
Spiderman: Blood On Webs

Peter Parker in the world of heros and villains...

Eremei · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 12 [ New Team ]


Biology...a really tough but interesting subject. I really like it and I am really good at it. But I am not good with Girls. Especially explaining biology to them.

As Liz and I were sitting in a caffee shop across from each other, me with a biology book in my hands and her with her phone in her hands, I tried to explain her...well biology. The basics...well...not even the basics just things an airhead like her would understand.

"See, this chapter is really all about how biological systems interact.."

She sighed and answered while still scrolling on her phone.

"Anything in there about how biological systems are boring.."

"Yeah right...who wants to waste their time about stupid books."

I said, clearly with sarcasm.

"What a coincidence Flash just texted me those exact words...about you..."

"Maybe if you stop texting Flash for a minute.."

"Good Idea..." she cut me off.

"I'll call him instead..."

'That fucking bitch'.

While Liz was talking. I noticed how a tall man with a ski mask was going inside a store.

'Oh oh...thug alert...and just when I was having so much fun being ignored...'

I grabbed my bag and stood up when Liz looked up to me with confusion.

"Look, this tutoring thing is something you need not me so...when you are ready to learn ket me know."

I walked away while Liz probably still had an confused face.

The second I turned inside an ally I quickly changed my clothes and swung to the store,

entering it and immediatly disarming the criminal pulling him with my web towards me and knocking him out with one punch.

As he laid unconscious on the ground I looked down on him and got into a squad lifting his head that was still covered in a mask, up.

"Where are my manners. I am Spider-Man...but you will probably not remember what I just said...or what anyone will say to you in the next couple hours because you're laying here on the ground like a fish on land."

I got up and looked at the cashier. He was terrified but I think it wasn't because he was getting a gun pointed at his face...

"Call 911."

The last thing I said before I left the store.

(The Next Day)

Peter Parker woke up in his bed. Fully recovered from the fight with KingPin. All broken bones healed. However....

"Nothing better than a lazy saturday morning.." I said while I got out of bed. It was 11am. I really slept a long time.

I went to my bathroom but stopped after a few steps looking to the right at the big mirror which was attached to my closet.

'I have only been Spider-Man for 4 months but...'

I looked at my body. Some parts of it were blue some purple some green.

'My injuries are healing a lot faster than a normal person but fuck it really hurts.

Well its too late to stop now. I have come this far...in 4 months...already taking down the KingPin...thats not a bad feat at all...'

I continued my way to the bathroom and as the day went on I couldn't wait for the clock to strike 6pm. Till then I studied in my room.

'Nick Fury...strange...I am even more nervous to meet him than I was to meet the Avengers.'

Suddenly my phone rang.

[Unknown Number]

I looked at the clock: 17:45.

I answered.

"Go outside. You are going to the black car on your left. You are going to open the door, get in and be silent. Bring your suit. You are going to get further instructions later."

The person just hung up. It was a woman, a rather rude one but I did as she said.

I entered a car and a chubby man with curly hair was sitting in the driver's seat.

We didn't spoke. The jouney took us 4 hours.

I thought it was gonna take forever but after hour 4 went by and we drove through a wooded area a giant a campus appeared infront of us with the big Avengers logo that was painted on the wall.

We got out of the car and on the entrance a tall, man with an eyepatch and his hands behind his back awaited us.

I now stood infront of him.

"We finally meet Peter Parker. Please follow me. I need to show you something."

I followed him inside and holy fuck the electric bills bust be outragous. Everything was up to date.

Fuck me even the coffee maker was the latest design.

The lobby was full of agents.

While i was admiring the building from the inside, fury spoke to me.

"Officially this is an Avengers building but S.H.I.E.L.D. uses it as a small...let's say training base."

"Training base ?"

I asked

"You will see"

He said with a little grin on his face.

We got on an elevator and went down to the underground second floor.

We entered a room with an giant table, 12 chairs on the table and a giant TV on the wall.

"Please have a seat. I need to show you something."

He took the remote control from the table and turned the TV on.

It showed how I stopped a thief I think it was two months ago. He had an ak47 and was a lunatic, shooting around for no reason.

I dodged the bullets webbed him up and said to the civilians that they should call an ambulance beacause two people were wounded.

Fury stopped the video clip and looked at me.

"No one is saying that you didn't stop the bad guy but look at the screen.

You took 2 minutes to stop him. Captain America would take 20 seconds little to none of collatoral damage."


I interrupted

"I do a good job. Without me those people would have died."

"You are doing a good job...for a clueless rookie. Look everyone starts out clueless even Iron-Man back when he was a novice. But he learned eventually."

Can't say I wasn't a little angry and frustrated but he had a point.

"What would you say if I turn eventually into right now for you."

I stood up.

"Listen...I am honored really but Mr.Stark already made the same offer as you and since you work together I don't really get the difference between training with you and training with the Avengers."

"Fair point however...I am not just offering to train you I have something else in mind that Stark does't know. Follow me."

We again got into the elevator and Fury pressed the button that would lead us to the 5th underground floor.

"You might wanna change your outfit.

The door opened and a giant gym with all sorts of training devices including holograms of thugs and all sorts of bad guys that were attacking.

Fury took a deep breath.


4, what seemed to be heros, gathered infront of us.

