
Spirit Core


La_fin_ · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Sinister smile

Von was currently happy. He had poured his emotions out, but he still needed to vent them. And by the pleasant grace of lady luck, five guinea pigs delivered themselves into his hands.

"Not a chance."

He replied to the order he was given with a smoothness and coolness that surprised him. He clutched his swords hard as he watched his aggressors unveil their weapons and activate their abilities.

Osian's skin hardened and gained a metallic sheen as he clenched his fists that were covered in gauntlets, Klaus and Romas jumped back and took out arrows, nocking them on their respective bows, Leo unsheathed his longsword and took a stance and Israel lit up in flames.

Feeling confident, Israel called out to Von one last time in a bid to make him retreat.

"We'll soon be on break, you don't want your parents to find you in casts, do you? I'm sure it'll break their hearts.."

Israel mocked, and the others laughed.

Von also smiled at them, but Quinn sensed something was off. She tried to communicate with Von, but he didn't reply her.

Von smiled at the mockery, then he asked them:

"You know the teachers are watching, right? What you are doing now is reducing my chance of survival. I could help you hunt your game instead-"

Israel promptly cut him short, thinking Von was afraid. They were of the same rank, so it was normal to be afraid of numbers after all.

"It's too late for that, you pompous brat! Attack this guy everyone!!"

Osian charged in first, Leo and Israel flanking him, and Klaus and Romas releasing the arrows from their grasps.

Von just smiled, and then he spoke to the people approaching him.

"I hope you don't break too easily."

The arrows immediately got to his face. If he dodged, he would be open to attacks from the vanguard, but he wasn't planning to do that.

He sliced the arrows in the air, splitting them in half, and he rushed forward to meet the vanguard. A metallic fist that revealed months of training was swung towards his face, but he batted it away using the flat side of the sword, breaking the gauntlets covering the fist.

Osian's wrist broke, but Von wasn't going to let him retreat. He threw the sword against a tree, uncaring whether it lodged itself there or not, and grabbed his elbow. He jumped back a few metres to avoid the others closing on him, and bent Osian's elbow in an unnatural way.

Before he could scream, Von had already delivered a punch of full power from an S-class core and broke his scapula and pectoral girdle in one go. He kicked his victim's knee, also breaking it before he let Osian go.

Seeing this, Leo and Israel immediately stopped. Osian's body was hardened, so they knew it would take a considerable amount of strength to break his bones in such a manner.

Hesitation set in, then it turned to fear, and Von's smile didn't help the matter at all. The archers wanted to make a run for it, but Von leapt off the ground, leaving two deep footprints and landed in front of them.

Still smiling, he took the bow that had almost slipped from Romas' hands and smashed it against Klaus' face, sending him flying and breaking the bow in the process. A fist was plunged into Romas' belly, shattering the last five ribs on the right side of his sternum.

While doing all of this, the smile never left Von's face, and coupled with the blood on his face, it gave the smile a devilish, creepy and sinister coat.

Due to his heightened senses, he felt the wind distorting. He dodged to the right and a cutting sound was heard, accompanied by a gash on the tree behind him. Von observed Leo who was clutching his sword with a defying expression and cackled.

A huge fireball of about 0.8m flew towards him next, which he also dodged completely. Then, he ran towards the flame wreathed human and the swordsman, appearing in front of their noses in seconds.


Leo tried to speak, but a sloppy, yet obscenely powerful kick flung him away, leaving him with broken ribs and damaged organs. More blood splashed on Von's face, but the smile never left his face.

Israel took a step back, frightened by the amount of power his foe possessed. When he heard the words, 'overall enhancement', he didn't think it was such a big deal because of the explanation he had received once.

"Let's see.. they're usually the balanced type. The only have improved physical capabilities and nothing else. It's just a mediocre ability if you ask me..."

Unfortunately, he was wrong. He could not do anything as Von's fist was planted firmly into his shoulder. His shoulder was crushed, his ribs broke, and his knees suffered a similar fate. His body was now adorned with different shades of red. Strangely enough, Von didn't touch his face.

Von inspected all his victims and widened his sickling smile. All of them had passed out, either from the pain or the shock, he didn't know, and neither did he care.


[Von! Von!!]


[Why were you ignoring me??]

"You were going to tell me to stop, weren't you?"


"I knew it, you-"

[Just wait a minute before complaining, I wanted to stop you because it would've been nice to have a group of people to help you through the week, but now you've destroyed their bones! What a brute!]

"Oh... I didn't think of that..."

He could almost feel Quinn's glare, so he saved himself by pointing something out.

"There's still a sixth one, we can use him instead."

All he received was a snort. He smiled, and then walked back to his sack of meat filled with meat.

"That was refreshing!" Von shouted as he picked the dried twigs that had broken from the fight earlier in order to use them as a firewood for roasting the meat.

He did this for an hour, ignoring the unconscious humans on the ground. He simply walked over them and ignored their existence.

Finally, he gathered the twigs in one place and stared intensely at a particular spot 20m away from him, then he started walking towards the place.

Chris, seeing Von staring at him froze, and then he broke out in sweat when Von started approaching.