
Spiderman: Angel of Adversity

"I just... just... wanted to be special... like you..." Those were the last words spoken by Peter Benjamin Parker of Earth-65. Peter grew up bullied for his nerdy and nebbish nature and was dubbed "Pathetic Parker" by his tormentors. With the imperfect Lizard serum down his throat, so was his fate sealed. His death would inspire Spider-Woman's heroic acts. However! The web woven around his fate seemingly took a turn, as Peter was destined to meet an Angel. Would SHE be his salvation? Would Peter define his fate? Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Marvel or other original works; this is a fanfic of inspiration. Characters and the original storyline belong to their rightful owners.

Paradox_057 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 10: The Blessed

Earth 65-B

New York was currently experiencing a never-before phenomenon, a true miracle...

Feathers... all were brownish feathers falling from the sky like scattered snow on a cold December's day. Except this spelled troubles... disturbing troubles...

The entire city was raging with extreme emotions.

Traffic was stuck in jeopardy as everyone just stopped and stared blankly at this magnificent yet somehow disturbing scenery. Some quickly pull out their devices to record this phenomenon.

"Look! Look! Did ya all see this? Holly freak, this shiet is real, guys!...Here..." The young man decided to livestream him, attempting to catch of the falling feathers

"This... is an owl's feathers? Hmm... Guys, this seems like just an owl feather, really, but... how can they be just falling down from the sky like that?" The young man pointed his device at the twilight sky, looming with uncountable feathers.

"Where the hell did these come from?" He whispered in bewilderment as he just realised that the feathers in his hand were gone!

"What the!?" His eyes widened. It was then that the young man realised that all those feathers that had fallen near the ground would start to evaporate into thin air in a few seconds. As if they were being erased from reality.

Many were having the same reaction as him; some researchers also caught a few feathers, but all initial inspection showed this was just a plain feather, nothing strange about, absolute nothing, as if the universe just decided to play trick on reality.

On the other side, those who were pious, pastors and churches throughout New York, started praying.

"My Lord! Is this God's doing?"

"I don't know, Father, whether this is a miracle or the initial of our doom... Amen..." The pastor tapped the sign of the cross four times on his chest.

However, there were also many that reacted extremely as they began to break down, screaming loudly, running frantically, spewing things about doom, and such... causing a ruckus. Luckily, they were soon contained by the authorities.

Click! A man was stepping out of his car on a jammed road. He had a deep complexion, was dressed in black, and was wearing a black eye patch. His visage turned grim, seeing the entire bizarre situation.

Beep! Beep! ... "This is agent Fury! Reporting! We've got a Motherf**king red code situation here! Are yall seeing this!?"

Having reached a vantage point, Nick Fury turned his gaze towards the twilight sky, tainted with feathers. His eye narrowed as he spotted a peculiar area, seemingly a school, but now that place was like the centre of a storm.

Where brownish feathers falling down densely like heavy rain, obscuring everything in sight, covered up what was truly happening from all eyes and ears. The school was like separated from this universe.

"Initial speculation: the cause of the anomaly to be located within Midtown High School! Over!"

Something was up, and Nick didn't like what followed up, which wouldn't be nice. 'What the F**ck is happening!'

Standing on a peculiar rooftop of a building with a window bearing the symbol of the Anomaly Rue, the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Ancient One was beholding the city with a perplexed expression.

'Impossible.' Her face contorted into fear—fear of the unknown. Just now, she was trying to attempt a divination via Astral Projection. Yet all she could see were feathers obstructing every sight; the flow of fate had been blocked, veiled behind countless feathers.

Every attempt to piece through the shrouded truth was in vain. Any more, and the price she paid would be her own life.

The Ancient One broke into a profound sweat as she grasped for air. This phenomenon was beyond her, even with the help of the Eye of Agamotto. Whoever or whatever was causing all of these was something beyond, something so ancient, so bizarre...

"Even Dormammu can't manifest this level of prowess." Her lip quivered as she beheld the magnificent scenery of the Twilight Sky, tainted with countless feathers

"...Reality is being shredded and reassembled at the same time!?"

Then, as the burning sun finally set, there was nothing but a clear, starry sky. New York, the world had returned to normalcy.

The miracle had ended.

The Ancient One's eye widened in confusion as she could no longer sense the disturbance within the fabric of reality, but her intuition told her otherwise.

"What had happened?"


Twenty-four minutes ago at Midtown High School.

As the Angel of Adversity made her appearance before a dying Peter, using her authority, she blocked off the entire area of the school from this reality yet still existed within it, making it harder for other forces to notice the change in the multiverse, thus preventing unwanted attention and intervention.

The school was exiting an obscure state, a paradox, albeit not for long.

Peter was amassed once again as he witnessed the Angel's prowess; everything else beside him and the angel was frozen in time. But with his acute senses, Peter could discern that everything was still active, albeit too slowly.

"Don't worry, I only applied Zeno's paradox to this area, buying us a few more minutes... Now, Mr. Parker, time is of the essence..."

