauty as unique as one could get. Some maids slightly bowed to her as she was a more perfect form of Na'er making the maids think that she was Na'er at first, but then they were slightly confused because something was off about her.

Eventually, she arrived where the Crown Prince was. When he opened his eyes he saw the silver-haired maid with purple eyes looking at him.

"Well, haven't seen you for a while, why don't you come over here." He motioned for her to come over to his side. 

Gu Yuena slightly nodded before walking over to his side. She was then made to sit down. On his lap.

"...Is there a specific reason we are doing this again?" She asked with a blush as she doesn't mind this at all, though she wants the specifics since he wants her Martial Spirit…

"Yes, summon your Silver Dragon and make it sit in front of me. If you have any space-based Spirit Rings, make them float close to the dragon." 

"O-Okay, one moment." 

Moments later the Silver Dragon King manifested in front of her and it sat down on the ground in front of them. It was similar to how it was with Golden Dragon King.

Gu Yuena then summoned her Spirit Rings, seven in total. Her cultivation speed is considerable now as she is a proper maid and is constantly being trained by Xue Long.

Since she is a Spirit Beast turned human with Silver Dragon King Core she doesn't need to bother with Spirit Beast hunt. Making her cultivation as smooth as possible.

"Good girl. Now relax as I will condense my Space Core." As he said that his hands went forward, he made a motion as if he was holding something round in his hands. 

There was nothing there for obvious reasons as he just started it. However, as her eyes stayed on his hands she started to notice something starting to gather in between his hands!

Rippling in the very fabric of reality? Something like that! Was this 'Space' itself he was gathering!?

"You have an affinity for space so bring your hands closer to mine, try to feel it, if you feel anything specific try to repeat that feeling. Spirit energy is sensitive to emotion just as much as simple need to use." Even now Xue Long was instructing her…

This made her slowly nod and bring her hands closer to where he is condensing this energy, she tried to feel it without an outsider's help since before this she used Space via her Spirit Rings.

Now… if she could tap into this without her Spirit Ring it would make her considerably stronger!

Eventually, several hours later, the core was created and Gu Yuena needed to get up, the Silver-haired beauty frowned because she found this kind of interaction extremely nice!

'What do you think? Was it good? This was the first time you or I were this long next to him. If it were something more to him we could spend more time like this.'


'I am not suggesting we stay like this, I am simply saying about the plan I had in God Realm.' Gu Yue was planning to rope Na'er into her scheme, alone she can't do that much but as Gu Yuena they have the biggest shot of becoming extremely important to Xue Long. 

Since Gu Yuena is Twin Martial Spirit, with extraordinary talent AND beauty as great as the Angel girl! This makes her a prime candidate for the position of his wife!

'Yes, you are indeed right, and I am willing to continue this… as long as I am not just in the back seat.'

Hearing that, made Gu Yue think… as she is right now, she is always in control, will she give some of it to the Head Maid? 

She might as well do it… for a shot to be something more than a glorified Servant!

'Fine… we can start plotting this after this is all over!'

As they were thinking about their schemes, Xue Long finished with the merger with Space Core. He floated up into the air…this time he didn't need any sort of wings or anything… no Spirit Power.

It's like he can fly as easily as he can walk on the surface of the planet!


Xue Long inspected himself high in the air. His new core is already showing its powers… It appears he can completely ignore the pull of gravity and it would seem the distance is pretty much meaningless to him as well!

This is simply broken and absurd… Space and Time working together like this is simply absurd!

The Prince's gaze looked around and he could 'Gaze' further than any normal being should! He quickly founded the Sea God's island. A smile appeared. He will visit that place soon.

For now, he looked around for more. He still needs two more cores before he is done with this layer and his Heaven and Earth Meditation could reach the next level!

'Hmm… this is pointless, I can't seem to find anything related to life or death… oh…wait…' 

With single-step Xue Long appeared in his Palace and walked to the main living room. He found the Asura God's Sword. The sword which took the lives of many people…

It was reeking of death. 

