
Spirit Core


La_fin_ · ファンタジー
19 Chs


Hours passed after Von's successful scheme, but the same problem still persisted.

"How can there be no humans after walking for two whole days??" It was nearing night time now, and Von was starting to get frustrated.

"We also didn't find any humans apart from you guys while we walked," Jet added.

"Could something have happened to them? Like those animals that were chasing us?" Chris asked.

[That's actually a good point,] Quinn told Von.

"How is that possible? They're just mindless beasts," Von asked both Quinn and Chris.

"You just came, so you may not know, but the portals we used actually lead to other planets. Normally, we are taken to observe other races. This is the first time we were taken out to 'hunt'," Chris said.

"I don't understand what you're trying to say," Jet replied him.

"What I'm saying is there may be other life-forms that we haven't encountered yet, and they may be hostile..."

He didn't have to finish his statement though, they understood perfectly what could have happened if what Chris said was true.

"We have to find them," Jet proclaimed with a dark expression.

"Just wait a second," Von said before asking Quinn to speak.

[I saw that the animals weren't the normal type, so I figured something had to be controlling them. That would explain why they kept chasing you and the other one for one and half hours.]

Von sighed and glanced at the two people with him.

"That makes sense."

Jet stepped forward but was quickly stopped by Chris.

"If all the students have being captured, that would include the S-class students, won't it? We are just an A-class and two B-classes, what difference do you think we'll make?" Chris asked.

"I don't care if it makes a difference or not, I'm searching for them either way." Jet said resolutely.

"Alright, we'll go, it's not like staying will be of any benefit either," Von eventually said.

Chris wanted to object but a fierce stare from Von made him remember his position as Von's servant.

"To be able to capture the students so easily, the captor or captor would have to be in the early intermediate stage of S-class," Chris concluded. "There should be around two hundred students, with ten percent being S-class. That would make the captors in the early intermediate stage around six in number..."

"Could you keep the calculations to yourself please?" Jet pleaded as her nervousness was increasing with Chris'every word.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter," Von added nonchalantly. "Either we're captured, or we're killed. Simple as that."

[Von! Don't talk like that, I don't want to see you killed, and it isn't something you should say in the presence of a nervous damsel!]


He glanced at his companions and found Jet and Chris shooting daggers at him with their eyes.

Von just smiled and walked faster, trying to avoid Jet's flaring eyes.


About ten kilometers away from Von's location, in an area strangely devoid of trees, a large structure with a width of 500+ meters and a height of 200m could be spotted.

It was made up of trees stacked upon each other in a crisscross pattern. There was a large door at the middle of the structure, but the strucrure lacked any windows.

There were strange looking creatures coming out and going into the building. They had faces that resembled that of humans, but wolf-like features could be spotted on their faces. They were of the normal human height and had furry skin and a tail that varied in colours. They were a race called Vawes.

They were the race that dominated the planet the students from Gifted High had been transported to and they were current dragging baskets that were made of green vines as thick as a woman's arm into the large construct.

In those green baskets were humans, all of them looked terrified and they could only watch as they were dragged into the building.

The buildings interior was not as spacious as the exterior made it out to be. It was just a corridor that was the height and width of the large door at the entrance that revealed large holes that branched into different places.

The wolf-like creatures that were transporting the humans branched into the second hole on the left and continued walking until they reached a set of prisons.

There were other humans there, all of them numbering up to two hundred, all placed in twenty different cells and divided in groups of ten. The latest prisoners, eight of them including Jet's former companions were all put into an eleventh cell, and they were left on their own, wondering what sort of fate would befall them.

A Vawes with silver hair, eyes and fur all over his body inspected the latest prisoners and frowned. He turned back and traversed the hole, coming out into the corridor. Then, he proceeded to the last hole on the right side of the corridor. It was quite the distance, but the Vawes didn't mind it. He entered the hole and a white wooden door was revealed.

-We'er here, may I enter?- the male Vawes spoke in a rough voice.

-Enter,- another rough voice replied.

The silver Vawes entered an bowed his head as a form of greeting to a male Vawes that had the same features as the silver one, with the difference being the white fur.


-The horde wasn't able to get the creature. He slipped from their grasps, and I take full responsibility as their master.-

The white haired stared for a while before speaking.


-It lured the horde towards another six of it's race, and then it left with one of them. The leader of the horde was able to capture the remaining five as their levels were lower than it's own, but a large number of casualties was recorded, thirty two to be precise.-

The whitee furred Vawes did not speak, but his tail waved about furiously. He looked at the silver furred Vawes with a grim expression and spoke in a rougher voice than before.

-Make sure you get that creature! Go yourself if you must, but I need to have that creature before my very eyes before the light goes dim, hear me?!-

The silver furred Vawes shuddered a bit before replying.

-I hear perfectly!-

And then, he left. He exited the building and disappeared into the forest that stretched before him.

-…- is used for the language of the aliens.

La_fin_creators' thoughts