"Introduce yourself."

Fury said.

A guy with a green suit, a swen in black dragon on his chest and a mask that was just covering his upper half of his head, like daredevils mask and white lenses took a step forward.

"Iron-Fist. Namaste."

He got infront of me and lowered his head. It seemed he bowed.

The second person stepped forward. A girl in a full white suit that covered her whole body but damn she got some nice curves. Only thing visible of her body was her black hair which she has done in a ponytail.

"White Tiger. Acrobatic ninja with super speed and agility as well as master of jiu jitsu and thai boxing."

'Pff show off' I thought

Next a big muscular dark skinned guy with a black and yellow suit and what appeared to be sunnglasse steped forward.

"Name's Luke Cage. I have super strenght and I am bulletproof."

'So basically hulk on wish' I thought

Lastly a guy with and odd black suit with yellow patterns steped forward. His body started to be surrounded with blue energy and he now left the ground and was flying i front of me.

"My name is Nova."

'Thats it....'

Nick Fury looked at me. I guess it was my time for introduction.

"My name is Spider-Man. And I...well have the powers of a Spider."

Nova bursted out laughing. White Tiger and Luke Cage followed right after.

"Hahhaha i read about you. You really crawl on walls thats your super power..." The musclegead said.

"Silence" Fury said.

The only clown of them that didn't laugh was Iron-Fist. He stepped forward.

"I apologize for the behaviour of my teammates. I also read about you alot. I am very honored to meet you in person."

I turned to Fury.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"I want you to become the leader of this team. Even tho you are the youngest of them"

"Wait Sir this guy." White Tiger said.

"I will not follow the orders of this creep." Nova said.

"Well why don't you fight a little. You all against Spider-Man."

'Did this man just said I have to fight random people'

Luke smiled.

"Alright, hahah lets squash a bug"

I admit I didn't come here to fight but...the laughed at me, mocked me, embaressed me.

'I will rip the apart'

We got into a giant training room. I was stepping into the center while looser squad surround around me. Everyone in a fighting stance except me who just stood there. Nick Fury looked from the side.


He said.

Before everyone could rush at me Luke Cage said loudly.

"Hes mine."

He ran towards me and threw a big right hand that was aiming my face.

So slow.

'Should I dodge....nah'

I catched his hand with mine grabbed him in the air with one hand and smashed him on the ground two times.

I threw him back where he came from.

He got up.

He was shoked. The others were probably suprised too.

"How did you..?"

"Simple...Your just weak."

I answered.

The other three rushed at me at once.

White Tiger jumped at me with her claws out. She probably wanted to slice my face off.

I dodged and as she was in the air I grabbed her foot any threw her at Nova. He could dodge at the last minute but as he did that I catched him with a web and threw him against a wall.

Like Cage has recovered and him and Iron-Fist ran towards me.

Iron- Fists hand started glowing yellow. My spidersense went on. I was dodging both attacks until I found myself with the back against the wall.

Iron-Fist glowing hand aimed at my chest but I dodged last second. All I heard was the destruction of the wall. This would be a little lethal if he would catch me.

Nova and White Tiger now also were attacking me.

All four of them.

But there was no combination. All of them just did there own thing. Nova from the air with his beams. and the other 3 on the ground.

On pure martial arts White Tiger and Iron-Fist are far supirior than me. However the two stood in each other's way the whole time which made it easier for me to read their arttacks.

Luke Cage was just dumb. Swinging his hands with what seemed lousy boxing combos.

'These people are jokes.'

It was fun to watch them struggle but I had enough. I waited for Luke Cage to swing again dodging him and quickly going behind him while pushing him against White Tiger and Iron-Fist. They both lost their focused and as they tried to go around Luke I webbed them both up and kicking them of their feet. Both fell down.

I started swinging through the room chasing Nova with my webs until I caught him and threw him at Luke. Nova was also on the ground. I went to the ground and punched Luke in his stomach. Pretty hard but nowhere near my full power. He got on his knees holding his stomach.

All of them where down.

"Young Avengers...what a joke."

I said. All of them looked at me. Disappointed, angry, sad.

"You have no right to call yourself heros. Look aroudn destroyed walls and the ground as well es the roof is shattered. What if those were building with civilians in it ?"

You are nowhere near ready for the real world."

I went to Fury who was watching the whole circus from the side.

"And you called me a clueless rookie."

"Spider-Man. Each one of them are just like you. Young with so much potential. They could use guidance from a kid who's been on the streets a while."

"I can't be responsible for what happens to a bunch of rookies."

"I know that you feel responsible for what happened to your uncle Ben but at some point you are allowed to forgive youself and start over. I wouldn't have made this offer if I wouldn't see the potential of you and all of them to become the next Avengers.

Those kids have the training just not as a team and you have the real world experience. After that fight they will be willing to give you a chance to lead them. Will you give them a chance?."

'This man is a real mystery.'

"Allright. I will join your little junior glee club but I will still sometimes operate solo as Spider-Man."


He immediatly agreed.

We both shook hands.

"Get rest training will continue tomorrow."

He said to them while they still were on the ground.

We both walked to the elevator.

'Sorry Nick. I don't care abour your team or the new Avengers. As long as I can keep my family and friends safe with you and Stark watching over my back...thats all that matters.'

Chapter 12 END