So, for another couple of hours, he stayed in his living room and just did his thing.

The Crown Prince's behaviour has slightly unsettled his maids as he was behaving extra weirdly to say the least. For one they could not track his movement anymore. As far as they know he should be in Martial Field… but somehow he appeared in his Palace!?

This made the maids which were slightly relaxing get on edge! What if he finds them slacking!? That was horrible just to think about it!

This is why they started to pay extra attention to their surroundings!

Regardless of any of this Xue Long was extra preoccupied with this as he was gathering his Death Core. 

He was very satisfied with how the sword was potent with Death itself. As he gathered the Death Core much quicker than Space or Time.

After condensing it he was able to filter out death and pinpoint Life much, much easier. The best location for that was a Forest… like Sta Dou Forest…

'I should rename the forest, there is no more Star Luo to speak off…' 

'The Imperial Forest? Or maybe THE Spirit Beast Forest? Something like that…' 

Without much hassle, he found the most lush area in the very Core of Star Dou Forest and started to gather… Life

Unlike the other three, this… is going to take a while… 

So, to hasten the process Time was employed.  A bubble of Time spread through the area… then It started to flow faster!

As he was doing that Spirit Beasts noticed him, they all looked at this human wearily, for one he just popped here without any sort of sound or notice! It's like he just magically appeared here!

For another, they can't grasp his power at all! Yet, they could feel endless pressure rolling from him. 

Even a certain black-haired man was looking at him very seriously. He was feeling threatened by the Golden Dragon King…

It only has been a few years. Yet, now the Prince is already as strong as he is or even stronger… 

Then… crushing force descended on all the lifeforms of the forest… pushing them down to the ground. It was so suffocating that it felt like their organs were going to explode and they would turn into mists of blood.

This lasted for several moments before it disappeared…

Something has happened! The Golden Dragon King has finished whatever he was doing.

As when he was done… he simply disappeared.

'What speed… I could not even see him move… or… no, he didn't move… the space moved around him. Such mastery over space… what happened? How did he grow so strong so fast!?'

The black dragon-turned-human was wondering what happened to Silver Dragon King… he doubts she reached that kind of level of strength… for all purposes, she could be dead… but then the Golden Dragon King would already be a Dragon God… it doesn't make any sense!


Xue Long didn't expect his strength once again to increase so sharply! His cultivation domain has increased once more! By this point, it's not a domain but a separate reality now! 

For now, he wants to test it out. He doesn't want to randomly use it, but with purpose in mind.

'Sea God's place is the sea and is surrounded by water-based Spirit Beasts.'

'I suppose I should test this with Shui Sisters… there is that borderline million-old ring whale thing… I could give that one to Bing'er…' 

'Wait… he is a King so he has a Queen… this means I could give it Yue'er as well…' Xue Long stroked his chin as he reappeared in his Palace.

The maids who saw him just pop up like this squeaked from shock! They were surprised how he could do that!

"M-My Prince!?"

"Call me my Ice maid pair. I want to talk to them." He asked the nervous maid who was getting over her shock.

"Of course!"

As she quickly rushed to do what he requested he took his seat in the main living room. It has been some time since he used this place.

Thinking about this… his senses were far, far greater now. Because of his mental state which has been cultivated by the Lotus Meditation, he knows that he can help Wang Qiu'er now. 

Yes, with his new domain… realm he could help her become human in just a few moments…

But, first, he should test it in less dangerous ways…

As he was thinking about that, the pair of blue-haired girls arrived at the room he was in… they were slightly nervous… most likely thinking that something will happen to them! Since it was so random!

"M-My Prince?"

"Girls, come in, let's talk! I have an idea in mind." 

Hearing that it's nothing serious they relaxed and walked in and stood in front of the Crown Prince.

"What do you need from us?" They asked respectfully.

"What do you girls say about your Ninth Ring being close to 1 million years old?"