Hearing those words, Peter snapped back to his situation. Heavily injured and incapacitated under the debris, his stamina was running out, and by the time it depleted, so would his regenerative ability; that would mark his end.

On the other side, uncle Ben and aunt May weren't better. Peter's eyes turned teary as he saw the fallen feathers slowly cover their weak bodies. Captain Stacy was also in a dire situation; he wouldn't survive the impeding barrage of bullets coming from those KP's goon.

"G-Gwen..." She was stuck in a three-way battle with the KP and another unknown force while those two hideous siblings were watching the show from the rooftops.

Peter grunted his teeth in frustration, anger, and despair. Turning his gaze towards the mysterious angel, Peter inquired.

"Why, why would any of this happen to me? All I wanted was to just..." His voice trailed off.

"Would you truly believe in fate and destiny? Mr. Parker? In fact, it was your fate to die here on this day; consider it a cannon event, an anchor that cannot be changed by mere mortals. This would serve as leverage for Gwen Stacy to truly become the Spider-woman or Ghost Spider of this world

"Even without my intervention, you would still downed that Lizard Serum right here at this destined prom, becoming a raging monster only to be slain by her hands." The angel spoke calmly, as if stating the obvious.

Peter was in a daze, speechless, as his mind swirled with that unbelievable information. 'Destined to die... a leverage... intervention?'

At first, he was about to lashed out at the Angel for her intervention, which logically complied fate to fix it, which led to this tragic ending, but again, the image of him dying resurfaced in his mind.

'She could have left things as she wished, but she chose to do so. And with such prowess. That means...'

After a moment of contemplation, Peter's eye shone with determination as he locked eyes with the Angel. "Even if it is fate or destiny, you can change it, right?"

The Angel tersely acknowledged with a slight nod.

"So that accord was for this moment; you needed me to sign it for your own purpose, and I guess... it is a ticket for your way into this world."

"Indeed." Her mouth curled up into a smile.

With that said, a leather contract appeared, hovering in front of Peter.

"Take this and you'll become my blessed, as I will ensure your loved ones protection; in exchange, you will serve me until I can achieve my purpose. A fair price, I'd say."

'Fair?' Peter scoffed inwardly. To him, this deal smelled of many troubles—unknowing troubles, Peter still had doubts regarding the Angel's reason for choosing him. In fact, it seemed like he was making a deal with the devil, as nothing ensured that everything would stay the same after accepting the accord or that he would make it out alive till she achieved her purpose.

However... "Please make haste, Mr. Parker; we don't have much time; I have already reached the limit of my interference here. Many hostile gazes are watching."

... Watching the sea of multiverse right now, the Living Tribunal's expression turned sour as he spotted an anomaly, a cluster of illusory brownish feathers attaching to one of the many Earths, hiding itself within the sea of multiverse, alluding to his grasp, but not for long...

Heaving a deep sigh, Peter gathered his thoughts as well as his remaining stamina.

"To hell with all that Fate or Destiny..." Peter grabbed the leather contract before him decisively, to the satisfaction of the Angel.

"Good, now recite my honorifics and beg for my salvation."

"What is an honori-" Suddenly, a thud echoed through Peter's mind as the corresponding information was injected into his brain. "This..."

It took him a few seconds to process that information before clearing his throat and stating it as loudly as possible in an obscured language.

"Wanderer of Destiny

Observator of Fate 

Patron of the Good

Sympathiser of the Ugly

Angle of Adversity. (image)

I pray for your loving grace.

I beseech your arrival and sheltered us from our demise!"

Peter technically shouted with all his might in the end before his vision shut down. The last image he could remember was a smiling Angel as she slowly turned her gaze towards the faraway Twilight Sky.


Little did Peter know that this would mark the beginning of a battle between deities that would decide the fate of the Multiverse.


Far away from all reality, beyond the multiverse, high above everything. The House of Ideas.

Amid the endless corridor of bookshelves, at the centre with a mysterious globe, stood a man coated in ever-brilliance light. His figure resembled that of a man, yet, his aura was beyond any words of description. The One Above All.

At the time, he was looking at the point on the mysterious globe with amusement.

When Peter recited those words, TOAA's eyes squinted for a moment as he also acknowledged the Angel's gaze

Haiz, TOAA, let out a slight nod before shifting his gaze elsewhere.


Having received HIS acceptance in this bet, The Angel of Adversity slowly raised her hand and pointed towards the Living Tribunal.

The three hot-headed guard dogs were slightly dumbfounded by such an event. He was fiercely throwing attacks at the cluster of Anomaly. However, it was futile, as they failed to reach the cluster and began to even turn into illusory feathers. The cluster seemed to corrupt all these attacks, like a mass of paradoxes threatening to swallow everything, and it was heading towards his place!

Sensing the impeding danger, the Living Tribunal grunted under his breath before ceasing his attempt and removing his influence from Earth 65-B.


Seeing such action, The Angel let out a cold smile towards the retreating guard dog.

"Now, for Neith's puppets..." With that said, her figure collapsed into brownish feathers that also vanished into thin air afterwards.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Thank you for all the supports although i can't update this frequently with all the other work.

Paradox_057creators' thoughts